↞ Chapter Twenty-Eight ↠

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Season Three, Episode Twenty-Two

We were seated in the waiting room for fourteen minutes before Garrett Moore joined us, I could tell he wanted to talk shop but that none of us were ready to.

Three hours and thirteen minutes later a doctor came to speak to all of us.

Dr. Louisa Ridley was her name, and she was a short woman with dark hair, and she came with a smile on her face.

"Officer Reagan's surgery was a success."

The room erupted into cries of happiness, the boys came at me, wrapping their arms around my middle. I ducked over, holding them both close with a small smile and a kiss on their heads.

Dr. Ridley had trouble speaking over our happiness, "You can all follow me, he's already asking for all of you."

I smiled, taking both Sean and Jack's hands in mine and following the doctor with the rest of the family. Sean had Kenai's leash in hand and she was prancing beside him with a rolling tongue.

It was a quick walk, but I was too distracted to focus on our surroundings. I wanted to see Jameson, my concentration was on Jameson, and as soon as we stepped in I sighed, suddenly calm at the sight of him on the bed.

He was pale, and for a moment I thought he was asleep but he opened his eyes, smiling at all of as we stepped in.

I thought I had no tears left to cry from sitting in the waiting room for so long, but the second Jameson's head rolled over to look at me with a tired smile on his face the tears poured a new. I stumbled towards the bed, letting go of the boys hands and reaching for Jameson's with a sad smile.

"Oh, don't cry," Jameson's voice was scratchy and rough, and his other hand reached to brush the tears away. He winced, dropping his hand to his side and pressing his hand to his side.

"Careful love." I sat down beside him, wiping the tears away myself and smiling at him. I pressed a kiss to his forehead, before kissing his lips softly and sitting back up.

Jameson looked past me, smiling at his family. "Hi." It was all he said, and the few that understood it as a joke laughed. They all quickly shared how happy they were that he was alive and I agreed with every word. I stepped to the side, letting the family get past me as they all hugged and kissed him in happiness.

Frank sighed happily at the sight of his son smiling at the family.

Jameson asked for my hand, and I gave it to him, pulling him to a much better seated position and plumping his pillow.

"How's Vinny?" Jameson asked, and suddenly there was a lurch in the happiness. "Vinny? My partner? He was shot too I think, it's all, it's all kind of a blur."

I took Jameson's hand in both of mine, pressing a kiss to it as I started to speak. "Jameson, he, he-" I didn't know how to phrase it.

A tear fell from Jameson's eye, "If it takes that long to say."

I knew he knew what I was trying to say, and I muttered an apology. The room was tense, and Jameson looked to Frank.

"I have to go." Frank said it with a sad smile, and Jameson just nodded.

"Go, go, I'll be alright." Jameson motioned for Frank to leave, and Frank stepped towards the bed, and patting Jameson shoulder with a soft hand.

"I'm so, happy you're alright." Frank muttered, before starting towards the door and leaving with Garrett.

"You all should go to, it's getting to late for the boys and you three have school tomorrow." Jameson yawned, though I could tell it was forced. Erin reached for his hand and squeezed it tightly.

"We'll visit tomorrow." She reasoned, and the pair of us nodded.

"I'm going to stay the night," I started, "Danny could you-"

"I'll take the dog." Danny held his hand up and smiled, "I'll see you tomorrow, both of you."

I nodded, smiling in thanks and bending to scratch at Kenai's head and high-fiving the boys as they left the room. I followed them to the door, pulling it shut with a sad sigh and looking over at Jameson with a small smile.

"Jameson." I muttered his name, and tears started to pour from his eyes, I crossed the room in three steps, sitting on the side of the bed and taking his hands in mine. "Oh my love, I'm so sorry."

He shook his head, "I, I didn't think Vinny would-" Jameson didn't seem to be able to finish his sentence, and I mutter an apology under my breath. I felt awful, but at the same time, I was glad that Jameson was alright.

"I'm so sorry my love."

It was silent between the two of us for a moment, before he started to move over, wincing as he did.

"Lay beside me?" He asked me, and I nodded, helping him to move over. I stood, pulling my coat and jacket off before setting them on the chair beside the bed. I slowly laid down, careful to not jostle him to much. He rolled into me, his head resting on my chest, and his hand in mine.

"I was, I was so scared." I muttered, looking up at the blaring white hospital lights. "When someone, called me, and it wasn't you, god-"

"I'm okay." Jameson smiled up at me, and I nodded. "I love you Jett."

"I love you too."

There was so much left to deal with, from Santana to Officer Vincent Cruz's death, but all I wanted was for Jameson to rest in my arms for the rest of time.

He fell asleep long before I did, and I felt so perfect with Jameson in my arms.

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