↞ Chapter Thirteen ↠

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Episode Five

Danny sat in the back of the car with Alex Hass for two reasons. One, because we rarely let anyone in the backseat perp or not, and the second was because Kenai beat him to the front seat. I drove the car with a lead foot, racing through the streets of New York towards Washington Park.

"Is your wife radical?" Danny had already explained what was going on, and had moved on to ask questions about his wife and relationship with her.

"Yeah, yeah, she convert-" He groans as I hit a turn just a bit to quickly before continuing, "converted to Islam two years ago and went completely nuts. I've been trying to get Jacob away from her ever since."

I could see Danny nodding in the mirror, and bracing himself as I hit another turn. He squints as we make eye contact in the mirror, "Are you trying to make my hurl?"

"Maybe." I reply, letting out a laugh-sigh. He shakes his head twice, before nearly slamming his head on the back of the front seat when I hit the brakes.

"I swear." He grabs the door handle and yanks it open, leading Hass out of the car. He pauses on the sidewalk, and as I step out of the car I see him checking his watch. "You're wife, she crazy enough to build a bomb?"

I walk around the side of the car, opening the passenger door for Kenai. She hops out, and just as I go to close it everything goes fuzzy. Just for a second, but it was enough for me to have to hold the hood of the car for a second. When I was able to stand up straight I turned to Danny and made it seem like nothing had gone wrong.

I pulled on the sides of my coat, before starting to walk to towards the arch. I could here Danny talking the guy down from behind me, but I wasn't really paying attention. All of my focus was on the cars that passed by, the arch was on the other side of the walkway and as I passed under it I took a deep breath.

"Shit, there she is." Danny smacks my arm, pointing at a dark colored SUV. She was stopped at a another traffic stop, and when Alex Hass saw the car he started to run. Danny was quick to grab him by one arm and swinging him back around to face the both of us. "No no no no, you can not go over there. You are what she wants, and you over there means that this all goes boom."

Alex Hass calms down a bit, shoving his hands into his pocket with a huff.

"You stay here, out of sight." Hass tries to protest, but one shared look from me and Danny and he stops. 

"I got your back partner." I nod, muttering a thanks as I continue to the edge of the sidewalk with him. I keep my eyes on the car but at thirty feet or so I stop walking. I pull my phone out, dialing and holding it up to my ear.

"This is Detective Inspector Howards, shield number 98453. I have a visual on the car bomb suspect at the corner of Washington Square North and Fifth Avenue." I hear confirmation on the other end of the line, "Requesting 10-85 forthwith to clear the park. No phones, no radios, we don't know what could set this off, so no risks."

Once I hear another official confirmation I hang up, I tear my eyes off of the vehicle, working quickly to remove the back off of the phone and pull the battery out. I set it on the bench near me, before continuing to the edge of the sidewalk with Danny.

"I got an idea alright." Danny mutters, I stop and nod for him to continue. "I think I can get the kid out of the car, give me the dog."

"If whatever your thinking doesn't work, just get the car door open and Kenai can do the rest." He nods, holding her leash tightly before walking away.

"I'll wait for your signal." Danny mutters, and I nod.

I watch closely as they cross the street and wait around on the other side of the road. I wait a minute, before I cross the street and approach the car.

"Mary Jo?" I shouted, stopping about five feet from the vehicle. She whips around looking at me quickly. She shuffles something as she asks who I am. "My name is Jett, I work with your husband. He told me to, that he was gonna be late, and asked me to come get you guys to take to him."

"No no, I think we'll wait here." She replies, I nod, moving a little closer.

"Well, he's tied up with a student right now, uh, he's gonna be a little while. Let me just take you up to him."

"No!" She shouted quickly, to quickly. She's nervous, and letting everything get to her. "I just don't want to leave my car."

I wrinkle my nose, before taking another step closer. "Okay, okay, then I'll wait with you."

She seems annoyed, but asks another question. "He's, he's never mentioned you before. He would have told me if he'd worked with someone from the UK. Alex has always wanted to go."

"Well, um, I don't work in the same department." I wish I had thought of something better than working with him, "I'm a language professor."

She seemed to perk up a bit, and that made me a little more confident in my lie. "What languages?"

I didn't have to lie about this. "Most of the European languages, Chinese, some of the major languages of Africa and South America, Arabic."

That's when Danny took his chance, he walked past the car, successfully getting Jacobs attention. I could see Jacob shake his mothers arm, asking to pet the dog, she absentmindedly says yes before turning her attention back to me. Mary Jo begins to panic, she was looking past me, and when I turned to see what she was so worried about I noticed the police officers working to remove the crowds in the park.

 "Who are they, why are they here?" She starts to shuffle things around in the car before taking hold of something and turning back to me.

"I don't know, I don't know. But hey, you know what, I'm going to go get him alright." I put a hand on my chest, and motion behind me in the direction of where we picked up Alex Hass. "I'll go get him and I'll bring him back here alright?"

She nods slowly, before all hell breaks loose. Shouting sounds behind me, and the voice it belongs to pisses me off.

"Mary Jo! Have you lost your mind?" I glance over my shoulder and see Alex Hass walking towards us, "Let him go!" I guess he didn't take notice of Jacob being absent from the car.

I reacted quickly, setting my hand on my gun, and yelling for Alex to get back. He doesn't listen, shocker.

"Let him go!" He stopped at the edge of the sidewalk.

"Get the hell back Hass! Get behind the monument now!" I shout, pointing at the monument, he takes my advice to some degree, and when I turn back to face the car Mary Jo is holding the device in my line of sight.

"We are married for eternity!" Mary Jo shouts, "You cannot separate us!"

I watch as Danny grabs the boy in both arms, taking off down the street as Mary Jo screams for him to bring Jacob back. I pull my gun from my holster and hold my gun in front of me.

"Listen, listen, you don't want to do this okay?" She has tears streaming down her face as I speak, "You don't. Okay? Because if you do, you'll die alone."

Mary Jo lets out a loud sob, holding the detonator higher as she does.

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