↞ Chapter Five ↠

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Episode Two

We wasted almost two days of interviewing tram riders before we found a witnessed who knew something. And even what we got wasn't much. A name, a gang leader called 'Handsome' whose been in the NYPD books for the past five years. And another who was sitting right next to the man who shot Lee. Which clarified who shot him in general.

It took seven minutes for our tech's to figure out who the man was, and another four to see him on the Channel Ten News talking to the lead reporter. The reporter, a women called Kelly Davidson hailed him a hero, which screwed everything over for us. Because now every single person in the city had an opinion on how we should treat the so-called hero.

The idiot shot and killed a gang member, with a gun that I've actually placed a bet that it is illegal, and now he's praised as a hero. I know plenty of officers in London who barely get half that for doing just as much. 

"What kind of guy surrenders to a TV reporter?" Gormley mutters, shaking his head as he does. I groan through my teeth, already thinking of every single problem this would cause for the precinct.

"The 21st century kind." I say before leaning forward to smack Danny's shoulder. "Call that precinct, the 65th."

He glares dramatically at me, before snatching his phone off of the receiver. "Yeah yeah I got it." I smile, and watch as he dials the number and talks to the man on he other side.

The voices kind of drown out as I turn my attention to the files on my desk. Because I've only been in the city for less than a week I'm still working on catching up on all my major gangs and their leaders in the area. The files consist of every charge against the leader Handsome that we couldn't pin down, and the few that we did. The only ones that we could get to stick were petty crimes, drug possession, evading arrest, and so on. Even those didn't do much, he served two years in prison before he was back on the streets screwing everything up again.

"Alright, they already caught wind that we got the case and he's on his way over now." Danny places he phone back on the receiver, "He's five minutes out."

"I'll be in the box." I mutter, standing up and wiping my hands on my legs as I go. I click my tongue as I go, and pause briefly waiting for the sound of Kenai's nails on the ground before continuing to the interrogation room. "Asseoir jolie."

Kenai listens, sitting pretty in front of me. I look at her, my face flat for just a moment, before I break into a smile and kneel in front of her. I throw my hands over her, dramatically petting her head and scratching her chin. "Beau chien, joli chien effrayant, merveilleux chien de police."

She reacts just as excitedly, wiggling her butt and licking my face and hands as I pet her. This continues for a few minutes, I mutter compliments to her the entire time, but at the sound of footsteps I stop. I stand quickly, muttering a command to her once again. "Asseoir."

Kenai pauses in her actions, instantly moving to sit next to me. I lean against the wall, one hand in my pocket, and the other resting by my side. The door opens with a creak, and in lumbers a very large man, his hands are cuffed behind him, with a lawyer-type figure next to him. I watch closely as Danny unlocks the cuffs to attach him to the table, the lawyer-type joining him at the table.

"I'm Detective Reagan, this is my partner Detective Inspector Howards. You're Oliver Young, correct?"

"Yeah, uh. Yes." He corrects, sitting up a little straighter in his seat. His lawyer looks frustrated, but Danny obviously doesn't care.

"What's the story then Oliver." Danny doesn't ask, instead he slaps the case file down onto the table and crosses his arms firmly across his chest.

Young sighs loudly, before beginning to speak, his lawyer attempts to shut him up, unsuccessfully of course. "I was doin' work in Queens," At the prompting look I gives him he clarifies, "A restaurant-- after hours mostly, off the books. I've been, uh, I've been held up twice on my way home. I can't afford to loose the cash I've been makin'-"

"The gun was for protection." Danny states, Young nods aggressively, tapping the table a few times before Danny continues. "Where'd you get it?"

"I'd rather not say." Young replies, I groan, pushing myself off of the wall and coming to rest both hands on the table in front of the man.

"Come on Oli," the nickname was used as an insult to the man. "You need to give us something. Half of New York heard your broadcast with the reporter."

"Mr. Young is talking to you voluntarily and against the advice of his counsel." The lawyer speaks up, glaring firmly at Young. "I'd recommend you not press him."

"I'm not pressing him, Counselor." I mutter. I hold the gaze of the lawyer for a moment longer before turning back to Young. "You were on the tram...?"

"Right yeah, so I was on the train, and I wasn't going to do anything." Young's eyes kind of faded out, his voice got all shaky, but he continued. "One of them, they had a gun, and I knew it was gonna get bad. They started getting mean, hurting people, laughing about it, and they were serious about hurting that girl."

"That's when you shot him?" Danny asks, knowing the answer already.

Young nods aggressively, stuttering as he struggle on the first syllable. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean someone had to do something, and then everyone started running and I..." He pauses, looking over at his lawyer, who firmly shakes her head no. Young looks back at me, before back at the lawyer. He opens his mouth and the lawyer instantly looks annoyed. "I got a robbery arrest when I was 18. So I know what it means for me ta carry a gun. But I haven't done anything wrong since that arrest. I've got a life, a family. When I heard that kid I shot died, and-"

"Oliver I'm going to warn you one more time: stop." The lawyer leans forward, speaking firmly to Young.

"And I wasn't- I already planned on turning myself in, and then I saw the picture on the news, and my wife saw it too. I just didn't want you guys to come and drag me out in front of my boy." He looks genuinely upset, but Danny pushes back.

"So you called a TV reporter?" His voice was firm, enough anger in it to show Young that he should answer quickly.

"I figured that way I'd get my side of the story out."

"Wait a minute," I say, "You thought we wouldn't listen to your side of the story?"

Young looks at me confidently in the eyes, first time he's done it without looking upset in anyway. "Look at me, I'm a black man with a gun charge from when I was a kid, doing work that I shouldn't be doing. How does that look to you?"

"It looks to me like a man who did something he shouldn't have for a good reason." I stand up straight, taking my hands off the table and looking at the lawyer before back at Young. "But you're still going to have to face the charge of killing a man, self defense of not."



Asseoir jolie.:  Sit pretty

Beau chien, joli chien effrayant, merveilleux chien de police.:  Beautiful dog, cute scary dog, wonderful police dog.

Asseoir.:  Sit

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