↞ Chapter Thirty-Two ↠

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Season Two, Episode Twenty-One

I feel like I'm back in High School again while staying at the Reagan's.

Well, maybe not as extreme as being back in high school, but certainly as far as feeling like just a bit of a stranger. I was never left alone, either Henry would be there, or Frank would be there, or both, and if not them then certainly a group of officers keeping an eye on me.

On day three I was bored out of my mind.

Usually on my days off I take a look at my cold cases, but I couldn't get them to the Reagan house without there being a bit of a kerfuffle. As well as, I couldn't really wander the house because it wasn't mine, so I ended up just sitting around for the most part. Danny called a few times every day to update me on the case and to ask for whatever input I could provide. I also passed Kenai over to him so she wouldn't be cooped up in the house with me. Jameson was here three nights ago as well as last night, but he was pulling doubles tonight so he wasn't able to join me anymore.

At the moment, I found myself in Jameson's room, looking at the dozens of books that he had on the shelves around the room. As I looked, I found myself nearly surprised at his taste in books. I would have thought him more of a classic literature kind of person, but more than half of his books were science fiction, which I happened to love.

Just as I settled on a book to read, the shouting of someone downstairs alerted me to the fact that someone had joined me in the house. I pulled my weapon, approaching the doorway slowly and peaking just around the corner.

"Jett?" The voice sounded just a bit panicked, but I recognized it quickly as Franks. I holster my weapon, stepping out from the door. Frank smiles proudly when he sees me, "They've backed down, decided you are in fact not a threat, and we have Noble Sanfino in custody."

In my excitement I leap into the air, shouting and hollering in excitement at the fact that I was finally free. Frank laughed loudly, but refrained from jumping in joy. After a moment I composed myself.

"Thank you, Commissioner." I nodded my head to him, smiling in a much more subtle way.

The 'you're welcome' was understood, but not stated. "I need you to come in and have a word with Sanfino. We need you to flip him."

I didn't want to, but at the same time, I knew I couldn't say no. I nodded, muttering about putting on a pair of shoes while Frank offered to give me a ride over.

The idea of facing Noble Sanfino as Jethro Howards rather than Alvie Jones was a little strange, and as Frank and I road together the idea of how to even approach the Sanfino was all that I could think about. I couldn't be sure whether he would be angry with me, or if he would expect it, and on top of that, the entire case was basically riding on if  I could flip Sanfino.

We got to the 5-4 a lot faster than I would have preferred, Frank dropped me off at the front door. I told him that I'd see him Sunday, and that was that.

Danny was waiting with Kenai and a smile right inside the door.

"You gotta stop leaving me with Gormley."

"Good to see you to Danny." I squatted, scratching at Kenai's ears and back dodging the licks and jumps that she did. "I missed you too Kenai."

"We caught our guy for the Gibson case, and Linda's making cherry pie for Sunday dinner." Danny of course only told me the important parts of the past few days, which I found rather humerus, as we walked to wherever Sanfino was. Danny motioned to the door, opening it for me and starting to go in first.

I placed a hand on his arm. "I've got it from here Danny, thank you." He looked unsure about leaving me alone in with Sanfino but did it anyways.

I stepped into the room.

"Alvie!" Noble sounded excited about seeing me. I smiled in a cautious way, placing both hands on my hips as I looked at him. He looked me up and down, as if gauging how I had been. His eyes locked on something on my waist, and as I glanced down I realized it was my shield. "I should have known."

I didn't say anything, I wasn't even sure where to begin. Noble and I looked at each other for a long moment, before he spoke again.

"You know, there's, there's one thing I don't get." I didn't want to ask, Noble continued. "What's in this for you?"

"I get to sleep at night, with more people like your family off the streets." I answered quickly as if the response was programmed in me, it was how I felt about this situation. A light tap sounded on the door behind me, "There's an Assistant United States Attorney ready to speak with you."

Noble snorted. "All I get is an attorney." He shook his head, his body language becoming more aggressive with the second. I was glad for the handcuffs. "So this, conscience of yours, it let's you gain peoples trust, perfect strangers. Then you screw them over?"

"That's not what ha-"

"That's exactly what happened!" Noble slammed his hands on the metal tabletop, shouting loudly, I flinched away.

"No." My voice was quiet, but firm. "You're not perfect strangers, you're criminals, and I'm a detective. It's my job."

I looked Noble Sanfino directly in the eyes as I spoke, before turning to open the door. I had nothing else to say to him, no matter what.

"ADA Reagan." I nodded to Erin as she stepped into the room.

"Detective Inspector Howards." She returned the smile, stepping towards Sanfino with her coat over her arm. "Mr. Sanfino, I'll be discussing your case with you, as well as your next steps after all of this."

I started to leave, ready to be finished with everything involved with Sanfino. I opened the door, stepping out before looking back in.

"I wish you the best Noble." I really did mean it. Even though every encounter I had with the man was not good, and over all I did not enjoy any of it, I did want him to have the best life he could. 

"Fuck you." Noble responded.

I just nodded, closing the door and sighing loudly.

I rolled my shoulder a bit, metaphorically letting the idea of Noble Sanfino roll off my shoulders before walking to Danny.

He smiled in a cautious sort of way. "You good?"

"I'm good." I smiled brightly, "I'm bloody fantastic." I laughed loudly, and Danny joined in, throwing his arms around me in excitement. I was happy that everything was going in the perfect way. Danny pulls away, straightening his coat and holding a hand out to me to shake. He meant it in a more professional way, but I could see the smile in his eyes.

"Drinks are on me tonight?" He asked, but I shook my head.

"Rain check?" I replied, smiling in an excited sort of way. "All I want to do now is take my boyfriend out for a proper date. We haven't been on one in such a while."

Danny snorted, "Go on."

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