Chapter 4, Sand and more sand

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/Third person POV/

(Somewhere in Tatooine)

The heat had made it seemed that Poe, Rey, and the rest of the pilots had walked for hours, but in the hologram map, the dot representing their location had barely moved. "I've had enough of these sand dunes!" Poe had said loudly, which startled the pilots, who remained quiet. "I wasn't made to walk up sliding sand hills, I was made to gracefully fly X wings until I die!" He complained. This time, Rey had laughed. "Stop complaining Poe. I bet we are almost there." She said. "Hey, how much time is left, you think?" Rey asked the pilot holding the hologram map. "Maybe twenty minutes. But if he continues to walk at that pace, probably thirty." The pilot replied, and pointed at Poe. 

The heat was terrible, where the sand ended and the sky begun at the horizon was blurred and watery because of the sun, and all six Resistance members were exhausted. Some started walking to the sides as they tried not to stumble. "God dammit!" Poe exclaimed. " I've got sand in my boots and hair. This is hell. This is torture. This is-" "Shut up Poe." Rey had interrupted, placing her index finger in front of his lips.

"Rey, that was ru-" Poe had begun to say, but was quicly interrupted by Rey once again. "I said quiet. Do you hear that?" Rey said, looking around them. "No ma'am. I can't hear anything." One pilot said. "It sounds like, like, something falling continuosly." Another one said. Rey nodded and stopped walking. All six were looking around eachother, but all they could see was sand and more sand. "No one move." The pilot holding the hologram map said. Rey put a hand on her lighsaber, ready to take it out if necessary. "Look under you." The same pilot had said, motioning the ground with his eyes. 

Poe started to sarcastically laugh. "Oh this is great. Really, just what we needed. Was it not enough to put us in this schorch, but now, we had to be stupid enough to land in a large pile of quicksand." No one dared move, afraid they would only cause themselves to drown deeper into the sand. "Its not any type of quicksand," another pilot said, fear spread through her face. "Its commonly known as mucksand. It can be described as watery sand, and it drowns whoever unsuspectedly falls in a pit of it. Victims usually die earlier because of the movement they do as they struggle to free themselves, which sinks them more." She said fastly. 

"I do not even want to ask how you know that." Poe said. "But couldn't you have told us before I started wiggling like a worm to get out?!" He screached. Poe was torso down into the sand, while Rey and the rest of the pilots were at waistdown. "Poe. Just- Calm down, ok?" Rey tried reassuring her friend, who was obviously hiding fear under the mask of anger and sarcasticness. "I refuse to go down because of sand. I refuse." Poe continued to complain. 

Rey paid no more attention. There was a different sound she could hear this time. It seamed faint, but it got louder and louder by the second. Fast shadowns passed above the Resistance group, and they all in sync looked at the sky, only to see TIE fighter spaceships flying towads the same direction they were going before. "No, no, no, no!" Rey whispered under her breath. The pilot at the Resistance head quartes was right: the First order had, without a doubt, captured the distress signal as well. But it was odd, Rey had felt the presence of Kylo Ren in one of the TIE fighters as they flew above her group. Why was the First Order responding to a call for help? And why was Kylo Ren personally there to reply?

"Dammit! The First Order has headstart now." A pilot lamented. Rey closed her eyes. She was sure she could still hear a faint sound becoming louder and louder, and it didn't come from the First Oder TIE fighters, it came from the direction they were heading. As deep as she was sinking into the quick sand, Rey could make out a couple silhouettes that were speeding towards them, making buzzing sounds that got louder. In the horizon, four speeders were coming in their direction, very fast.

The noise got clear so all five others turned their heads towards the core of the sound, and as the speeders kept getting closer, Poe got worried they wouldn't see the group that sunk slowly into the quick sand and would be run over to death. The buzzing sound became slower as it grew louder, the speeders were slowing down. As Poe tilted his face upwards to breath, a hand extended to him. The sun was hitting his eyes, and he couldn't make out who was offering to help him. He sunk hesitantly, for long seconds, before taking the hand of the stranger that had offered it.

The stranger pulled Poe out of the quick sand with such ease, and as he opened his eyes, he could make out the figure of a tall brunette man with cautivating green eyes. Poe looked around, and saw how four other people helped the rest of the Resistance members out of the quicl sand pit. 

"Who are you?" Rey asked, dusting off sand from her tunic. 

"There is no time," said the man that had helped Poe. "You need to help us. You're the Resistance, right?"

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