☺︎︎Introduction + Information

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Hello guys, gals and non binary pals!

2023 edit:
Hello! I just logged back into wattpad and oh. my. god. some of this is so bad 😭
i'm gonna keep it here though, y'know preserve it in the time it was written, thrive in the cringe that i was so confident in creating :D

if you decide to continue on reading, pls keep in mind i was 15, 16 when i wrote these and very very bad at writing.. well, people in general. but oh well! i find it funny. embarrassing as hell but funny. i don't think i'll write anymore chapters as i'm not in the fandom as much as i was back then, but who knows! :)
back to your regularly scheduled cringe!!
I realise that the first lot of chapters in this book aren't the best, my writing improves around "crosswords" so please enjoy reading!


I've been in love with the ship ever since Remus was introduced and I think it's about time I wrote a book dedicated to it!

So my first chapter will be one I've already posted in another one shot book so if you've already seen it don't leaveee! I'll have some new chapters soon.

Soo if you didn't know much about me here's some facts-
(as of 2023, updated)
• My name is Nico
•My pronouns are he/him
•I'm 18 years old. i was 15/16 when i started this book
•I have a very very dirty mind
•I'm British :) 
•I ship almost every Sanders Sides ship apart from RemRom. [Look at my bio for specific ships I like!]
•I'm gay and aroace 🏳️‍🌈
•Ooo I have two favourite sides: Janus and Remus . But I love the others.. obviously.

Chapter guide:
Angst= ⚠︎︎
Smut= ☕︎︎︎
A/N's: ✔︎

I hope you enjoy and look forward to this book!

Please leave comments even if you just say hi! I need friends..

Thank you!!!


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