↞ Chapter Thirty-Five ↠

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Episode Twenty-Two

Jameson was gone when I woke up, his clothes were sitting on a pile on my floor, and there was a note attached to my door.


I'm sorry to leave before you woke up, but

I'm meeting with my brother in an hour. I 

hope you don't mind but I borrowed a shirt.

I promise everything will be made sense,


With love,


(P.S: I may have also taken one of your many

leather jackets.)                                                            

I probably smiled, but I was to tired to really think anything through. A cuppa was next on my list, and filling Kenai's food bowl for breakfast. She was ready for it, doing her excited butt-waggle that she does when she can't contain how happy she is. The kettle boiled, and I poured my tea, taking large gulps of it as I changed into running clothes and a pair of trainers.

I got the chance to take a run. Kenai and I got off track since my injury a few months ago, it use to be a run before work in the morning, and a run after work in the evenings. I got the chance to see the city in a way that I hadn't in a long time. When I first lived here, as a teenager, I spent most days at school, and my weekends were spent with my mum and dad. The week before I left I didn't really leave my house, and then I was gone.

While living in the United Kingdom, I traveled around a lot. I did uni in Newport, and then later served as an officer there, before moving to city center and working in London. When I became Detective Inspector I got more of the chance to travel through Wales and Northern Ireland, and that was something that I quite enjoyed.

At the end of my run, I stopped for coffee at my usual place around the corner, and walked home. The hour had already past noon, and I was rather surprised when I got home to find a large stack of letters forwarded from my address in London. Mrs. Jefferson shouted at me as I clomped up the stairs, telling me to 'not step so heavy or I'll bring the damn staircase down.' I tossed the stack letters onto the counter top, deciding to go through them after I made a sandwich. I had barely taken a seat before my phone began to ring loudly.

"'Ello Danny." I spoke through a bite of my sandwich, he took a moment to speak, and when he did it was in hushed tones.

"You busy?" He asks, and I pause, looking down at my sandwich and accounting for the fact that it was Saturday and that I had today off.

"Not really. What is it?" I sat a little straighter, scratching Kenai's head as I did. "We get a case I don't know about?"

"Not from Gormley." He paused, and I stood from my chair, already moving to get changed. I could hear some muttering on the other end of the line, the only word I was able to get was the word 'secure.' "I need you to do something for me that you aren't going to like."

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