↞ Chapter Fourteen ↠

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Season Three, Episode Twelve

I was upset when Jameson had to leave, but I knew that he was leaving only because he had to. A detective buddy of Danny's stopped by to take a look around my apartment and have a word with Mrs. Jefferson downstairs.

I made sure to tell them about the fire escape window that rarely closes all the way and never locks. After they took a look at it that was the assumed point of entry, and then they left. It couldn't have taken more than an hour, and the entire time I just watched and commented every now and then.

When I got a call from Danny for the second time I assumed it was because he found the book, but all he said was to come in as quick as I could to the precinct before immediately hanging up.

It worried me, and I did as he asked, which meant leaving the house in what I was wearing (sweatpants and one of Jameson's sweatshirts) and yelling that I had left my door unlocked to Mrs. Jefferson on my way out.

Traffic on Saturdays in the city is a hit or miss. You've either got traffic from here to New Jersey, or nothing for miles, and lucky for me it was the former not the latter. I made it to the precinct in just less than thirty minutes and hurried into the front door.

"Kenai!" I noticed her as soon as I walked in, and she pulled away from the officer holding her leash and ran to me.

I basically fell to my knees as she jumped into my arms, wiggling and bouncing around in an excited sort of way. I muttered how good it was to see her, before an officer grabbed her by the collar and pulled her off of me.

"I am so sorry sir!" I recognized it as concern for my safety, and I was quick to stand to my feet and wave off the apology.

I informed the officer that Kenai was my dog, before telling her that I was looking for Detective Danny Reagan. She pointed the way, just after telling me that Kenai was the best dog. I had to agree with her.

"Danny?" I called out to him, "I got your call."

Danny spun quickly, grabbing me by the wrist and pulling me through the squad room and back into the box.

"Alright, so I figured it out." Danny kept throwing glances through the window as he explained everything that he had found. "Elwood use to work with Saul, the guy you asked the warrant for, and his name is in the book."

"Brilliant!" I said it in an excited way, before my voice went flat, "What am I doing here? You made an arrest?"

"Not yet, he's on his way over, thought you could do the honors of explaining everything to him." Danny glanced at the window again, "Speak of the devil, you ready?"

I nodded, watching Danny step out of the box and approach Elwood. They spoke for a minute, before Danny led the way back to the box. The door opened, and Elwood stepped in, Danny just behind him.

"Howards." Elwood's voice sounded annoyed, or some form of negative emotion in it.

"Captain." I attempted to sound friendly. "Detective Reagan is going to sit in, if that's alright for you?"

"Sure." He didn't look alright with it. "What's this about?"

I snorted, shaking my head and moving towards the table. "You know, you're good at this." I interrupted him before he spoke. "I spent the past few days barely sleeping thinking about how bloody fantastic you are."

A glance of something went through his eyes, but when he spoke again he sounded confident. "What the hell are you talking about Howards?"

"You set me up." My voice was calm, though I felt like I was about to snap.


"You know what, it makes sense." I smiled, looking at the man and watching as he avoided my eyes. "If you didn't ruin my life, your life would come crashing down."

Elwood chuckles in a condescending kind of way, "Listen, I understand you're under a lot of pressure, but you, you should really see someone pal."

My hands left my sweatshirt pockets in a flash, my palms stung as they slammed against the metal table in front of me as I shouted. "You broke into my flat! My bloody home! Where my boyfriend sleeps-"

"And that's another thing." His voice was low, and suddenly every odd look after he saw Jameson and I together made sense. "Your partners gone off the rails Reagan."

Elwood started towards the door but Danny stepped in front of him. "We found what you were looking for, Captain." Danny said the rank 'captain' as if it was an insult.

"I don't know what that is." Elwood obviously did.

"Well, it's Greer's black book." Danny reaches into his jacket and pulls out an evidence bag with the book inside. "I mean, you killed him trying to find it. The bookie had a log of every bet you ever made, every dime you ever sunk into gambling and let me tell you, there are a lot of dimes Elwood. Which cause your financial problems, which led to your marital problems, and when Jett applied for the warrant, that caused your Jethro Howards problems."

"All right you guys have lost your minds." Elwood shook his head, his hands moving to his hips, and I noticed the gun still in his holster. I take a step towards him.

"You want to reach for that gun, don't you, Captain?" I spoke with a threatening voice, or one that I hoped was.

"Do it. Give me an excuse to rip your head off." Danny, every the threatening force, spoke.

Elwood let out a dry chuckle, and I threw a glance to Danny as Elwood slowly looked up at me. "You know, Howards, I'd say go to hell," The Captain readjusted his footing, "But you're already headed there, you-"

Danny reacted before the man could say anything else, slamming him against the wall by his shoulders. "Say it, I freaking  dare you too." I could tell that Danny wanted to say something a bit more explicit, but refrained from it.

The door to the box creaked as it opened, and Danny let go of Elwood. "We invited an old friend of yours down, you remember Saul, your old IAB partner."

"And the one that you called to see if D.I. Howards was getting a warrant for Alan Greer's book." Gormley entered the room, with Saul just behind him. Elwood looked panicked.

Saul spoke, sounding disappointed, "When you called, I had no idea you were going to do this."

Elwood looked like he wanted to say something else, try to reason with Saul, but changed his mind. "I want to see my attorney."

I watched, with the smallest smile on my face, as Gormley took Elwood's shield and gun and passed them over to me. I looked down at them, finally happy that all of this was finally over. Gormley escorts Elwood out, and I watch them go.

"Thank you Danny."

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