↞ Chapter Seven ↠

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Episode Two

"Come on Dante, do yourself a favor here?" Danny sighs loudly as he looks at the boy sitting on the other side of the table. We had been in here for hours, separating each gang member from the rest of them and question all of them one by one. It was tedious and useless, but it's the only way to get what we want.

"Eve' if I did know where he wa', I wouldn' tell pigs."

"What, you think Handsome's going to take care of you?" I spoke up from my corner of the room, the man, Dante, glared at me for a moment before responding.

"You don't rat on a man with Handsome's stature." Dante mutters, leaning back in his chair as he does.

"Stature." Danny repeats, he looks over his shoulder at me with an 'you-believe-this-guy' kind of face. I just shrug in response.

"Matter of fact, I want my lawyer now."

Danny looks at me again and mimics Dante in a dramatic way. He slams his hands on the table and the sound echoes loudly throughout the small room, effectively startling Dante. I open the door for Danny, and follow him out.

"I'm done with this for today." He flips his wrist over to check his watch. "But I won't be late." He hurries to his desk to collect his coat and jacket, stacking a few papers all together and organizing the desk quickly.

"Late?" I was confused for a second, thinking I had forgotten about a meeting or an interview we were suppose to be conducting.

"Family dinner, it's a tradition. Always has been," He huffs as he pulls his coat on over his jacket. "Always will be."

I nod in mild understanding. Having grown up without any actual family to speak of, I had no real idea of what a family dinner was like, but it sounded like a good thing. I mean, based off of how Danny was reacting it could be a good thing, but I wouldn't know.

"Well, have fun?" It was a question, and Danny laughed.

"It should be." He checks his watch again, "If my younger brother remembers dessert."

I laugh, grabbing my coat and pulling it on, before snagging Kenai's leash and checking my weapon on my waist. Danny leads the way out of the back of the precinct, and when we reach the door I bid him goodbye as I walk towards my bike.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, that's yours?" Danny's voice pipes up from behind me and I nod as I turn around.

"Yep, bought it in London a few years back, hell of a price to send it here." I respond, pulling the two helmets out of the seat compartment. I could see the gears turning in Danny's head, and watched as he closed his car door with an audible click before walking towards me.

"How does that work?"

"Well, there are plenty of companies that you can contact to do the shipment, and I used-" He interrupts me.

"No, no, no, the dog on the bike." He asks with laughter in his voice. 

"Oh, lots of practice and careful movements." I clarify, before leaning over to put Kenai's helmet and goggles on her. I hold up a hand to tell him to wait, before pulling my helmet over my head and clipping it on. I swing my leg over first, and start up the bike before patting the back for Kenai. She hops up and I hear Danny let out another loud laugh at the sight of it.

"Hold up, I've got to get a picture of this." Danny shouts over the sound of the engine, and instinctively I smile for the camera even though you can't see my mouth. When the flash goes off I wave goodbye to Danny before slowly walking backwards on the bike. I shoot forward swinging around Danny before heading towards the street. As I go I can hear him laughing to himself, which of course leads me to smile about the situation.

(By the way I would just like to say that the whole dog-riding-on-back-of-motorcycle thing is totally possible, and I've done it before, so this is based off of truth.)

It took me four blocks to decide where I was going. It's to early to go straight back to my apartment, so I settled on a bakery/coffee shop for late afternoon hot chocolate a couple of blocks from my apartment. All and all a twenty minute ride from the precinct, during which Kenai's head started on the top of my helmet before slowly moving to land on my shoulder. It was cute. Plenty of people got pictures or shouted how much they loved my dog, it was wonderful.

When I reached Amizo's Cafe, I pulled onto the sidewalk and let Kenai off first. She waggled her butt at me before darting away, I shouted loudly nearly falling over myself as I pulled my helmet off and chased after her.

"Kenai! Kenai! Get your ass back here!" I shouted as I chased after her, dodging around pedestrians before lunging at her leash on the ground. I successfully grab the leash, and when I look at her she's smiling as she pisses next to a tree. I wait a second for her to finish before sternly talking to her under my breath as I walk back to my bike.

It only took a few minutes to tuck everything away and to grab my backpack before walking into the cafe.

"Monsieur Jethro!" A voice calls from the counter in greeting. I walk a bit more into the building and smile at Daveed who stands behind the counter. He walks around throwing his arms around me in an excited way. I laugh, patting his back before leaning backwards. "De usual yes?"

I smile and nod, walking towards the register. The man has a very thick French accent, which often means skipping syllables and pronouncing things differently than others. Daveed and I know each other fairly well, we had first met in London, just before he decided to spread his business to New York.

He hands my coffee to me over the counter, and follows it with a couple of dog biscuits for Kenai. I hand him a tener, and reply for him to keep the change. I make my way to a table in the corner of the room, and sit down quickly, feeding Kenai one of the biscuits. Just as I was about to start on the files someone calls my name. For a moment I was worried who called my name, but just as I looked up I smiled brightly at who the voice belonged too.

"Jameson." He smiled as he approached my table, holding his hand out to me for a shake. I did so once, in a less fancy manner, if that makes sense. It was a lighter handshake for sure.

"Good to see you again Jett." He bent over a bit to pet Kenai just as I offered him the other seat at the table. "I would, but I'm heading to my dads now. I just came for a pie."

"Ah, well, I recommend the cobbler, not the pie." He leans his head to the side as I talk, a lighter smile on his face. "Not to say the pie's not good, it's brilliant. But I've always found Daveed's cobbler recipe a bit better, well that's to say our recipe. I helped a bit with the raspberry cobbler, not the blueberry. Blueberry is shit."

He laughed at my final declaration, and I realized that I was embarrassing myself a bit more than I'd ever hope too. 

"Bit barrissin'." I mutter, rubbing the side of my hand across my mouth one way and the back in the other direction, he laughs.

"I think I'll go for the raspberry cobbler then. Thank you Jett."

"You're welcome Jameson." I took a deep breath, and tried to bring myself to look away from those hazel eyes of his. I am unsuccessful for a few moments, and when I finally do I hoped I didn't make it awkward.

"You didn't." I wasn't sure what he meant. "See you around detective."

"Goodbye Officer."

I sat in a flustered state for quiet some time, unable to actually concentrate on my work as all I could think of was Jameson. More specifically his words and appearance. Any other time I had seen the man he was in uniform, and quite handsome as such. But seeing him like this was different. His light grey shirt set off his eyes, and the blue jeans were just a bit different than the blue slacks like usual. He topped it off with a black leather jacket, and if anything it made him appear a bit more filled out. All in all he is a very handsome man.

And then I went pale, because I had spoken out loud.

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