↞ Chapter Thirty-Four ↠

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Season Two, Episode Twenty-Two

"I'll be back in a mo," I muttered mostly to myself, before walking away from my desk.

I'd only been at the precinct for a few hours, but I was already tired of people. The anniversary of today was tiring, and I couldn't help but not  want to be here.

I went outside for a smoke, something that I keep telling myself I'm going to stop doing but never actually stop. Kenai followed, taking off as soon as I opened the door. I went to lean on the handrail, yawning a bit as I went. Kenai bounced around, wanting me to play but I just shook my head, taking a long drag from my cigarette.

I couldn't have been out there for more than ten minutes, I had snuffed my first cigarette and started my second when shouting from inside the precinct drew me back inside.

"Kenai allez." She came running the second I called, taking her usual spot beside my calf and following me closely into the building.

I watched the corners as I watched, worried for a moment that someone had made their way into the building. A loud crash sounded and I started to jog towards it, shocked to see the two Reagan's at each others throats in one of the side rooms. Sargent Renzuli pulled one of the doors open and I followed, grabbing Danny and ripping him off of Jameson at the same time Renzuli grabbed him.

"What the bloody hell is going on!" I shouted, planting myself firmly in the middle of the two.

"You know Detective Inspector, I was wonderin' the same thing." Renzuli replied, shooting a glare at both. For just a moment I wanted to know what caused this, but I didn't feel like dealing with it at the moment. "Let's go Officer Reagan."

Renzuli put emphasis on his name, putting a hand on his shoulder trying to get him to turn. "No way, I'm not going anywhere without my collar."

"It's my collar." Danny shouted back.

"Oh shut the hell up, both of you." I spoke aggressively, much more than I wanted to. I sighed, rubbing my forehead with the palm of my hand before shaking my head and starting to walk out.

I guess all of them took my advice, because as I sat down at my desk, none of them said another word. I watched as Danny left first, looking for the collar that was supposedly his before looking slightly disappointed as another officer escorted the perp away. He walked to his desk across from me.

"Sorry Jett." He muttered, looking at the papers on his desk in a way of not looking at me.

I didn't reply. Rather, I rolled forward, shuffling what I had been working on around to try and focus again. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Jameson and Renzuli leave the room, but the second they left my peripheral I stopped looking.

A hand appeared on my shoulder, and a kiss on the top of my head, startling me slightly, but I relaxed once he spoke. "Love you babe."

I smiled, reaching up and patting the hand on my shoulder, "See you tonight." I muttered under my breath, before focusing back on my work.

Jameson has never been one for public displays of affection, especially in the precinct, and some part of me believed the only reason that he did it this time was because he could tell something was off with me.

I flipped my wrist, checking the time and wishing more than anything that it would go by faster. "Come on then, we'll question whatever his name is." I muttered, standing from my desk, grabbing the mans file, and walking towards the box. As I opened the door, I put on a face of confidence, dropping the file onto the table and looking at Leo Packer with a Danny Reagan level cocky smile. "Mr. Packer."

Danny stepped in just behind me. "Is everything okay with you and your brother?" Packer asked.

I let my eyes fall shut, pinching the bridge of my nose as Danny asked if the man wanted a smack.

"I was just trying to be nice."

"Real sweetheart type aren't you." I smiled, stepping around Danny and opening the folder. "This is from a surveillance camera on Mrs. Whitaker's block, taken moments after you robbed her."

Danny leaned over my shoulder, shaking his head. "Blue definitely isn't your color."

I nodded, continuing his joking tone. "He should stick to earth tones.

"That ain't me."

"Hmm. And this definitely isn't you from Tina Swanson's block." I showed the photo to Danny. "He is not  photogenic."

Leo Packer continued to insist the photos weren't him, and shared the fact that we had nothing to connect him to. I just nodded, letting Danny take over with messing with the man. Danny showed the photos to Packer, and the pair of us started to leave.

"Wait wait wait wait what if I offer you guys something, huh?" Packer offered, and I sighed, turning back around.

"Better be good Packer." I said, nodding for him to continue.

"Ya, ya remember that kid from a few years ago?" Packer looked antsy as he started to talk. "The kid who got snatched up on his way home from school?"

Danny's body language changed, his shoulders squared, and his anger started to rise. "Patrick Goodwin?"

Packer nodded, starting to say yes before Danny crossed the room in three strides, grabbing Packer by the collar and lifting him off of his chair. He started to shout at him, over and over again, I grabbed Danny by the arm, using my height difference to shove him off of Packer and towards the door.

"Get the hell  out Reagan." I shoved him again. I was tired, and frustrated, and ready for this drama to go away. I let Danny leave first, before turning back to Packer. I didn't know who Patrick Goodwin was, but based off of Danny's reaction it was a cold case. I had enough of the more heartbreaking ones to know what it looked like when old wounds opened up again. "What do you know about Patrick Goodwin?"



"Kenai allez." = Kenai come here.

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