↞ Chapter Thirty-Three ↠

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Season Two, Episode Twenty-Two

I left my flat before Jameson woke up.

Every part of me told me that I should have stayed. Mother's Day is tomorrow, and I knew that was a hard day from Jameson, for the entire Reagan family. But today, today was hard for me.

I knew, I knew, that I should have just stayed with him, but I just couldn't.

My aunt and I had a tradition, and this was the second year I'd be missing it. I called her, as soon as I was out of the house and on my way to the precinct.

"Auntie Cass," my voice wavered, and I took a breath.

"Mon Ours." I smiled at the childhood nickname, it was something that I had missed since the move. "I'm at the gardens."

"You have the bouquet?" I asked, but I already knew that she did.

I could hear the crunching of the bouquet plastic as she started to list the flowers, "Yes Ours, six blue-"

"Blue forget-me-nots." I finished. My fathers favorite flowers were forget-me-nots, and my mothers favorite color was blue. "Thank you."

Aunt Cass didn't say anything back, but there was an understood response. I continued to drive, letting my aunt make her way to my parents shared grave site. I wished more than anything to be there, but I couldn't and that broke my heart.

"I'll be there next year Auntie Cass." I didn't promise, but I wanted too.

"I hope so mon Ours." It got quiet on the other end of the line, she had stopped walking. "I'm with them now." I could hear her set the bouquet down, and I started to speak to my parents.

I told them about Jameson, and how much I was in love with him. I told them about my job, and how much I loved it. I even got the chance to tell them about the Reagan family, and our Sunday dinners. I told them that our family had grown and that I missed them so much.

I reached the precinct just as I finished, Aunt Cass told me goodbye and wished me luck on the day. I told her the same, and that was it.

Danny was in a relatively good mood when I finally stepped inside, he offered me a cup of tea, before turning around and leading the way to our unmarked car. I didn't really question it until we started driving, and even then I wasn't up for much conversation.

"Where are we headed Danny?" I tried to not sound gruff, but I could tell that it still came off that way.

"The 1-2." He glanced at me as he drove, but I ignored it, turning around to scratch at Kenai's ears. "What's got you in a mood?"

"Nothing." I didn't feel like sharing at the moment, but he didn't believe me. I took a deep breath, "Didn't sleep well."

Danny hummed, obviously not believing me but not asking anything else. I turned back to the front, fiddling with my fingers as I tried to clear my thoughts for the day. My phone buzzed, and I looked at it. It was a text asking if we were all set up for tonight, I replied saying yes, before tucking my phone back into my pocket.

In a sad sort of way, tonight was a sad thing sort of meshed with a happy thing. In honor of the fact that it had been fifteen years since my parents death, I was getting a tattoo, something I had been considering for a while, before deciding a few days ago that it would happen today. The woman, her name is Adelaide, helped me design the tattoo, not that it was very complicated and set up an appointment for tonight, after my shift.

I was nervous, I had never really thought about getting a tattoo before, but I was sure in my decision to get this specific one.

Danny led the way inside once we got in, while I carried the flyers to pass out to the officers. "I'll talk, you share?" I asked.

"Deal." He muttered, taking the flyers that I offered him. I walked to the briefing room, waving at Sargent Renzuli as he spoke to his officers.

"Next item." Renzuli spoke with his usual Boston accent, "Please give a warm welcome to a very special guest. My good friend, Detective Inspector Jethro Howards."

I snorted at Renzuli's use of dramatics, the room erupts into cheers and applause, and I shake my head, stepping up the the podium. "Detective Reagan and I could use your help with something today please." I spoke, smiling at the officers.

"What next? We all getting pay raises?" One of the officers from the back called, I laughed in good nature, before Danny got them to shut up.

"That's good," Danny made eye contact with the officer, "'Specially coming from a guy who couldn't find a collar in a shirt factory."

Everyone laughed again, and I couldn't help but crack a smile. I noticed Jameson in the third row, and smiled just a bit brighter.

"Right, in all seriousness, I need all of you to keep an eye out for this bloke." Danny started to pass out the posters, "Leo Packer. Detective Reagan and I like him for a string of robberies. He targets sweet old ladies, offers to help them with their bags, and takes everything of theirs. He's no joke, last victim Moira Sharpe is in the hospital with a broken jaw. If you see him, take him to the 5-4."

I patted the podium, stepping away. Renzuli dismissed everyone, and Danny asked if we could hold back for a moment. He touched Jameson's arm, getting him to pause and step off to the side.

"You pick up the roast?" Danny asked, handing the flyers off to another officer to pass out.

"I couldn't my tour was changed today." Jameson smiled at me, and I returned it, upset that I had missed a good morning kiss.

"You said you were gonna get it." Danny retorted, doing his angry-hands-on-hips thing. I metaphorically stepped in.

"I'll get the roast, I'm off early today, I'll pick it up and drop it off at the house on my way home." I smiled.

"You're a saint J." Danny patted my shoulder, "Problem solved. See you tomorrow kid."

Danny walked off, and as I started to follow him Jameson asked me to wait. He looked over his shoulder, watching the officers and stepping a few feet further away from the crowd. I followed with no issue. 

"You left without saying goodbye this morning." Jameson muttered, holding my hand loosely in his.

"Sorry love, I had a call to make." It was the truth, and he seemed alright with the answer. "I promise, I am all yours after your shift tonight."

He smiled, "I love you."

"I love you too." I stepped forward, pecking his cheek before turning to leave.

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