↞ Chapter Eighteen ↠

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Season Three, Episode Seventeen

There is not a day goes by that I regret coming to New York, but that doesn't mean that I don't have my moments.

Today started off as one of those moments.

I woke up to a text from an unknown number and all the message had was a link to a website. I clicked it, even though I probably shouldn't have, given the fact that it could have been something bad, and in a way it was.

The link led to a website full of photos of the Reagan family, and dozens of articles about how awful everyone in the family was at their jobs.

There was plenty pictures of Danny and I, and honestly they were pretty great, if not for the fact that the description of the photos were all terrible.

I smiled despite myself, there was a photo of Danny and I on our coffee break a week or so ago. I was up on the handrail of a set of stairs, balancing and laughing at something that Danny had said. It was a good picture, and there was another of Danny and I eating donuts, his feet propped up on the dashboard of the car.

I didn't know how to take the photos, on one had they were great, on the other hand, these were pictures of my family and I in times that we thought we were alone.

I pulled myself to my feet, pouring myself a cup of coffee as I read a text from Jameson. There was apparently a mix-up on shift schedule, he's not working today, which made today the first time in a long time we both had a Saturday off. And an entire Saturday, which meant we could actually do  things without having to worry about making time for either of us to make it to work.

"You wanna go out today?" I looked down at Kenai with a bright smile, and she looked up at me, before laying her head back down on her paws. "I guess not. You wanna go to Jack and Sean?"

And suddenly she was hoping up and jumping all over me before running to the door to grab her leash. I wave her off, telling her to wait as I grab my phone and move back to my room.

"Hey Danny,"

"J, what's up?" He sounded distracted, and I wondered for a moment if he had seen the photos, I didn't have to wonder long. "Have you seen the website?" He sounded frustrated, I sigh as I pull some clothes from my closet.

"Honestly, they're decent pictures." I said, pulling my shirt off and waiting for Danny to continue.

Danny laughed, a dry sort of 'are-you-serious' laugh, and I could practically see him shaking his head. "Yeah whatever, what's up?"

"Oh, right, you think you can take Kenai till tomorrow? Jameson and I have got the day off and-"

"Say no more." I smiled, thanking Danny a dozen times. "I'll come pick her up in a few hours. Have fun with Jamie, and use-"

I hung up before he could finish what he was saying, because I knew where he was going with it. I smiled, shaking my head and tossing my phone onto my bed to finish getting changed. I pulled on my jacket last, Jameson bought it for me a few months ago because he loves the way I look in leather.

My doorbell rang loudly, and I smiled, yanking on my shoes as I stumble down the hallway. I pressed the button on the door and waiting for the sound of the buzz to let me know that Jameson had made it in. It echoed loudly up the stairs as I bent down to tie my shoes.

"Hey babe."

I couldn't help but smile at the sound of Jameson's voice and as I looked up he was looking at me in a way that made me blush. I stood, stepping towards him and hooking a finger through his belt loop. I pulled him closer, bending slightly to kiss him.

"My Love."

Jameson smiled, before offering his hand to me. I took it, telling Kenai I'd see her tomorrow as we both started down the stairs. He paused once we stepped outside, looking at me with a loving smile.

"What's the plan?" He sets his hands on my waist, and I smile, pressing a kiss to his forehead before stepping away and hooking my arm through his.

"There's a skating rink, open air. They do it three months out of the year, and it opened last week." I smiled as I spoke. "I didn't get to do it last time cause it fell right after I had-" I couldn't finish what I was saying, but Jameson seemed to understand, he held my hand just a bit tighter.

"Did you pick this so you can hold my hand while we skate?"

"Maybe." I said it with a shrug of my shoulders, but I was smiling.

Nicki and I had breakfast together earlier this week, and she told me about how the family used to go skating every year up until a few years ago. Apparently Jameson was absolutely awful at it, and I thought that he could use a few lessons, rather than his entire family laughing at him, it would just be me. I'd probably still laugh a bit, but I'm definitely more patient then Danny and Erin.

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