↞ Chapter Twenty-Six ↠

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Season Three, Episode Twenty-Two

Nicki's was the first voice I heard when Danny and I stepped in through the back door of the house:

"I swear to God mom it's true."

I couldn't help but smile as I bent to let Kenai off of her leash and watch the boys take off with her through the house.

"Maybe let's not swear when talking about a priest." Erin sounded exasperated as she spoke and as I stepped through to the dining room she looked the same. "Please?"

I started to help put the place mats around when Nicki spoke again. "What do you say Uncle Jett?"

I smiled, "Whatever it is I agree with you." Nicki flashed a grin at her mum before reaching for a high five, I complied, before looking back down at the what my hands were setting up on the table. I still get excited hearing the three kids of the family call me 'Uncle', made me realize that I had an actual family here, it's a beautiful feeling.

"Jett," Erin warned, and I raised my hands in surrender.

"Alright, what is it I'm agreeing too?" I asked, propping myself against the back of the chair in front of me as I waited for Erin to reply.

"Nicki's saying that every homily boils down to: 'Go and treat everyone better.'" Erin forgoes the haughty nature that Nicki had originally taken, and taps her foot as she waits for my reply.

I thought about it for a moment, before bobbing my head side to side before nodding. "I've missed quite a few, but from what I can tell Nicki's got it right."

"That is till they want an extra collection." Danny piped in, pulling his chair out and taking a seat. "They just make a pitch for extra ka-ching."

Danny squeaks out the word, pulling his elbow back and making a noise of approval. I snort, just as Erin scoffs, we all start to take our seats, as Linda comments on the current conversation.

"Yeah, but you think about it, even that's about treating people better," Linda reasons, "people who have less. That's the most important message, and if more people took it to heart, the world would be a better place."

I nodded in appreciation at what Linda had said, it was a rather important message, which was immediately spoiled by her shouting for the boys to come quick. Even Frank was nodding in agreement, before commenting.

"But in His infinite wisdom, He gave us obstacles so we wouldn't walk around like saints all the time." If Frank weren't such a bloody good Police Commissioner I say he should be a preacher.

"Yeah," Danny muttered begrudgingly, "Like the Bitterman Housing Projects."

I nodded in agreement, starting to reach for Jameson's hand absentmindedly before quickly remembering that he wasn't here.

"We've all got a hand in that." I replied. I glanced around the table. "So what are we missing?"

"I think we're all-" Linda was interrupted by Sean:

"Where's Uncle Jamie?" He asked, looking to me for the answer.

I sighed, disappointed as well, "He took an extra tour."

It was a quick prayer after that, and I was quickly aware of the fact that this was the first time I had been to dinner without Jameson with me. It wasn't awkward, but rather kind of nice, not that I would prefer to do it again.

Linda was very curious about what Jameson was like to live with, both Danny and Erin said he was horrid but I was quick to disagree. He really was a joy to live with, but at the same time we hadn't moved in together yet, though I did want to ask.

Every time I wanted to bring it up didn't feel as though it was the right time too, but I knew I'd want to ask soon.

I excused myself from dinner quickly after dessert. I had requested a file from Florida P.D. and half way through dinner I'd received confirmation that it had been faxed over for my eyes only. Well, I suppose Danny and I's.

I took Danny and I's unmarked police car back to the precinct, we hadn't had the chance to take it back before dinner and I needed to pick up mine from the precinct. Kenai had spent the drive trying to get to the leftovers I had taken for Jameson, despite the few flicks to her nose that I gave her every time.

Gormley wasn't in, which was rare, it seemed like every time I came around he was here. The file that had been faxed over was sat on my desk, and I took it quickly before grabbing my car keys from the top drawer. I hurried from the precinct, not wanting Kenai to sit outside for a long time without me.

I was juggling a bit, or at least it felt like I was. I had the leash for Kenai and my newly acquired file, as well as the box of leftovers, and just then my phone decided to ring. By the time I had reached my car it had stopped so I didn't trouble myself with moving all the objects in my arms to answer the call.

And suddenly there was an odd feeling in the air, and I felt rather cold for the middle of summer. Something wasn't right, and though I tried to shake it off I couldn't.

Kenai took the front seat, and I put the rest of the stuff in the trunk. My phone started to ring again as I slammed the trunk door shut and I quickly pulled it out, smiling brightly as I answered.

"Jameson! I wasn't expecting to hear from you for a few more hours, have you got off-"

"This is EMS worker Abigail Bates, are you family?" The worker sounded worried on the other end, and I felt a cold hand on my heart.

"Yes, yes-" My voice wasn't confident at first, I spoke again. "Yes I am, what's happen."

The worker wasted no time replying, "I have Officer Reagan en route to St. Victor's Hospital with a gunshot wound to the abdomen."

"Oh God," I muttered, slamming my car door shut as quickly as I could and hurrying to start the car. I took off like a rocket out of the precinct parking lot, not caring about anything as I told the ambulance worker that I was on the way.

I was closer to the hospital than they were from what I could tell, and as I drove I tried to breath through it all. Kenai's head was sat on my thigh as she could tell I was nervous and I felt so close to tears.

I prayed for an easy drive and it appeared He was smiling down on me because I didn't have a run in with a patrol car or any red lights as it seemed, and I took a deep breath as I screeched into a parking spot at the front of the hospital.

Kenai jumped across the front seat as I opened my car door, easily sticking beside me as I ran inside.

I felt as though I couldn't breathe as I followed the signs to the emergency bay, and as I rounded the final corner I nearly screeched to a halt at the sight of an officer being wheeled in, blood pouring from his neck. I couldn't make out the face, or even body shape, nurses and doctors were flitting over him and I wanted it to not be Jameson.

"Please be alright, please my love."

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