↞ Chapter Thirty ↠

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Season Three, Episode Twenty-Three

"I got waffles!" I announced as soon as I stepped into the room, and Jameson replied with just as much excitement. He winced aggressively as he sat up and I was quick to rush to his side. "Careful my love." I muttered, helping him to sit up and readjust his pillows as he did.

Kenai put her paws up on the bed and licked at Jameson's hands for a moment before flopping back down.

"I wish you wouldn't baby me." Jameson grumbled as I helped, but I could tell he was grateful for the help.

"Right, waffles, bacon." I set the box of his waffle and bacon on the little table connected to the bed and pushing it towards him. "I had the best interaction when I bought them."

"Ooh, do tell." Jameson copied my accent with a small smile as he opened his to-go boxes. I set one of the waffle boxes on the ground opened for Kenai.

"Well, I went to this little corner diner, the kind that's on every street in London, and I met this rather fantastic man who I think owned the place. He asked about where I was from and I kind of answered it like a trail off thought about living in Manhattan with my partner." I was rambling, but Jameson was smiling as he ate his waffle so I knew I wasn't annoying him. "Then he asked if the waffle was for you and I said yes and mentioned the fact that you were in here, and either way, in the end he gave me the meal for free," Jameson started to make a face, and I was quick to speak, "I see that face, I did bloody well tip him, anyways and he said it was from one partnership to another."

Jameson had to think about it for a second, before smiling brightly. "Oh, I love him already."

I smiled, pulling the plastic chair closer to Jameson's bed and taking a seat. I used the edge of his bed as a sort of table as I opened my box of food and spoke, "His name was Clifford, and his partner was Tom." I offered the names though he didn't ask and it was silent between the two of us, though not for long as the TV up in the corner of the room started a new round of news stories and my attention was drawn away from my food for just a second.

"Did you get anything done?" I knew that Jameson was upset about his partners death and would much rather be on the streets then stuck in a hospital bed, and I really didn't blame him.

"Not really, we've got someone in custody, but not a very useful someone, and an idea for tomorrow but I feel like we're grasping at straws." I sighed as I finished speaking, taking a bite of my waffle in a distracted way.

Jameson hummed in acknowledgement but when I looked at him he looked distracted. He tried to sit up, wincing loudly but motioning to the TV with a full mouth. "Turm it mup!" Jameson's voice was muffled but I did what he asked, standing to grab the remote and turn the volume on the TV up.

"Breaking News, less then twenty minutes ago at a town hall meeting in the Bitterman Projects shots were fired at the Police Commissioner Frank Reagan and Mayor  Carter Poole." I felt my heart skip a beat as I stood mouth wide open at what the reporter was saying. "The suspect has been identified as 16-year-old Hector Santiago, a resident-"

"I know him!" Jameson had swallowed his bite of waffle in the time that the reporter was speaking and I looked down at him with shock hopefully evident on my face.

"Bloody hell, what do you mean you know him?" I asked, pressing mute on the remote and the TV fell quiet. 

"Vinny baby-sat him back in the day." Jameson started, and I just nodded, looking down at my phone and sending a text to Frank, then to Henry before finally to Danny, I just wanted some sort of information. "He called Vinny 'Skinny-Vinny.' The kid's like, not all there." I threw a glance his way, and he clarified what he meant. "Not cause he did this, he was, uh, born that way."

I lowered my phone, but I didn't take a seat. "Hold on love, is he Los Lordes?" I asked, though I had a feeling on what the answer was.

"A banger?" Jameson asked, before taking another bite from his waffle and shaking his head. "I doubt it. I don't think he knows what he's doing?"

It was phrased as a question, and I wasn't sure what to say. My phone started to ring and I put it on speaker for Jameson to hear.

"Henry, Jameson's here too, is Frank alright?" I asked, setting the phone on the edge of the bed and taking another bite of my waffle and hash browns.

"He's alright, but Mayor Poole is not."  Henry spoke, and I looked up at Jameson in surprise, I hoped everyone would have made it out, but it seems Mayor Poole would need our prayers now, and he would have them. "Danny is here, he wants to have a word."

"Of course," I motioned for me to take the phone but Jameson waved me off, muttering that he wanted to hear what Danny had to say.

"J, we gotta go in." I sighed, nodding even though he couldn't see me. "We're the only one with a Los Lordes gang member in custody and I want to see what we can get from him."

"God you know I don't want to, but I'll see you there." I sighed, before pressing end call and looking down at Jameson with a small sad smile.

"You've got to go." He spoke sadly, and I just nodded.

"I love you?" It was sort of an excuse, but I smiled as I leaned down and pressed a kiss to his forehead before pulling away.

"You missed," He said it with a bashful smile, and I grinned as I looked down at him. He pressed his cheek up in the air with a smile.

I started to bend down to kiss his cheek but he moved last second, and our lips met softly. Jameson reacted before I could, and grabbed me by the back of my neck and pulled me further into the kiss. I smiled into it, letting my eyes fall shut as I kissed my wonderful boyfriend.

I pulled away after a moment, and smiled down at him. "I love you."

"I love you too babe," Jameson smiled at me as I stood to my full height. "You better make it back safe."

"I will of course," I grabbed my to-go box, offering him the other bit of my waffle with a smile. "I'll see you later."

I left with Kenai and a heavy heart, though I didn't want to go I needed to get Santana off the street to protect the rest of my family.

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