↞ Chapter Nineteen ↠

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Season Three, Episode Seventeen

"Babe, this is an awful  idea."

Jameson and I were standing at the doorway of the rink. He was unstable on his feet, and I was just smiling down at him. I stepped onto the ice, offering a hand to Jameson and just waiting with a smile.

"You got this."

Jameson nodded, reaching forward to take my hand and let me pull him onto the ice. He was tense, and as I pulled him towards me he barely moved his feet, and I couldn't help but laugh. It was a little breathy laugh, as I tried to not laugh to loud.

"Relax love, I won't let you fall."

"I don't believe you." Jameson said it quickly, but relaxed anyways. He sort of waddled from foot to foot on the ice beside me as I moved fluidly.

"Like this, foot to foot." I showed him how to turn his feet, and move so that he slides across the top of the ice in an easy way. He looked at his feet the entire time, and though it took him the better part of the hour to get the hang of skating, he was much better and only fell twice. "Look at you go love."

Jameson looked up at me and smiled brightly, and for just a second he lost his footing. It happened in slow-mo, he started to tip backward and I reached for him, pulling him to me way to quickly and instead of just him falling over we both fell my way. My back hit the ice with a low hollow thunk, and the air was knocked out of me.

"Merde." I coughed out, my hands still wrapped around Jameson's upper arms. I looked up at the gray sky and tried to catch my breath. He was laughing, his face pressed into my chest as we both tried to catch our breath.

His face lifted off of my chest, and he smiled down at me. His face bright and his cheeks red. God I love this man. I leaned up, pressing a kiss to his cheek before waiting for him to roll off of me. Jameson flopped on the ice next to me, and I took my time getting to my feet, pausing on my knees to help Jameson sit up before standing all the way up and pulling him up with me.

"So, that wasn't my fault." I muttered, wrapping my arms around Jameson's waist and wincing at the throbbing pain in my lower back.

Jameson looked embarrassed, "I'm sorry babe."

I kissed him, "You're alright love. I'm proud of you, I mean, you only fell twice before this." I stepped back, starting to pull him behind me towards the side of the rink. People were giving us funny looks for standing in the middle of the rink. "What are you thinking? Done with this, or a little longer?"

Jameson snorted, shaking his head and grabbing the wall with both hands. "I'm done, but I still want to see you do your thing. I mean, you gotta be good at this to be as patient as that to help me."

I bobble my head from side to side before nodding. "I taught ice skating to little kids when I lived in Abergavanny, in Wales. I had to be patient, but I never went very far with skating."

"Do something fancy?" Jameson looked excited as he asked, and when I nodded he watched me skate away.

I went around the rink once, twice, before leaping into the air and spinning three times. When I landed I faltered, the jolt a bit to much on my knees but I didn't fall. I continued backwards on my skates for a moment, before turning forward.

Jameson looked excited, he started clapping the second I looked at him, and I bowed dramatically. I skated across to him, not expecting him to grab my by my jacket collar and pull me down for a kiss. I grunted, not expecting it, but I didn't pull away. Instead I leaned into it, one hand sitting on Jameson's waist and the other on the ice rinks wall to hold the pair of us up.

When he pulled away he looked just a bit too excited about all of this, and I didn't have to wait why. He used the wall to make his way to the exit, talking as he did.

"You know what this means?"

I was very specifically looking at Jameson's butt, the skates made it look fantastic. "That I should take you skating more often."

"Nope, it means that I can finally one up my brother." I laughed, shaking my head as he stepped off the ice. I followed. "You know what he did? He married Linda, and suddenly he can do every  family activity. Ice skating, golf, she's good at all of it. And now?"

Jameson turns and smiles up at me, "I got someone just as great."

I return the smile, "Ah, so I'm a show pony."

Jameson considers it for a moment, before nodding. "But better looking."

I snort, before stepping around Jameson and sitting on the bench. My feet were already aching from the past few hours of skating, but I didn't regret it for a second. Jameson was so excited that he had finally learned how to skate, and I really did miss doing it.

After the pair of us changed shoes I took our skates to the counter and met him just outside the front.

"That was the best date we've had in a long time." Jameson looked at me with an amused look as I spoke. "Not that I don't enjoy going to dinner and lunch and things like that, but this, this was like a real date."

Jameson held his hand out to me and I took it with a smile. He nodded, "I loved that." His voice was like a whisper, and I was glad that he had enjoyed it just as much as I did. "But, I'm ready to go home now."

I just nodded in agreement, started back down the street towards my flat. 

Jameson called it his 'home' and that made me smile the entire way. There was no way anything would make me happier, unless he moved in with me.

But that was a conversation for another day.

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