Chapter 66, Ending someone

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/ First Person Protagonist POV /

My vision was beginning to blur out a little bit, but if I focused my eyes, I could make out the figure of something, or rather someone jumping off the pebbled wall and approaching me and Djarggi. Their bounty? That's how the person had called me, I wanted to sight of relief, but my abdomen hurt too much. I couldn't tell who this mystery bounty hunter was, but I was glad they had saved me from Givu.

" So we meet again, old friend." The Dathomirian hunter said to the person, and I tried my best to focus all my senses on what was going on, while also trying to keep myself alive, which was a struggle. " We are not companions anymore, Djarggi. Not after you became a traitor and a hypocrite to the-." The stranger replied, interrupting himself, and I tried to make out their voice, to see if I recognized it, but they had a voice distortioner. 

Givu Djarggi laughed demonically, and I could feel him walking away from me. Is he really that dumb to leave me unattended?! I pondered as I tried sitting up, but the dagger was pushing further down into my flesh at any movement I did. I winced in pain, but I had to take a decision soon. Leave the dagger in my abdomen and not be able to move, or take it out and risk the wound bleeding out even more. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the snow covered cobble street, breathing heavily.

" Djarggi. I won't tell you again: get away from the bounty." The man said, and I tried focusing my eyes on him, catching a glimpse at a shiny silver helmet... Mando?! I sighted in relief heavily, Mando was the one, sort of, rescuing me from another bounty hunter. Even if he was ordered to hunt me down as well.  " I'm sorry, my friend. But I can't let the bounty go. Not with the amount the Final Order is paying to bring her in." Givu said, addressing to me as if I was an object. Jerk. " The Supreme Leader Kylo Ren said to bring her in unharmed, Djarggi." Mando replied. " He will kill you if you bring her in like that." 

Why does Mando even care if Kylo kills Givu Djarggi?! He's a monster and he stabbed me, and he did not follow Final Order instructions. I rolled my eyes painfully as I tried dragging myself towards another pebbled wall a couple yards behind me. " He won't kill me if I kill him first, Mando." Djarggi said. The Dathomirian is completely out of his mind! I exclaimed mentally. How the hell does he plan on killing Kylo... On his own ship surrounded by thousands of storm troopers?! " You see, old friend, I know something about this bounty, and it will come in great handy."

My heart stopped beating for a split second. What the hell was Givu talking about?! Me being the Crimson Hunter? Or... I expected the worse. If Djarggi had done his research about me, he could've found out about me and Kylo, and that frightened me. With that information, Djarggi could find Kylo's weak spot, Givu could take Kylo down. 

" Information?" Mando repeated in a tone I couldn't place. Is he considering joining Djarggi?! I worried as I made my way to the pebbled wall and carefully leaned my back on it, watching out not to cut my wound more open or deeper, so it wouldn't stab any vital organs. Breathe, y/n. Let the force guide your movements, said the conscience inside me. I closed my eyes and did as it said, and my hand instinctively moved towards the dagger. I wrapped my fingers around the handle of the sharp knife and stopped breathing as I tore it out of my abdomen. 

I yelled, but the pain was so unbearable that no sound exited my mouth. I wrapped my arms around my legs as I flopped onto the ground in pain, tears rolling down my cheeks as I opened my eyes brutally in dolor. Maybe that wasn't the best idea. I lamented as I tried to cover my wound with my hands and pieces of clothing, but at least now I could move around without it hurting that much.

I looked towards the two bounty hunters, who were now in hand to hand combat. I didn't understand why Mando was so persistent to get me out of the reach of Givu Djarggi, he doesn't know me. I mean, he kind of does, but as a different person. C'mon. Kylo must have placed a big prize for whomever finds me. I would do the same as Mando if I was stuck in the position of the Crimson Hunter

" Not bad, Mando." I heard Givu say between a small break in the fight. " You became a better fighter." Mando shot Givu a punch, but he ducked it. " We could share the prize over the bounty. What do you say? fifty, fifty?" I couldn't believe it. Djarggi was actually offering Mando that. I just hoped he would be smart enough to decline. " Share the prize? Do you think I'm stupid?! I know you will keep it all for yourself, you traitor!" Mando exclaimed as this time, his punch did reach Djarggi's face. 

I knew even though Mando had hit him many times, that Givu Djarggi had the advantage in the fight. He was tall and strong looking, not to mention a complete maniac. It seemed as if the two had completely forgotten I existed, and I took the chance to try and stand up. 

It was very difficult. I couldn't even sit properly, but I pushed myself to my feet slowly and as silently as I could, so I wouldn't catch the attention of Mando or Djarggi. With the force, I levitated my lightsaber and it came flying right into my hand. Concentrate y/n. One foul move and everything could go wrong. I told myself as I cautiously walked towards the two fighting me, with lightsaber in hand and the other one applying pressure on my deep wound. 

As I got near, I waited for one of the hunters to make a sudden sound, and ignite my lightsaber. Mando seemed to have seen me, and he stumbled back a couple steps. I was only a couple feet away from Djarggi when he turned around, with fury in his eyes. Even if I had my lightsaber, he didn't hesitate and threw himself at me with two of his long titanium swords. 

I didn't have time to react, all I knew was that I swung my lightsaber forward towards my attacker, but Djarggi's attack never came. I opened my eyes carefully, and peeked towards the snowy ground, where the lifeless body of the Dathomirian laid.

I killed him...

At that moment, I felt nothing more than the aura of three familiar people running towards were me and Mando stood, as well as Djarggi's dead body. Rey, Finn, and Poe... I thought to myself. Mando didn't hesitate to run behind me and tackle me to my knees, being careful not to open my wound more. I stared on top of the pebbled wall I had tried cornering Djarggi earlier, to see my three ex comrades staring down at the scene unraveling.

A lifeless body, a lit lightsaber on the ground, and a bounty hunter tying my arms behind my back. I stared into Rey's eyes, she seemed so worried, and I wasn't sure it was because of me, or something else that had happened on Kijimi. I smiled meekly at one of the three dearest people to me and closed my eyes, feeling Mando's arms lift me from the ground as I slowly drifted off.

I ended Djarggi. I had killed someone.


Yes, Mando came to the rescue. Because I knew some of you would hate me if it wasn't him, tbh I would too.

SHE KILLED SOMEONE DOE. (My spelling is wow.)

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Can't wait to share more!

Have a wonderful day or night!

- Camille

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