↞ Chapter One ↠

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Season Three, Episode One

"I don't think you can dislike someone after just meeting them Jameson."

"Yeah, but you don't know this  guy." Jameson put emphasis on the word, and I couldn't help but feel bad about his frustrations.

"Love, you can't-"

"I bloody well can." Jameson mimics my accent, using a term that I probably use way to often. I can picture his face, his scrunched up nose and his twisted little smile.

I smile despite myself, "I love you Jameson." It was a spur of the moment I love you, but it couldn't be more true. I love the way he makes me smile with dumb jokes like this, and I love the way he's just a beautiful dumbass, and he's brilliant and he's fantastic and I don't express that often enough. 

"I love you too babe." He laughs, and I wish that I could smile brighter. "Alright he's coming out, I'll see you later?"

"Course," I smile, and the call ends. As I lower my phone from my ear, I smile in a distracted way, looking down at the paperwork decorating my desk. I shake my head, grabbing my pen and continue to make some notes in the margins of the papers.

My phone starts to ring, and I answer it without looking. "Hey love, your partner get cold feet?"

"I sure hope not."

I squint, pulling my phone away from my ear to check the name before responding. "Sorry Danny, Jameson and I were just on the phone and-" I snort, "You know what never mind, what's up? How did Jack's game go?"

"It went great J, he scored the winning shot." Danny sounds proud in a distracted way, and I lean back in my chair.

"What's happened?" I ask, already running through the list of potential reasons why he sounds like this.

"I, uh, I got a video message from this guy I collared a while ago, and it's making me worried. Can you look into him? I'm headed to the office but I need to call Gormley and-" Danny was rambling.

"Hey, hey, hey." I interrupted, "Just breathe Danny, I'll look into the guy, you keep your family safe. I'll see you when you get in." I flipped my wrist, checking my watch and noticing the time, half past six. "It's a bit late Danny, maybe let me look into it, and we can talk more at after family dinner tomorrow?"

"Thanks J, but I think I'm gonna come in tonight." Danny sounded panicked, and I felt kind of bad. "He's, uh, it's Benjamin Walker. I collared for blowing up a bank vault eight years ago."

I reached for a sticky note, pressing my phone into my shoulder as I scribble the name and collar on it. "Alright Danny I got it."

"Thanks J." He mumbles, and I sigh, telling him that he's welcome, and reiterating the fact that I'll see him when he gets here. He hangs up and I toss my phone onto my desk. Kenai perks up as I do looking at me in a glaring way, and I mutter an apology. "Let's see what we've got." I mutter, mostly to myself.

I type the name into the database, and sigh just a bit when I realize that we've got nothing on his current location. The man had maxed out his sentence, which meant that the D.A's office didn't even require a new home address. He has no kept phone number, no open warrants, nothing to answer for, we had no way of tracking him down, and no reason to do so.

I leaned back in my chair, tapping my foot on the ground in a frustrated way. "Come on Kenai." I stand, grabbing my coat off of the back of my chair and pulling it on in one fluid motion. I grab her leash, tucking it into my coat pocket before leading the way to the front of the station.

I started to search my pockets for my carton of cigarettes, and opening it and taking hold of one of the Werther's caramels from inside. I had kept my promise to Jameson and quit smoking a few months ago, and used the caramels as a sort of substitutes. Jameson was happy about it, and it was alright by me, because it was helping me to stay healthy.

Kenai took off as soon as we stepped outside, and I kept an eye on her while she did her business.

"Jett!" Danny's voice made me jump, and it took me a moment to see where it had come from. He was standing in the back lot, waving at me through the fence. I waved back, smiling and motioning to Kenai. "I'll grab the keys." He spoke at a normal tone of voice and I just nodded, watching as he disappeared around the corner into the precinct.

I turned back to Kenai, watching as she sniffed around the grass on the other side of the road. I tucked the carton back into my coat pocket, and just as I was about to whistle for Kenai to come, a short car pulled up in front of me.

The window rolled down, and a woman from inside started to speak to me. I could make out the words 'directions' and 'Times Square,' but that was all I could hear.

I stepped closer to the car, ducking my head a bit and asking the woman to repeat what she was asking.

She turned the radio down, leaning towards the window a bit, but not actually looking at me. "Can you point me towards Times Square?"

I looked over my shoulder, trying to see what she was looking at, before looking back at her in an unsure way. "Yeah, yeah of course." I pointed to my right, "You'll need to go straight on this road for six blocks, and then right for two, and then left. Times Square will be right in front of you. It'll be brilliantly lit up, given the time of day."

She said thanks, and hit the gas very suddenly, nearly going across my toes as she went. I took a step back, feeling my heel bump the curb behind me as I shook my head at her apparent urgency. I turned, stepping onto the curb and whistling for Kenai. Tires screeched from down the road, and as I turned to glance at whatever caused the noise it sounded again from right behind me.

I reached for my weapon a second too late, an arm wrapped around my throat, and I threw my elbow backwards, attempting to dislodge whoever had a grip on me. The arm around my throat tightened, and despite my protests, I couldn't get him off of me.

I felt myself start to lean backwards, more specifically I could feel whoever had grabbed me start to pull me backwards. I struggled against the man, forgoing at grabbing his arm and reaching for my weapon instead. My fingers brush against it, and I struggle for much longer than needed to pull it out.

"Kenai!" I shout, putting both hands on the grip of my weapon and attempt to point it at the foot of the man behind me.

The man lets me go, and for just a moment I'm free falling. Before my back slams hard on the floor of the car the man had pulled me into. I can hear Kenai running across the concrete, and as I start to finally pull myself to my feet, the doors slam shut, and my gun is no longer in my hand.

The idea of a gun being pointed at my head made my blood run cold, and the fact that it was my own was even worse.

"Don't move." His voice was gruff, and in the dark of the van I could just barely make out his facial features. I watched as he made his way to the front seat, keeping my gun trained on me, and putting the van into drive.

We sped away, and I felt my heart sink.

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