↞ Chapter Thirty-Four ↠

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Episode Twenty-One

I couldn't sleep.

Not that that was a new development, I always felt like I couldn't sleep. This particular night was different, I felt like something was coming. Something big, and that I had no way to stop it. This thought kept me awake, which led to me trying everything to distract myself from the thought.

I played the piano for not even half an hour before my landlady was shouting at me to 'stop playing that damn music.' By three am I was baking, something that I haven't done since my move here. I ended up with six dozens batches of chocolate chip cookies, a dozen croissants, and raspberry macrons.

My doorbell went off, and I squinted a bit, wondering who in the bloody hell would be here this early. I pulled on my robe, hurrying out my door and down the stairs. When I reached the landing I wished that I had put some sort of shoes on, I moved quickly to open the door, muttering at the freezing temperature of the outside.

"Jameson?" His head was tucked low, his arms wrapped around his chest. He was shivering, and I frowned at his appearance. "Come in, please." He pushed past me, and I could feel the cold radiating off of him.

He clomped up the stairs without a greeting, which meant something was really bothering him, as he was a very affectionate person otherwise. I followed him up, walking around him as we stepped into my flat. I grabbed a blanket, turning and swinging it around Jameson's shoulder. I stood there for a moment, waiting for him to look up at me. It took him a moment and when he did I winced, reaching to touch the split lip that he had. "Who did this Jameson?" I muttered, and he shook his head. He leaned forward, and I wrapped my arms around him, shivering a bit at the cold feeling from his coat.

It took a few minutes, but when he was finally ready I led him to the couch, sitting him down and taking a seat on my coffee table. He leaned forward, putting his head on my shoulder, I held his hands firmly in mine, waiting for him to speak.

"Someone cut the breaks on my car." His voice was muffled as he spoke through my shoulder. "I think I know who, but I'm not ready to share anything."

"And that's perfectly alright of you Jameson." I mutter, he picks his head up off of my shoulder, maneuvering his way until he was laying down on my couch. His eyes stayed on me, and I smiled at him. I pat my legs, standing and making my way into the kitchen. I snag a cookie off of the counter top, as well as the first aid kit from the cupboard. I walk back into the living room, tucking the cookie behind me as I take a seat on the coffee table. I hold up the kit, and Jameson groans, sticking his face out a bit to me.

I open it, pulling antiseptic and a tissue out. He winces when I touch it to his face, and I mutter apologies as I do it. After a few minutes, and plenty of dramatics from Jameson, I finish. I lean forward, "A kiss for doing so well, and a cookie to make you feel better."

He gets excited, accepting the kiss and cookie quickly. I walk into the kitchen, tucking the kit back into the cupboard. I grab another cookie for myself, and when I walk back into my living room, Jameson is dozing off on the couch I smile, before my eyes catch on the few injuries that mark his face. I flinch, thinking about the accident, and wondering who would ever want to hurt Jameson.

I walked over, wrapping an arm under his shoulders and another beneath his knees. I grunt as I pick him up, but I am successful. I carefully make my way into my room in the back of my apartment. When I walk in Kenai sticks her head up, glaring at me in the only way a husky ever could. She whines, but hops down from the bed, curling up in the corner of the room. I set Jameson down on the bed, and he opens his eyes as I do, muttering a thank you. I smile, moving to pull his shoes off, before flopping onto the other side of the bed.

He turns into me, burying his head into my chest. I smile, wrapping my arms around him and letting my eyes fall shut, and for the first time tonight, sleep comes easily with Jameson in my arms.

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