↞ Chapter Twenty-Two ↠

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Episode Fifteen

Frank was in the middle of a joke when the server walked up to the table. A nice man, the owner of the restaurant. Frank knows him well.

"I hope everything was satisfactory gentleman?"

Frank chuckled a bit, "You know what, that was the toughest piece of meat I have ever had, Karl." I smile, leaning back a bit and watch the Commissioner tease an old time friend. "What did you do, run over it on your way to work?"

The owner laughs loudly, shaking his head as he speaks; "I'm sorry it wasn't to your liking Commissioner, can I offer another drink for you and the Detective on the house?"

I cut in, "I'm alright Karl, but I think the Commissioner would like another scotch."

"We'll be sure to tip the full five percent." I laugh at Frank, and grab the check from Karl as he walks past, and Frank is sure to attempt to take it from me. 

"No no, I've got it Frank." I wink at him, opening the booklet and checking the total. I pull out  two hundreds, and set it inside, passing it off to Karl when he comes back. Frank says thank you to me as he stands up, I follow.

We both walk towards the door, I pull on my coat as I go, pausing to hold the door open for Frank before following him out. I watch as he waves off his team, and towards me. It strange, while Frank is only a little bit taller than me, but the sheer size of him is ridiculous. He's massive compared to me.

He reaches into his jacket and produces two cigars, fancy, expensive ones. I thank him, lighting mine and taking a puff.

"The, the atrium at John Jay college is, uh," He takes a puff from his cigar before continuing. "It's being dedicated to the memory of my son. It's a, well it's a pretty big deal."

"Frank, I wouldn't miss it." He smiles at my response, nodding in a thanks. We stand there for a moment, and then Frank asks a loaded question.

"What do you think of working with Danny?" I laughed out-loud, puffing on my cigar before responding.

"Well, to be frank," I could see him shake his head at my use of a pun, before nodding for me to continue. "He's hot-headed, and really quite a tosser, but he really is the best partner I've ever had."

Frank nods, "I'll have to agree with you there." He takes a another puff of his cigar, "I forgot to ask earlier, but where is our good friend Kenai?

I subconsciously look down, as if checking for Kenai. "Well, I left her with a friend of mine. He offered, something about a dog park." I watched as Frank puffed on his cigar, I followed suit.

The shine of headlights turned me away from Frank, and I squinted a bit as a car suddenly shot off of the curb and screeched into the turn in front of us. The window of the car was rolled down, a flash of light came and I realized what it was.

"Get down sir!" I shouted, instinctively turning to him and tackling him to the ground. Eight shots ring out, the ground next to us exploded from the shock of the bullet. Three hit me, and I shouted without really knowing what I was doing. I felt hands on me, pulling me off of the Commissioner, and when I rolled over there was a face over me, Abigail Bakker. She was saying something, but I couldn't really concentrate on it. I felt a strange sort-of pressure on all over, like someone had punched me and I was just realizing it.

Abigail was speaking to me, and I couldn't really concentrate on what she was saying. Everything was muffled. I roll over, trying to push myself to my knees. "Commiss-Commissioner-" I could barely hear myself talking, my whole body was shaking. The hands pushed me over again, holding me down.

"Stay down Howards."

I wasn't going to try that again, I tried to calm every muscle in my body. The more tense I was the more pain that rippled up my side. "Breathe Howards." Abigail was back in front of me, and I tried to breathe deeply but it was shaky. I lurched upwards, feeling my lungs lock up. Her hands pressed to my side and I winced, the pain didn't help with the breathing, the edges of my sight started to fade to black. I lurched again, a hacking cough coming from my throat. The pain of everything seems to triple, and I can't concentrate.

"Jethro, Jethro." Bakker's hand is gripping the back of my neck, she lifts my head, and suddenly it becomes a little easier to breathe. Every breath is followed by a hacking cough, but at least I was getting in some form of oxygen. I could hear her talking to another member of the security detail, but I couldn't concentrate on the words.

It went dark.

Hands lifted me up. A mask was put over my face. A hand landed on the side of my chest, pressing hard on a spot on my ribs.

"This is going to hurt." I wanted to ask where, but I got my answer before I could even open my mouth. Something stabbed me in the chest, and it felt like a bomb. I'm fairly certain I shouted.

Everything went dark, and this time there was no sound to accompany it.

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