↞ Chapter Seventeen ↠

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Episode Five

I woke up with a fuzzy head that was easily cleared by a cuppa and a morning run.

Danny insists it isn't healthy for me to run as much as I do, but I find no downside. It lets me reacquaint myself with early morning New York, and see a bit of the city most miss out on. Plus it burns a large portion of Kenai's energy out before we go about the rest of our day. She always seems to have an impossible amount of energy, and if we can get at least one run in before the end of the day it's perfect.

On our way back to the flat from the run, I made a brief pass at Amizo's Cafe for a coffee and scone, before going home to shower and change.

I never know what to do on my days off, only because I rarely take days off in general. And given the fact that I was forced to stay home for today, I had even less of an idea of what to do. But I do have a telly, and plenty of books, and without even realizing it, I had spent the entire day reading and watching classic British telly. Doctor Who, and classic romantic comedy's. It's brilliant.

I get changed just before the hour. I haven't been to a pub in quite a while, but I know that pubs here are a bit different. I settled on a leather jacket and dark washed jeans. A bit different than what I would usually wear, but it's comfortable.

"Mr. Howards!" A knock sounded on my door, startling me a bit, but I shouted about it being open. "You're doorbells been going off for the past five minutes! Haven't you heard it?"

Isabelle Townsend slammed my door open, storming her way into the kitchen with a huff on her lips. She's a small woman, and though I've only been her lodger for two months, I've loved every second of it. She's very dramatic and loud and awfully tempered, but she's kind once you know her.

"Right sorry, I've been meaning to get it fixed up. Haven't gotten the chance to get the parts. I'm going out!" I say excitedly, spinning on the spot and motioning to my outfit. "How do I look?"

She snorts, shaking her head before turning around and starting to leave. "You look fine. Go answer your doorbell."

"Thank you Isabelle." I let her out first, turning to lock the door when Kenai's nose appears in the doorway. I freeze for a second, considering whether or not I should bring her with me, when I turn and smile at Isabelle in a funny way. 

"No." She's quick to answer, and start down the stairs.

"Please Isabelle?" I quickly pat all my pockets, before pulling out my wallet and grabbing a twenty dollar note. "I'll give you twenty bucks? And all you have to do is let her outside once, maybe twice to go to the bathroom, and she'll tell you when?"

Isabelle gives me a long hard look, before breaking into a bit of a smile and snatching the twenty. "Fine." 

I mutter thank you a few times, re-opening the door and letting Kenai out before locking it again. Kenai prances down the stairs and towards the front door but I shake my head, pointing at Isabelle. Kenai whines once, and I scratch her on the head a few times before she dramatically hangs her head and follows behind Isabelle. The second Isabelle pats Kenai on the head she perks up, prancing off and into Isabelle's flat.

I mutter a melody in vague French as I open the door, smiling at Jameson as I do. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting to long. The doorbell doesn't work-"

"I didn't wait long." He interrupted, but not in a rude way, I was rambling and he noticed. "How are you feeling?"

I stepped off the top step, out of the doorway, before turning and locking the door behind me. "I'm alright, maybe a little stir crazy."

I could hear Jameson laugh a light laugh from behind me, and when I turned he had a look on his face, like he was amused with everything. He turned, leading the way to his car and going around to the driver side. I paused, almost like I was waiting for Kenai to hop in before me, before shaking my head and sliding into the passenger seat.

Jameson started the car and pulled out before speaking, "You ever been to Jimmy's Corner?"

I shook my head, "Last time I was in New York I was seventeen, so no."

Jameson snorted as he took a left turn, driving with an easy practice through the streets of New York City. It was obvious that this place, Jimmy's Corner was somewhere that Jameson had been to plenty times, as he didn't have to second guess himself on any of his turns. Easy conversation filled the drive, from his Rookie status, to cases of mine from my time in London. Surface level questions, nothing to major. It was different, talking to someone who had never experienced a lot of what I had seen.

The conversation continued once we were inside, he ordered himself a beer, while I got gin. A far cry from the high quality drinks at any Welsh pub, but good nonetheless. Jameson mentioned the pranks and practical jokes his TO was insistent on playing on him, and I brought up the few I always played on my rookies when I was an officer. It was fun, a lot more fun than I've had in a long time.

Officer Jameson, what on Earth are you doing to me.

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