↞ Chapter Twelve ↠

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Season Three, Episode Twelve

I could feel Jameson's eyes on me the entire time we drove home, and even when we stopped for way-too-early-breakfast. He was in the passenger seat, and I was in the drivers. I kept playing what happened over the past few hours. The idea that someone put coke in my car in the short amount of time that I was in the bakery.

The gall  of someone, to even think of doing this.

I thought of everyone I had put away over the past three years of being here, and the many  years spent in London. Sure, I had received death threats, but they were simply that, threats. Most of his collars were in prison, or some other more unfortunate place.

A hand touched my own, jolting me out of my thoughts.

"Your muttering." Jameson's voice was soft, but not quiet.

I chuckled. "I don't mutter."

"Yes you do." Jameson's hand tightened in mine, and he leaned down, kissing my hand before continuing. "You do it when you're thinking to much."

I smiled, knowing that he was right.

"What happened babe." A sigh followed his words, and I smiled at him, trying not to feel to much negative in this moment.

"I don't know, someone planted it. You know  me, I would never do something like this." I took my hand out of his for barely a moment, flipping the sun blinder down before holding his again. The sun was starting to rise, and I realized how long I had kept the family up. I'd need to apologize.

"I know you wouldn't." I didn't doubt that, Jameson was just letting me know that he was listening.

"I can't even think of who would. Everyone I collared, at least those that threatened me were last in prison, or dead bloody hell." I sighed again, glad to be pulling up the the flat as I could feel myself getting tired.

"This was the longest night of my life." Jameson said it as I stepped out of the car, and I had closed the door to quickly to react. I stepped around, holding my hands out to Jameson. He took them, closing the gap between me and him and wrapping his arms around my lower chest.

"I'm sorry love." My voice was low, and I kissed his forehead before stepping back. I kept my arm over his shoulder, and together we made our way to the door. I had Jameson's keys, luckily, my house key was on my car key chain, and it was part of the odds and ends they took from me when I was arrested.

I stuck the key in the lock, surprised to find the door unlocked at such an early time of the day. I threw a glance over to Jameson before stepping in.

"Is that you Jett?" Mrs. Jefferson's voice was very loud as she shouted from her flat on ground floor.

"Yes Mrs. Jefferson."

"There's someone here for you!" She continued to shout, even though she really didn't need to. I motioned for Jameson to go on up, handing him the key to my flat before stepping towards Mrs. Jefferson.

"Well? Whose it?" I asked, stuffing my hands in my front pockets and suppressing a yawn.

"D.I. Howards."

I recognized the voice, and wished more than anything that I could groan aloud.

"Captain Elwood." I made sure the displeasure was apparent in my voice, but a yawn interrupted my facial expression. "I've turned my gun and shield in last night."

"That's now what I'm here for." Elwood, readjusted his footing and looking me up and down. "File says you own a snub-nose .38.?"

It was phrased as a question, but I knew there was no doubt in the his statement. I just nodded, pointing upstairs as I spoke, "It's kept upstairs, in a lock box in the kitchen, you mind?"

"Lead the way."

I wished he hadn't said that. But I nodded, "Thank you Mrs. Jefferson." I muttered as I started up the stairs. I clomped up, before quickly changing the weight of my feet to respect my few neighbors that I had.

Jameson wasn't in the living room or kitchen when I stepped in, which I was glad for.

"It's this way." I stepped through to the kitchen, opening the bottom cupboard and reaching in.

My hand fell on empty space, and for just a second I panicked. I kneeled down, finding the shelf where my off-duty weapon was suppose to be. I poked my head a bit more in the cupboard, before standing.

"Love?" I started down the hallway but didn't need to go very far. Jameson's head poked out of the bedroom. "Captain Elwood's here. He's looking for my off-duty. You 'aven't moved the safe it's in?"

Jameson's forehead crinkled in confusion, and he stepped out of the bedroom. "Nope." He walked down the hallway and passed me, ignoring the odd look that Elwood was giving him as he passed through to the kitchen.

"I checked there love." Jameson nodded, but looked again. 

Elwood clears his throat, "You two are," It look like it physically repulsed him to finish his sentence, and both Jameson and I looked at each other before facing him.

"Dating?" Jameson looked about ready to smile, "Yes. Past three years."

It was a bit of a shock, hearing the fact that we had been together for so long. The room was quiet for an awkward amount of time and I suddenly realized that Elwood was rather homophobic. Not that it mattered to me.

"My, uh, my gun's gone." I muttered, raking a hand through my hair as I tried to think of anywhere it could be, trying to ease the tension in the room.

"Maybe you forgot where you put it? It's an honest mistake Detective Inspector." I knew that Captain Elwood was just trying to be helpful, but it only sounded condescending.

"I did not place my gun!" My voice was firm, probably to much. "Somebody must have taken it," I sigh, "which means whoever setting my up's been in my bloody  flat."

I looked over at Jameson, worried for his safety more than anything.

Captain Elwood looked between the pair of us, and I sighed. "I'll call it in as a burglary. Have someone take a look at the flat." I held a hand out to the Captain for him to shake as a goodbye. "I'll have whatever's found sent your way."

The Captain looked at my hand for a long moment, before slowly reaching to shake it twice. I watched the man go, following a few steps behind so I could lock the door the second he was out. I noticed that as Elwood started down the stairs he wiped his hand down the side of his coat.

The door shut with an audible click, and I locked both locks after it shut. Before sighing and relaxing against the door. My forehead pressed hard to it, and I closed my eyes, wanting nothing more than to sleep.

Arms wrapped around my chest, "We'll figure this out babe." Jameson's chin was pressed into my back, and I felt him slowly pull me away from the door. He held my hand, leading me down the hallway and to the bedroom.

I changed with his help, before flopping face-first into the bed. Jameson nudged me over a bit, before I turned over and pulled the blankets up. Jameson turned into me, and I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him as close as I could, before bringing the blankets the rest of the way.

"I love you Jameson." I mumbled, pressing a kiss into his head. He murmured it back sleepily, before the pair of us were out quick.

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