Chapter 27, Caught by Hux

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/ First Person Protagonist POV / 

" P- Poe Dameron?!" I repeated, trying to make my expression look as unimpressed as I could. But it was difficult to hide the worry in my stare. I knew I had chosen to stand with Kylo, and he stood with the dark side and the First Order, but I cared for Poe. And knowing he was here, captured on The Finalizer, I couldn't help but fear for his safety. Captain Phasma had briefly explained how interrogations were held, and for the next weeks after she had taught me that, my nights were filled with nightmares of me being a prisoner exposed to the ruthless methods of information extraction. 

" Where are they keeping Poe Dameron?" I asked ZE- 8592, in a demanding tone that resembled Hux's. 

" They are interrogating him, ma'am. They have been for quite some time now." The stormtrooper answered. I didn't waste a second, because time might be running out for Poe. I ran down the corridors of The Finalizer, I didn't know where I was speeding towards, but I had to try. The only place I knew that might lead me to Poe was the control room... which I was not really supposed to go near, or I could get into trouble. For Poe, y/n. You're doing this for Poe. I told myself continuously on the way there. I knew General Hux wouldn't be there, he was at The Supremacy, and Captain Phasma was probably at the interrogation... Maybe Kylo was there too. 

I was wrong. As I slowed down near the command room, someone had grabbed my arm from behind and yielded me into an intersecting hallway. " General Hux?! What are you doing here?! I- I thought you were on The Supremacy!" I shrieked, but he put his index finger over his lips, silently ordering me to be quiet. " What am I doing here? The question is: What are you doing here, y/n?" He whispered suspiciously. I set my arm free from his grasp and furrowed my eyebrows at him, " that is none of your concern, General Hux." I replied with the same annoyed tone he would have gave me. His arrogance is rubbing off on me, I lamented again.

 " Is it not of my concern? The Finalizer was infiltrated by foolish Resistance members," he began saying. " And guess why they were here?" He shot at me a devilish and annoying grin. I remained silent, but he had assumed I knew the answer. " Yes, y/n. They were here for you." He replied, without me even answering him. I knew what he said was true, and that because of me, once again, people had suffered. Stormtroopers had been shot, including OC- 7234, and Poe was now held captive by The First Order. " So, let me ask you again, y/n: Why. Are. You. Here?" Hux asked, gripping my arm once again, and he held it tight.

" I- was... Looking for... Master Ren?" I said, hesitantly. Oh, how great y/n! There is no way you could've sounded more suspicious, I grounded myself. " He is interrogating the Resistance pilot." Hux said, and I wasn't sure he had ignored my answer or if he hadn't found it as distrustful as it had came out. But now I knew: Kylo was interrogating- tormenting Poe, and I had no idea where. " Y/n. Under strict orders, you are not allowed out of your living quarters." Hux said, as he pulled me by the arm and started walking the way I had came running from. " Why?! What is it that I have done now?!" I pleaded, but he only rolled his eyes; My response could have sounded childish, but he wouldn't understand: Hux was not the one forced to be locked away without explanation. 

" You haven't done anything." Hux said, which surprised me. " But you're leaving." He whispered. 

I stopped walking, and Hux had halted too. " What do you mean, I'm leaving?" I asked. But deep down, I knew what it meant. I knew I was leaving to The Supremacy. To fulfil Supreme Leader Snoke's demand of me becoming the replacement of the Third Praetorian Guard. Hux ignored my question and kept walking. Even if I tried fighting or escaping, where would I go? I couldn't hide on The Finalizer, Kylo could feel my presence, and escaping would be considered a treason to the Supreme Leader's personal order, and I would be persecuted and killed. I knew there was no way out of this, that I had no control over what happened to me next. 

ZE- 8592 had been ordered to lock my door and guard it with his life, and he did. I could feel his seriousness and heartlessness beyond the walls of my living quarter. I felt depressed, I would leave The Finalizer, which was the only place I had begun calling home. The only place I had spent the most time in what my memories could remember... It was the only place I could be in Kylo's presence, and it was being taken from me, in an instant. I had begun to pack some clothes, I didn't know why, because they would probably not be taken to The Supremacy with me. I remembered how glacial and bitter the atmosphere in The Supremacy was, and how I would have to live there every day and night, standing still in a dark throne room, expected to even kill my companions in cold blood if I was ordered to. 

I heard the door of my living quarter unlock, and Kylo's scent filled my room. It lightened my despair, but it filled my heart with sorrow, it would probably be the last time I would smell the delicious aroma that followed him everywhere. I looked away from my pillow and towards him. He wasn't wearing his mask, and I became captivated into his beautiful dark brown eyes, it was painful. It was agonizing to be in his company, knowing what I had done to him, and knowing I would most certainly never see him again.

" Y/n." He said, which sent shivers down my spine. I thought I would never hear my name come out of his mouth ever again. " We need to talk." 

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