↞ Chapter Twenty-Six ↠

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Episode Eighteen

"Fly me too the moon, let me play among the stars." I sang along to the radio as I drove. Jameson let me borrow his car to make a run to the shops, and I was glad for the chance to drive a vehicle with speakers. "Let me see what spring is like on, a-Jupiter or Mars."

I pull into a parking spot and click off the engine as I do. I lock the door as I get out, and hurry into the store. The cold air was piercing, and I was already shivering with just the minute or so of being outside.

"Olá Miguel." I waved to the shop owner.

"Olá Mr. Jethro." He shouted back, I could see him wave to me. "Late night?"

I chuckled dramatically loud so he could here me from the back of the small store. "Por pouco." I snagged a carton of milk from the shelf. "Você toma aquele," I paused, trying to remember the word, I replaced it with the English, "tea que eu gosto?"

"Chá, yes I do." I heard the rustle of boxes, as I mutter the word again. I walk around and grab the other few items I need, and by the time I made my way up to the front of the store he was holding the tea that I was looking for.

I smiled, setting the milk carton on the counter top, and taking hold of the box of tea. "Chá?" I ask, he confirms my pronunciation.

"You are getting very good at portuguesa." He says as he scans my items. I reply with a thank you, before something catches my eye outside. A shot goes off, and suddenly I run out of there.

"Chame a políciaChame a polícia!" I shout as I run, pulling my weapon as I slam the door to the shop open. I point my weapon at the shooter, "Police! Drop your weapon!" The shooter turns, shooting a half-assed shot at me that doesn't even come close. He climbs into a barely stopped car, and I squint, catching the last few digits of the license plates; 87S. A pained cry comes from the ground, and I suddenly realize that the person shot is still kicking.

I run towards him, shoving my gun into my holster as I picked up the kids head. "Hang on kid, stay with me." I pull out my phone, dialing, and shoving it up against my ear as I press my hands into the gunshot wound in the kids chest. "This is Detective Inspector Howards, I've got a 10-85. Shots fired, one down. Corner of 135 and Douglas."

I felt the kids breathing start to get harsher, "Stay with me kid. Stay with me!" I shout, pressing my hand to the side of his throat in an effort to check his pulse. It was missing. I drop my phone in my rush to start chest compression's, doing my best to keep a steady beat. The door to the shop opens and out steps Miguel.

"I called a polícia." He looked shocked at what had happened.

"Miguel, get back inside now!" I shouted at him with little anger in my voice, I was more worried for his safety then anything else. "Come on kid stay with me." I continued, feeling an ache between my shoulders start to appear.

"Detective? Detective?" I picked up the phone, shoving it inbetween my ear and my shoulder. "Still here. I need a bloody ambulance now!" I replies, continuing the chest compressions. A minute into it the sounds of an ambulance started echoing down the street. It came to a screeching halt next to me, and I suddenly felt a presence next to me.

"Sir, we'll take over from here." I nodded, falling backwards and moving out of the paramedics way. I stood up, raking a hand through my hair in a frustrated gesture. A hand lands on my shoulder and I turn to see a patrol officer.

"Sir I'm going to need to get your statement."

"It's Detective Inspector, and I'm going to need you to get my partner down here now." I speak firmly, getting the point across, and he nods. Grabbing the radio on his shoulder and speaking into it as he walks away. I watch the paramedics do their work, before they suddenly stop.

The lead paramedic checks her watch before speaking. "Time of death, 24:13."

"Bloody hell." I mutter, dipping my head and pressing my hand to my forehead. I mutter a prayer for the boy, wishing him safe passage to whatever heaven that he believes in. The paramedics work on taking the body into the ambulance. I grab the arm of the lead paramedic as she passes be. "Ma'am?"

"Jefferson sir." She sticks her hand out to me and I shake it.

"Detective Inspector Howards." I motion to the boy being loaded into the back of the ambulance. "Is there anything I could have done?"

She sighed sadly before shaking her head. "He was too far gone."

I nodded, thanking her, before letting her continue to her ambulance. "Howards!" I spin around seeing Danny, and smiling sadly. "What the hell happened?"

I explain quickly, before calling the officer over that originally spoke to me. "I need you to check all of the surveillance camera's at all of these Bodega's. Any videos I want. Get canvases going, and I need an ID on the victim." He nods, and starts to walk away, "Officer, wait. I also got three digits of the license plates, 87S. I need an APB out on every car with those three digits at the end of any cars license plates."

He nodded, before walking away. I turn back to Danny, taking a deep breath before smacking a hand on his shoulder. "Thank you for coming Danny."

"It's no problem. You're my partner, we stick together." He spoke with a smile, and I smiled back.

"If I'm being honest, that was the only thought on my mind. This case needs to end up in our lap. I wasn't going to let it pass to anyone else." He nods, muttering about understanding my reasoning. Suddenly his facial expression changes to something that looks more confused. I turn around trying to see what he was seeing.

"Why is my brothers car here?"



Olá = Hello

Por pouco = Nearly

Você toma aquele = You have that

Que eu gosto = that I like

Chá = Tea

Portuguesa = Portuguese

Chame a polícia = Call the police

A polícia = The police

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