Chapter 97, Suspicious

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/ First Person Protagonist POV / 

No. Way. 

There is no way in hell that Hux is- was the inside voice in the Final Order

I didn't say anything, I just stared at Kylo in awe, my mouth slightly parted and my eyes popping out of my skull. How could he have been deceiving us, right under our noses for who knows how long?! Even if it was hard, or rather impossible to believe that Hux had been the mole, the pieces slowly started coming together, every unintentional hint that Hux had given, hinting us about his conspiracy; it was all coming together.

I couldn't really place any normal though other than that. I had so many questions, and I couldn't decide which one to ask first, I didn't even know if Kylo would answer them. Hux... That bastard wanted to kill Kylo! Of course, it was all clear now: Hux and Kylo's rivalry. They hated each other. Fought for the highest position during the First Order. And now that Kylo had became Supreme Leader, at the top of the food chain, Hux would most certainly not let that go easily. 

Gosh, how could I have not noticed before?! I lamented to myself angrily. My only consolation was that no one had suspected it was Hux either, so I wasn't the only one that blindly ignored his complot the whole time. I wondered how many people it had been, plotting against Kylo, and for how long. Was it only Leone and Hux? Probably not. There were so many ranks between the both of them, it seemed almost impossible that they would've found each other and plotted everything behind our backs. But I wouldn't ignore that hypothesis, after all: if it was possible for Hux to have plotted out to overthrow Kylo while he still worked near many high rankers and not get caught, then it was most definitely possible that Hux would've found any type of way to communicate with the low rankers.

How I wish I hadn't killed Leone, I could've at least tried extracting information out of her, I grumbled. Killed. That word echoed in my head. Even if it appeared otherwise on the outside, I had never gotten over Djarggi's death caused by me. Of course, as a Knight of Ren, killing was child's play, but I had followed Ap'lek's idea: deception over violence.  

But that hadn't saved me from being the cause of some fatalities. I had only told Kylo that over the course of my seven weeks as a Knight, I had only fatally wounded opponents, and the others had taken charge of the kills, or the unfortunate victim had died of the injuries, which wasn't the whole truth... I didn't know why, but I didn't feel capable of telling Kylo I had grown to be an exceptional killer amongst the Knights, not like many hadn't perished at the blade of Kylo's lightsaber as well, but I was afraid of what he might think: he probably thinks I am like a child compared to the rest of the Knights of Ren.

 "How did General Pryde know?" I asked Kylo, zoning out of my short lived trance of deadly thoughts. " We placed together each piece of evidence, it all led to Armitage." Kylo replied briefly, emphasizing hate as he said the ginger haired general's name. 

" Oh." 

" And how did you find out about the nurse being a conspiracist?" Kylo questioned, after remaining silent for many seconds. " I guess you can call it Ren instinct." I joked, winking at him. Kylo rolled his eyes playfully and sat down on a chair next to hospital bed I was in, once again. 

" By the way, where are we?" I asked him, remembering I had no idea if we were still on Naboo, or on The Finalizer, maybe elsewhere. " In a hospital wing." Kylo replied, knowing exactly what I meant. Oh ok, he wants to play that game, I told myself. " Use your so called 'Ren instinct', surely you can figure it out." Kylo joked. 

Me and my big ego

I looked around the hospital room, taking a good look at every single detail, it wasn't like the ones in The Finalizer, so I took my guess. " I'll go with Naboo. I mean, look, there's marble, like e everywhere." I pointed out to a specific wall on the far right. 

" Then it isn't Ren instinct, it's observation." Kylo mocked. " Geez. When did you become such a humoristic guy?" I asked, because no matter how joyful it felt when Kylo was relaxed and acted like a normal guy, it was odd. Very odd to see him so lightened up. Because Kylo wasn't a normal guy, and especially in these situations, he wouldn't act as unstressed as he is right now. 

" Is everything alright with you, Kylo?" I asked, both of us becoming more serious. I started reaching for his cheek, but he suddenly moved away from the hospital bed a little bit. Ouch, that pains more than I'd like to admit.

" Of course. Why wouldn't it?" He asked, standing up and dusting off his black uniform. 

Oh, I don't know. Maybe cause you've been acting really unlike yourself since I woke up. I mean, Hux was conspiring against you, and I apparently have a punctured lung, but you're acting humorously, and it's kinda worrying me, like a lot, cause that's not like you at all. And I can sense something is bothering you. I replied mentally, but of course I wasn't going to say that. " No reason, I was just asking." I replied through gritted teeth as I forced a shy smile. 

I don't know what he's hiding, but I will find out.

" Alright. I want nothing more than to stay here with you, y/n, but I'm afraid I have to go... ' Unclarified business' matters to attend to, you know... Hell, I wasn't even supposed to come, but I had to make sure you're ok." Kylo muttered as he started walking away from the bed, but stopped at the door of the hospital room. He doesn't believe a word I just said, I mentally rolled my eyes at how good I was at being too obvious.

 " Rest well, I need you to come back to the ranks of the Knights of Ren as soon as possible. Can't risk anyone noticing the absence of the only other knight that yields a lightsaber" He coldly added, pacing out the door that closed behind him, leaving me in the solitude of the infirmary. 

Man, this has happened so many times, I lamented, referring to me being stuck in a hospital bed, alone. Too many times, actually. At least now that I was alone, I had hours, and hours to think about what is happening. 

I wasn't sure if it was because of the pain the wound had inflicted, or if it was a gut feeling. But something felt wrong. Very wrong, like if something important and grand was going to happen, and it didn't feel like it was going to be a good thing.


Kylo, what is going on with chu, boi?


I hope you liked the chapter though!

Best regards,

- Camille

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