↞ Chapter Ten ↠

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Season Three, Episode Twelve

It's surprising how much I truly enjoy work at times.

Even in a slow week like the one Danny and I've got going for us at the moment. I still really do love it, which would explain why I can never seem to leave work when I need too.

I told myself, I would leave at six, so I could make it to the Polish bakery before it closed at eight, and make it home to change before meeting Jameson at a bar for a couple of drinks at eight just after . It was his turn to pick, and I had never been to Harry's but something told me it was a cop bar. Either way, I didn't end up leaving work until seven, and then I was late to the bakery.

It was just an entire mess.

I pulled into a road side parking space at eight eleven, left Kenai in the car, and to my disappointment found all of the lights off and the front door locked.

I knocked hard, and out came a short stature man shouting about there not being an cash in the register.

"Please! I need to place an order!" The man walked just a bit closer, ignoring me by the door, and continuing with what he was doing. 

"Closed, come back tomorrow!"

"Come on then, I'm friends with Erin Reagan!" I suddenly remembered the fact that my boyfriends family came here for a while when they were all younger. "Er, I'm close with the entire family."

The man turned, squinting a bit at me, before opening the door a bit. "You are Reagan?"

I paused, bobbling my head side to side, before speaking, "Sort of yes. Linda'll kill me if I don't get this order in."

"My wife like that." He spoke with a thick accent, before opening the door the rest of the way. "Come in. You get warm."

I thanked him a dozen times as I stepped in, blowing warm air into my hands in an attempt to warm them. Mr. Wojick looked me up and down after he closed the door behind me.

"You know Reagan's?" He spoke with a smile, stepping around the counter top to mark down what I wanted.

"Yes, I do. Danny Reagan, he's my partner on the job." I stuffed my hands into my jacket pockets, and smiled as the man recognized the name.

"Danny Reagan!" Wojick laughs, "He used to be this tall!" He puts a hand on his hip, smiling and shaking his head. "What can I get you?"

"A chocolate cheesecake please, and a dozen paczkis?" I ask, leaning up against the counter top as I watched the man write it down.

"And when pick up?"

"Saturday, tomorrow, just before closing?" Wojick nodded, writing down when before filing it away in a spot beside him. He looks up, but not at me, towards the window. I start to turn to take a look, but Wojick suddenly speaks. "I can interest you in few Kolaczki? Free of charge for friend of Reagan's."

I paused, thinking about it, before nodding. "Thank you Mr. Wojick." He smiles again, ever-friendly as he turns to box up a few of the kolaczki. I watched as he did, accepting the box as he passed it across.

"These are actually my boyfriends favorite," I said it in an absent minded sort of way. "You've made a vary happy man out of him."

Wojick's smile faltered for less than a second, before he was suddenly bustling around the counter and shooing me out. "I must clean, you must give to boyfriend. Have nice night."

"Thank-," the door slammed shut. "You." I spoke the second word a little lower, shrugging my shoulders as I turned to walk back to my car.

The smells coming from the box in my hands were fantastic, and though I wanted one, I held off. Jameson would love me forever if I showed up at the bar with a box of them, so I'd wait to share. I slid into the front seat, scratching Kenai's ears in the form of an apology, before placing the box in the back row of the car.

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