↞ Chapter Twenty ↠

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Season Two, Episode Sixteen

"Well," Danny tossed a notepad across the divide of our desks and continued, "That's the simplified list. People with too much time on their hands in the area."

I grabbed it, glancing over the list of names, as Danny continued to talk.

"Most of them are a sexual nature, some of the bigger nuts have suggested ways they'd like to see her die, but it's hard to take them seriously with the logistical challenges." Danny was the one to focus mainly on the list that the publisher had given us, while I looked at the footage of the street. "I've flagged five of these guys who are in the New York metro area-"

A phone started to ring, interrupting Danny's train of thought, I checked mine at the same time Danny checked his. He shook his head, and I realized with great disappointment that it was my other  phone ringing. I sighed, pulling it from the locked drawer of my desk and hurrying into the back room for a little bit of quiet.

"Jones." I answered, holding a finger up to Danny in an attempt to get him to not interrupt.

"I got bad news Alvie, I need you to meet me." The voice on the other end of the line was panicked, and it took me a moment to recognize the voice of Noble Sanfino. Someone that I hoped I wouldn't need to speak to again.

"Bloody hell Sanfino, what is it?" I asked, but the noise that he made me feel as though I shouldn't even say his name aloud.

"Just meet me, corner of Hudson and 8th. One hour."

Noble hung up before I could say anything else, and I stood there with my phone against my ear for a moment, unsure of my next steps. I had 'retired' the persona of Alvie Jones, and to bring him back out after the past few months felt strange.

I tapped my phone against the palm of my hand as I walked back towards my desk. Danny was on the phone when I stepped out, but was quick to end the call and look at me expectantly.


"It was Sanfino." I replied, pulling my gun from it's spot on the desk, and tucking it into my holster. I put my hands on my hips before continuing. "I have got to go Danny. I need to talk to IAB and figure all this out-"

"I thought you were done." Danny interrupted he sounded dissappointed, all I had to do was look up at him to realize how angry he was. I sighed, trying to think of an apology, before realizing his frustrations weren't with me, but with the undercover business.

"So did I."

"Don't worry about this, I can handle this for a few hours, you just figure everything out on your end. I can handle this." Danny reassured me, smiling in a forced sort of way. "Leave Kenai with me."

I nodded smiling in a form of thanks. I bent to scratch Kenai, muttering that I would be back in a few hours before hurrying out of the precinct with my keys in hand.

I stepped into my car with a frown, unsure where to go next, I had just under an hour to get to Sanfino, and I still needed to alert IAB to the situation. I did not have enough time to go to both places, which is why I pulled my phone out for the second time, with a disappointed sigh. I dialed the number for IAB, asking for the man that had been my contact for my entire stent undercover.

The Lietenant was obviously frustrated to receive my call, as we had said our final goodbyes some time ago, and had not planned to ever speak again.

"Listen, mate." I interrupted whatever she was going to say, "I am calling to inform you that my original connection into the Sanfino crime family has asked for a meet up. Based on the urgency of the time and voice, it is something big. I am calling to inform you of such, as well ask for any information you can provide about the current company that the Sanfino family is keeping."

I was startled at the formal tone my words had taken while speaking to the Lieutenant, and while it took her a moment to respond I paused briefly at a stoplight.

"I'll see what I can find." She finally said, I muttered a thank you, wanting to end the call but stopped when she spoke again. "Be careful Detective Inspector Howards."

"I will."

The call ended there, and I continued to drive. Time passed slowly, and the the traffic was little, I was near to my destination quicker than I had hoped. I stopped a few blocks from the corner, pulling into a parking space and turning my car off. I nearly wanted to reach in the back and pet at Kenai to calm my nerves, before remembering suddenly that Kenai was not there, so I turned my attention back to my exterior.

I couldn't very well carry my badge during this meet up, and it wouldn't do well to stuff it in my glove box or in the back row. Anyone could see it by chance, and in a stroke of brilliance I shoved it underneath my seat. I removed my gun from its holster, unclipping the actual holster and tossing it in the back row, that is less of a big deal if seen. I tuck the gun in the back of my waistband.

An hour had passed, but I did not plan on showing up on time. I made my last phone call, to Jameson. I would not go into this again, not without telling him first.

"Jett? What is it?" Jameson sounded tired, he probably was.

I smiled, rubbing my hand across my face and propping my forehead on my steering wheel. "I just wanted to hear your voice love. Its been, it's been a long day."

Jameson laughed lightly, a sigh passing through his lips. "You had me worried for a minute."

"Maybe don't let the worry go off just yet." I didn't want to break the news to him, out of anxiety for whatever could come from it. "Jameson, Sanfino called. I've be brought back in. Just for a little bit, and I know that messes everything-"

"Jett, babe, breathe." I did as he said. "It's fine, just a one time thing. And if it puts a hold to our date nights, for just a little bit, that's fine. I think I like our stay-at-home dates way more than sitting in a stuffy restaurant."

"Noted." I muttered, mostly with sarcasm. "I love you Jameson."

"I love you too Jett."

He hung up, and I couldn't help but smile at what faith he gave me. It does me wonders to have someone as level headed as Jameson to care fore me.

I only hope I do the same for him.

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