↞ Chapter Ten ↠

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Season Two, Episode Five

Jameson spent the night again last night, and I'll never forget what it is to wake up with someone you love wrapped in your arms. He is always so warm, no matter what time of day, but sadly he had to leave before noon, and I was left to my own devices. Well, not entirely, I did still have Kenai as company. 

At noon, I made myself a sandwich, before taking Kenai for a decently long walk. Worryingly, I had not received a call from Noble yet, but I was ready for it. The Lietenant set me up with an i.d. in my cover name, as well as a debit and credit card for a better undercover persona, he also criticized my choice of name extensively while doing all of this.

My phone started to ring as I stepped off of my flat's stoop. "Jones." I said as I answered it.

"Alvie, my man!" I recognized the voice as Sanfino's. "It's Noble. Sorry for getting to you so late, five o'clock work?"

"Sounds alright Noble." I asked the address, and pretended to write it down for the sake of appearances. The Lieutenant informed me of the location yesterday, and I had already memorized where I was going by then.

"I'll see you then Alvie." I said my goodbyes as I unclipped Kenai, finding a seat on a bench. Danny had already updated me about his weekend, and Henry called about not knowing what to do with the boys. I helped as much as I could, in exchange that he come get Kenai for the night. A good exchange in both our eyes, he'd be by at four to get her, and the boys were already excited.

I watched Kenai as she sprinted through the grass, glad that she had the chance to run around before going over to the Reagan's. I kept going back to what Renzuli had called me about yesterday. I had gone over every scenario in my head for whatever the Sanfino family could ask me, but even then I hadn't thought about the man. A look to my hands, and I knew that I would take credit to the man's condition. My knuckles were relatively freshly grazed from a tumble I had taken at the beginning of the week.

I sighed, twisting my hand and checking my watch. I didn't want to leave the peacefulness of the park, but I knew that I should. I needed to dress the part for tonight, which meant digging out one of my, nicer, suits.

I stood, looking through the gap in the trees for Kenai. I whistled, "Kenai! Venez ici." I shouted, looking around. I hear her running, and smiled, bending down and scratching all over. She licks my face, and I snort, nudging her away just a bit as I stood. Kenai stuck by my side as we left the park, so I didn't bother clipping her leash back on. I nodded to the few people that we passed, tucking my hands into my pockets. Kenai got across the street first, and I waited as a few cars went by.

"Jett!" I heard the voice, and tensed up, before relaxing as Henry pulled to a stop in front of me.

"Hullo Henry, if you can find a space, I've got to grab a few things from my flat." Henry complied, and I waited on the stoop for him. What I was not expecting was for the two boys to come barreling out of the car straight towards me. Sean went to Kenai, basically collapsing on her in a hug, and Jack came to me. He tackled my waist, hugging me tightly. "Oh," I muttered, setting my hands on his shoulder and bending in a form of awkward hug. When I stood, Henry had the brightest smile on his face. He pat me on the shoulder as he stepped into the foyer of my flat. I passed them, taking the stairs two at a time as I went. The rest followed a moment later.

"She gets two scoops in the morning, and two in the night. She's good about having to use the bathroom. She'll sit by the door when she needs to go, and there's no need for the leash when she goes,-" I poked my head back into the living room, "Kenai is good about coming back at night." I grabbed a box of her food, grabbing the leash from my pocket and setting it on top of the bin. "You fink you can manage Jack?" I asked Jack, he stood tall, nodding his head and accepting both the bin and leash from me.

"Thank you for this Henry," I said with a smile, watching as the two boys chased Kenai around the room.

"Anytime Jett, anytime." Henry pat me on the shoulder, I hadn't realized how short he was till now, and I almost had the urge to slouch, as to not appear so large. "Good luck tonight."

I looked at him surprised, thinking that Frank had told him, just as I started to ask, he was quick to assure me. "Francis didn't tell me what, but I can tell it's important."

I smiled, and thanked him again, watching as the boys and him left out the front door. I looked at my watch again before immediately panicking. I rushed off to my room, flipping through my closet in a hurry and pulling out the first suit in sight. I groaned a bit as I started to pull it on, annoyed at the fact that I need to dress the part, but dressing anyways.

I passed on the tie, leaving my room as I buttoned my shirt. I started to grab my gun and badge, but stopped myself. I left the badge, tucking the gun at the base of my spine and re-positioning my jacket over it. I grabbed my helmet on my way out, "Goodbye Mrs. Jefferson!" I shouted as I clunked down the stairs.

"Don't die!" She shouted back, and I couldn't help myself in smiling.

I left through the front door, pulling my helmet on as I approached my motorcycle. The sky was beginning to orange, and I took a deep breath as I turned onto the road. My jacket whipped around me as I flew down the street, and I was glad for a black shirt underneath, my weapon matched well enough, and I didn't have to worry about people seeing it.

To the lion's den I go.



Venez ici = "Come here"

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