↞ Chapter Twenty-Five ↠

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Episode Fifteen

At every loud noise I jumped.

I couldn't get myself to calm down, but I was able to find a ledge for me to lean against that gave me a good look at everyone in the crowd. Not that it did me much good.

I was able to see the backs of the Reagan family, all of whom sat at the front row. Frank sat up on the stage, in obvious pain, but I suppose it was only obvious to me, as my side was throbbing loudly. Suddenly Jameson stood, his head ducked and his hand pressed to his ear. His mouth was moving, but I couldn't see what he was saying. I watched as he moved quickly through the isles before a hand landed on my shoulder. I spun quickly, probably to quickly, it felt like a pop in my side, and a sudden flare of pain all the way up my side.

"Danny?" The question came out sort of pained, as the flare from my side made my voice strained.

His face was contorted into an angry look, and for a second I thought it was about the shooter possibly being in here. "Jethro Howards I am going to kill you." He used two hands to straighten me out, before continuing. "You should be in the hospital you idiot."

I snorted, and shook my head. "What is the status on the shooter?" I changed the subject quickly, and suddenly Danny turned, looking over the banister.

"He's here. I think he's planning on taking another shot at the Commissioner." I turn and look too, waiting for him to say what the man looks like. "Kevin Brennan, male, white. Six foot two or so, brown hair. He walks with a limp."

Frank started to walk towards the podium, and I nudge Danny a bit, catching his attention. "You check round here, I'll start down the stairs, and you can take another look up here alright." I started to the stairs, before pausing, "Danny," he turned back to me, "if you find him, don't shout, as little attention we can bring would be best."

He nodded, and turned away. I started down the stairs, scanning the people as I went. Then suddenly Jameson came dashing (in more ways then one) towards me. I squinted, trying to see what he was seeing, but was unsuccessful. Jameson made a grab at someone, before lifting his hands and looking like he was apologizing.

He turned, and I was happy for one that he didn't see me.

"...is a piece of the Continent, part of the main..." Franks words echoed around the auditorium, but a distinct thunk distracted me from the words that he was saying. I turned, hearing the sound again, and made eye contact with a man. He looked nervous, and I started to walk towards him. I caught Danny's attention, pointing out the Brennan man, and he made his way down the stairs as I made my way up.

Brennan turned straight into him, before panicking and pulling his gun anyways. I reacted quickly, sprinting up the last few sets of stairs and grabbing the top of the gun. I shoved it downwards with my right hand and lashed out with my left, throat punching the man. He gasped, and then Danny came in, grabbing the mans arms and slamming him to the ground. I took the gun into both hands, checking the chamber before putting the safety on and shoving it into my waistband.

"...for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee." Frank said thank you, just as Jameson got up next to the two of us. They took over making the actual arrest, and basically carrying the man all the way up the stairs.

I press my right hand to my side, cradling my stomach as I thump up the stairs. I new I popped a stitch, but that wasn't priority at the moment. I followed Jameson and Danny out of the college and watched carefully as they put the man in the back of a police car.

"You alright Jamie?" Danny spoke lowly, encouraged by the nod his brother gave, he grabbed him my the base of his neck and pulled him in for a firm hug. I smiled at the brotherly moment, before stepping forward and setting my hand firmly on his shoulder. He snorted at me, before realizing that it was purely because I needed to hold myself up. Danny grabbed me, helping me to sit on the curb of the sidewalk. "Jamie you stay with him, I'll call a bus."

A hand touched my shoulder, and when I looked up Jamie had a light smile on his face but worry in his eyes. He sat down next to me.

"I'm upset," I mutter, leaning towards him.

"Why?" He sounded a bit worried, setting his hand between the two of us, my forehead landed on his shoulder.

I smile, "I didn't get to admire you in your dress blues."

He laughed a bit, and I could feel the smile forming on his face.

"It's a right shame," I muttered, rolling my head a bit on his shoulder, before picking my head up and propping it on my own hand. "I'm going to ask you a question, but I don't want you to be upset with me." He made a sound of curiosity, and I continued, "Go on a date with me? A proper one?"

He laughed, and when I looked at him he looked just ready to answer.

"The bus is here." Danny walked over to us and I nodded. Jameson changed tactics, instead moving to help me to my feet. I walk towards the ambulance, and mutter a thank you to the two of them for the help. "Jamie you ride with him, I'll tell dad once he's out." Jameson nodded, and I got a little excited at the idea.

The two paramedics helped me into the back of the ambulance, and got me seated on the stretcher. Jameson climbed his way up, and sat on the bench next to me. The doors slammed shut, and both paramedics climb in, one staying with me and hooking me up to a heart monitor in record time. Instead of sitting in the back with us he climbed his way to the front of the ambulance and buckled himself in.

I waited for the ambulance to pull away from the curb, before reaching out to Jameson and taking his hand. He held mine tightly, before looking away to the front of the ambulance. When he seemed happy about something, he pushed forward, pressing a kiss to my lips. It was much to quick to really lean into, but I appreciated it all the more.

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