Chapter 49, Meeting Crime Lords

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/ Third Person POV / 

( The Finalizer )

Kylo sat impatiently in his now rightfully claimed throne. He was now the Supreme Leader of the First Order, he had been for a month or so. But no matter how much power he had, how on top of everyone in the galaxy he was, he felt so powerless and weakened. Something was missing to fulfill him, or rather someone, but Kylo wouldn't let it show. Where are you, y/n?! He lamented to himself that cold evening, as his foot impatiently fidgeting was the only sound heard and echoed in the room.

Kylo had been trying to track her down for a month, without success, and it angered him. He had limitless power and sources, but nothing could track down y/n's escape pod, and it was driving Kylo mad. He took the excuse of needing an apprentice to teach everything he knew about the dark side of the force as a reason to need to find y/n, but Kylo knew that wasn't true. He didn't care if he taught her anything about the force, he only wanted y/n to be nestled in his arms, were she seemed to fit in perfectly.

Kylo wanted to hold y/n close to him, to the point were their bodies would fuse of how close they would hold each other. He wanted to feel her beautiful skin and move away the crystalline tears that would drip onto her cheeks. Kylo craved the feeling and taste of her warm, sweet lips, contrary to his: who were sad and frigid, yearning for the touch of his lover's, whose feeling had remained imprinted on Kylo's mind. 

Where are you, y/n? He lamented to himself once again. We promised we wouldn't leave each other...

Kylo felt childish. He kept remembering the promise he had made her so long ago, and she had made to him, which both of them had broken, and yet, they always seemed to go back to each other no matter what. But not this time. Kylo had completely lost all connection to y/n. She wasn't anywhere near The Supremacy or The Finalizer, and Kylo would had tried searching under every rock of the galaxy until he would see her e/c eyes staring up, right into his. 

Kylo hadn't slept in days, or maybe even weeks, correctly. Every time he closed his eyes, the memory of the throne room scene from a month ago would play in his head. 

When he had escorted Rey into the throne room, and had immediately felt y/n's strong force presence in the room. No matter how long they had been apart, Kylo recognized her delicious scent of rain and new books, and it warmed his lungs to smell the aroma of the one he...

But then, it had all turned for the worse, and every time he closed his eyes, the only scene on repeat would be how he had Killed Snoke, and all the Praetorian Guards seemed to throw themselves at him and Rey. He had killed many of them, with a heavy heart: Kylo was frightened. For the first time since Ben Solo had died, Kylo Ren had been scared. He had been afraid every time he injured or slaughtered a Praetorian Guard. Each time one fell to the floor without life, his heart stopped beating, wondering if it could have been his precious y/n that had fought and perished by the blade of his own lightsaber. 

How his y/n had been fighting against an enraged Rey, and had almost been killed several times. What haunted him the most was when she took out her Praetorian Guard helmet and revealed her beautiful h/c hair that fell into place perfectly. To see the look of fear and regret spread over her facial features Kylo found dazzling, and it broke his heart to see he had been part of the pain she felt. 

Kylo couldn't even describe, how at that moment, he wanted to run up to y/n and kiss the last breath out of her. To hug her so tightly in his arms, to reassure her. But he had only managed to drop his lightsaber and whisper her name as she sprinted away. She was leaving once again, and Kylo had shortly ran after her, alas too late. 

Now sitting in the throne room alone, his head resting on his fisted hand, Kylo felt down. He couldn't feel the power and adrenaline the dark side usually transmitted to him, especially with the power he had acquired. 

Why do you do this to me, y/n? How did you do it? Why do you make me feel so incomplete?!  He asked to himself, as if he was hoping y/n would be able to communicate an answer back to him. 

Hux's echoing footsteps had taken Kylo out of his thoughts, and it was the first time he was ever glad Hux had interrupted him, because thinking of y/n caused him too much pain.

" General Hux." Kylo said through his distortioned voice.

He could see that Hux was very annoyed, and it was definitely because now Kylo had all the power, and Hux was left way below him.

" Supreme Leader... Kylo Ren." Hux said, pausing before saying Kylo's name. " I will be heading to meet with the man you had wanted to make business deals with for quite some time." He said.

Kylo's mind had been rampaging through so much thought he had forgotten who or where the man was, and he sighted as he stood up from his throne. " Enlighten me again, General Hux." He said, trying to sound mocking and not completely puzzled.

Apparently Hux had bought Kylo's bad acting and restrained himself from rolling his eyes. " Mithus Kothari, sir. On Nal Hutta."

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