↞ Chapter Twenty-Seven ↠

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Season Two, Episode Nineteen

I was lucky last night, no interruptions for a solid nine hours, the most amount of sleep I had had in a while. Though, I would have preferred to have Jameson with me in my bed, it wasn't terrible without him.

When I left my flat in the morning, I was able to send a text to Jameson and get the vague direction they were heading in. I caught up to Jameson and Renzuli just as they called in for a coffee break. It took me a minute to park, and when I walked in the pair of them had already ordered, so I hurried up to the counter, pulling my wallet from my pocket.

"I'll cover them, and if you could throw in a cup of tea as well, that'd be lovely."

Renzuli turned as I spoke, starting to interrupt and say the usual spiel when people offer to buy anything for someone in a uniform, but the second he saw me he smiled. Renzuli turned, taking advantage of not having to pay, "You know what, throw in one of those cronuts too."

I laughed, before telling them I'd take one as well. I thanked them as I accepted the drinks and food and carried it all outside for Renzuli and Jameson.

"Ey thanks Detective Inspector." Renzuli said, accepting the coffee and cronut from me with a smile.

"You're quite welcome." I had Jameson his coffee, as well as the other cronut I had bought, because I knew for a fact that he would want one, even if he didn't say as such.

"Thanks babe." Jameson's hand lingered on mine for a moment longer, and I smiled at his words. 

"Babe?" Renzuli repeated, his words muffled slightly by the half a cronut in his mouth. "This is a thing." He motioned between me and Jameson, but it wasn't a question.

I nodded, throwing a glance at Jameson.

"Cool." He took a sip of his coffee, and I couldn't help but snort at his relaxed demeanor, like all of this wasn't a surprise. "How long have you two been together?"

Jameson blew air from his mouth, looking at me, and I realized that he wasn't sure how long. I smiled, wanting to take his hand, but stopping myself.

"Nearly two years." As I said that, Renzuli looked shocked, he put a hand to his chest in mock surprise.

"I feel hurt you never told me. Two years we been on the job together, and you never once mentioned that you were in a relationship." Renzuli shook his head with fake disappointment. "I'm wounded, you wound me."

I wanted to make some clever joke, but the second I opened my mouth, my phone started to ring. I sighed, pulling it out and muttering an apology as I turned to answer it. Danny, as always, but I didn't mind.

"I went by the house that Carney and Keenan were fixing up, and bumped into a Detective from the 2-7 squad. He was less than friendly, and annoyed about the fact that we found more evidence looking at the file, before even taking a look at the crime scene." Danny was babbling, something that he does when he's excited.

"Encouraging." I muttered.

"My thoughts exactly." Danny retorted, "Anyways, there is plenty here to reopen the investigation, meet me at the precinct? You're in Gormley's good graces right now so he'll listen to you."

I hummed in agreement, Danny had that right. Every other day he was getting into some sort of argument with someone at the precinct, not for any other reason than he's a confrontational person. I on the other hand, appear  less confrontational, it is more like when I confront people it rarely becomes an argument.

"You still in?"

I thought about it, I could spend the next few hours relaxing on my day off, or give a family some piece of mind. 

"I'm in."

"See you soon Jones." He hung up the phone, and I sighed, sticking it in my pocket and turning back to the two boys in blue.

"I've got to go Jameson." I made sure he realized that I was apologetic, but he didn't really mind.

"Eh, we should be going to." Renzuli said, before making a point to turn around and let Jameson and I say goodbye.

I lean over, setting a hand on his belt to pull him towards me and kissing his cheek. "I will see you soon Jameson." He repeated the same to me, and when I pulled back I could see his cheeks glowing red.

I started to turn, heading towards my car, but at the shout of Renzuli I waited.

"Eh, Detective. Thanks for the cawfee." His accent stuck out on the word 'coffee', and I nodded.

"You're welcome Sargent." And that was that. I climbed into my car, and left for the 5-4 precinct. Unluckily, I had a distance to travel, but I didn't mind it as much. Jameson had gotten me a collection of Queen CD's that I hadn't the chance to go all the way through yet, so I wasn't bored.

My mind kept going back to Carney, his family that was left behind, and how his son must be feeling. I could not imagine what they were going through in this moment, and so, as I listened to the vocals of Freddie Mercury, I made the decision to donate a portion of money to the family. I would not want them to feel alone in this, and I will do my best to help how I can.

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