Chapter 63, Kijimi

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/ First Person Protagonist POV / 

I stared at the Dathomirian from the safe distance of my seat. How did he find me so quickly?! I thought to myself as I covered my face as much as I could and I dug my hand in my bag, grabbing the handle of the green lightsaber. I don't want to make a scene, but I won't let  Givu Djarggi catch me... at least not on this ship. I didn't know if the Dathomirian would be smart enough to connect the dots that the Crimson Hunter had left for Tatooine, and this ship had taken off from there, but I wouldn't take my chances. 

Givu Djarggi sat down in the same room as I did, the one with the rows of 300 something labeled seats. I couldn't see him from where I sat, and it worried me that I'd look suspicious if I turned around. Maybe it's just a coincidence y/n. I tried reassuring myself as my hands started shaking and sweat started falling down my forehead. But why would the Dathomirian want to go to Kijimi?! How would Givu Djarggi possibly know I was headed there?! 

I tried looking at the bounty hunter's silhouette reflected on the shiny metal wall of the Ando Traveler, and I could distinguish his yellowish robes from a short distance away from me. He didn't seem to have acknowledged the bounty he was supposed to hunt was in the same room as him, or maybe he was just waiting for the right moment to attack. 

A small group of protocol droids entered the room and headed towards all the people seated. This could be the perfect distraction if they ask Givu Djarggi for his hologram chip, I thought to myself as I prepared to stand up and swiftly leave the room when a droid would distract the bounty hunter. But at the same time, it would maybe be safer to have an eye on him... I thought about a plan, but alas too late, the protocol droid had already skipped Givu Djarggi and another one was headed towards me.

" Your chip, please." The droid robotically said as it stood in front of me. I handed it the little device the first protocol droid had given me on my way inside, and as this droid opened the little hologram, I remembered something. The gadget Mando gave me on The Finalizer! I had forgotten about the holographic transmitter he had placed in the pocket of my Praetorian Guard robes, which I had sort of abandoned on Tatooine...

No, please no. I lamented to myself as I started looking for the little transmitter around my bag, but it was nowhere to be found. Geez y/n! Why do I have to be so careless and puzzled all the time! I grounded myself angrily. Even though I would probably never need the transmitter, it could always come in handy just in case anything happened. But now I had lost it. Mando had said it guided to Carlac. But where specifically? I lamented as I tried remembering any piece  of information he had given me about the hologram I had lost, but Mando had never told me where to look if I got to the planet.

The hologram peaked my curiosity, and I knew the thought would bother me for a very long time. Focus y/n! You can't get distracted. Not now! With a bounty at your name! And certainly not here, with a ruthless bounty hunter in the same room as you. I told myself as I came back to reality. Something was odd, or maybe it was just the Ando Traveler that was beginning to descend into Kijimi's atmosphere, but I had learned never to doubt my senses in that way. I turned around and sneaked a peek around the room, skimming everyone's face. But I couldn't find that one of Givu Djarggi.


I gulped: I didn't feel safe anymore, not like I had before, but at least I had eyes on who was hunting me, and now I had nothing. The Dathomirian had vanished, and I had no idea where he had gone or if he had discovered I was in the same room as him. I carefully and silently took out my lightsaber handle and hung it at my waist belt. If anything happens, I can just... defend myself from Givu Djarggi. I tried reassuring myself as the ship started shaking more and more, meaning it was about to land any second now. 

The Ando Traveler had came to an halt, and I could feel it was on firm ground. I stood up quickly and walked with the medium sized crowd of people that sat in the room I was in, it was better to blend in with the crowd. I mixed into another multitude that had walked out of another room, in case Givu Djarggi had known where I was and would look for me inside the crowd of the people who were in the same room. 

As I descended from the Ando Traveler, I was hit by the cold, frigid air of Kijimi, which kind of reminded me of the time I had spent on The Supremacy, as a living body guard statue for Snoke. Let's get this over with, I sighted as I wrapped my cloak well around my body to trap the little heat I had left.

I sneaked around the snowy and lantern lit streets of Kijimi, avoiding places where stormtroopers were, which was almost everywhere. Why are they so many? I pondered to myself. It can't be because of me, can it? Would Kylo also send out his troopers to find me when he already has the best bounty hunters? I rolled my eyes and shook my head negatively. You're not the only thing Kylo has to worry about, y/n, I told myself as I hid inside dark alleys. He's an important militar leader, for crying out loud! You're not his only priority, I grounded mentally. 

I suddenly stopped walking and my eyes widened enourmously. I had stumbled across an odd scene, but the most coincidental thing of all was who took part of it. There was a helmeted woman and other people with helmets, who looked like spice runners, that surrounded three humans with blasters at their heads.

What the hell is going on? I asked myself, but I didn't want to approach. Not because I was scared, but because of the odd feeling I had forming in my core. I could recognize the aura of the three surrounded people, it was all too familiar. Before me stood no one else than my old comrades. My friends whom I had betrayed and hurt.

Poe, Finn, and Rey.

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