Chapter 53, The return

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/ First Person Protagonist POV / 

The large First Order shuttle had been in outer space for a while, and every second I spent sitting down in the little room alone, the more I started to play horrendous ways everything could, and would probably go wrong. Breathe, y/n. The First Order won't force you to take off your mask and hood, right? Bounty hunters have the right to remain anonymous... I kept telling myself, as the scenario I mostly played in my head was me being the bounty that had to be hunted down, and Hux ordering to take my mask off, and well, then I died. 

I was swinging my feet like a kid on the bench I sat on. It had been too long since we had taken off, or maybe it was simply because I wasn't used to staying so still for so long. I exhaled deeply and stood up, looking at the almost empty room I stood in. " No, y/n. Don't go outside." I muttered to myself, but of course, I never listened to my common senses very often, and I headed to the door.

It opened with a swooshing sound and I stepped out into the empty corridors of the shuttle, unsure were to go or what to do. My steps were the only thing that echoed in the halls, and it reminded me when Kylo and Rey's footsteps were the only thing I had heard in the throne room as well. No, y/n, don't remind yourself of that, I mentally ordered. 

The space shuttle was pretty big: larger than Kylo's command shuttle. There were many doors on the hallways, and I was very tempted to open them, but I was a little scared of what or who could be behind each one of them. I'm bored. There's nothing to do here. I thought to myself, even if I knew it was an extremely childish behavior and I was heading straight into the lion's den. 

I felt the arrogant presence of Hux heading towards the hallway I was in but there was no place to hide, and I wasn't sure he would appreciate me snooping around, Hux could even find it suspicious. I quickly leaned against the wall and pretended to clean my blaster, that was already shiny and spotless, but it had been the first thing that came to my mind.

" The Crimson Hunter." He said as he approached down the hallway I was in. 

I pretended as if I hadn't felt his presence coming, but tried to act as natural as I could. " Hu- General Hux." I said, interrupting myself, I would sound too much like myself if I hadn't addressed to him with status. " What are you doing here?"

Hux placed both his hands behind his back and looked down towards my hood, but I knew he had the same typical annoyed look on his face. " The question here is, what are you doing here?" He asked in superiority. Crap, that's a behavior I usually did back on The Finalizer. I thought to myself. Come on y/n, think fast

I placed my weapon carefully at my waist belt and let out an almost silent chuckle. " My apologies general. Don't mind me for exploring the premises. After all, I'm quite stuck in this space ship for... how long?" I asked in a fearless tone, and I knew I would've never addressed to Hux like that, but I had to pretend to be someone far different than myself.

" Not much longer." Was all Hux replied before starting to walk past me and down the hall. " Crimson Hunter, be careful." 

I froze, but without letting it show on my outside. What the hell does he mean by 'be careful'?! I mentally yelled. Could it be he had found out I'm hiding something?! Am I really that bad of an actor?!  I told myself in fear, but I decided to respond. After all, the Crimson Hunter was intrepid and fearless. " No need for a warning general, I-"

" The ship will be going into lightspeed soon. You should be careful not to fall and return to your cabin." Hux said, interrupting me and turning into another hallway. 

I sighted heavily in relief: at least Hux didn't seem to think anything was off with me. I decided to take his warning and head back to my premises, a little shaky. I closed the door, wanting to lock it but there only seemed to be a lock on the outside, so I took my chances at took my mask off. 

I had to breathe properly and deeply before the ship took off into lightspeed, towards a First Order star destroyer. Think of a plan y/n. The little conscience in my head told me, and I closed my eyes, attempting to meditate once more. Kylo would surely feel my presence the second I enter the ship, and I had to elaborate a strategy of what to do, and a possible escape plan. I still have the green lightsaber... I thought to myself. If things go really wrong, at least I'd be able to fight back and possibly escape

I stumbled to the side and lost all concentration and harmony I had installed seconds ago as the ship started rumbling and shaking. "It's going into lightspeed." I muttered as I placed my mask back on. I tried grabbing onto anything, but there was nothing in the small cabin. I leaned onto the wall and pushed myself back up, sitting down on the metal bench and holding on to the sides as the ship started shaking again. 

There was a little window a couple feet above me that I hadn't noticed, and I carefully stood on the bench to try and catch a glimpse outside. What I saw made my blood freeze and brought back so many memories, both good and bad. 

In front of me was none other than The Finalizer, the star destroyer were one of my first recollections started. 

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