Chapter 36, Visions

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/ First Person Protagonist POV /

I laid static, looking at the roof pointlessly. I had headed away from the noise and crowd of the cheering to try and get some rest, but my mind was wide awake. How could I sleep? Knowing the First Order could be ready to blow D'Qar up at any moment with a fleet of Star Destroyers. I heard a couple of people passing by the room I was in and I faked being asleep so I wouldn't catch the attention of the passersby. Go. To. Sleep! I tried commanding myself, but thoughts wouldn't stop buzzing in my head, making annoying noise only I could hear. 

I heard two other people pass by, talking. I had made out what one of them had said, " Come on Poe. I'll walk with you towards the hospital wing." And I knew it had been Finn to talk. I wanted to stand up and take a chilly night walk, but my body wouldn't rise from the hammock I laid on. Y/n! Go rest! You're tired and you need to sleep. Tomorrow will be a big day. I kept trying to convince myself. But it wasn't really true, nothing big would be happening tomorrow, unless the Firs Order decided to strike back so soon.

I tossed and I turned as I flung my pillow on top of my head, closing my eyes tightly shut. Many other people had passed by with their flashlights, and I knew the festivity around the fire had ended and everyone was heading to sleep, and I continuously tried to force myself to sleep. I had counted how many Resistance members' shadows I could see, and I could feel my eyelids becoming heavier and heavier, and my mind had drifted off to sleep.

The air was cold. Hell, it was frigid, and dark. As my eyes were slowly adjusting to the lighting, I noticed where I was: Supreme Leader Snoke's throne room. I began breathing heavily, I couldn't be here. I tried moving, but I couldn't move. I was nothing, I had no limbs, I was like a floating air particle. I heard heavy footsteps echo in the room, and I turned around, to see Kylo Ren with his mask on, walking firmly towards the throne were Snoke sat. He kneeled down on one leg and stared at his boots: that was not something I thought Kylo would ever do: Kneel in subjugation.

He remained in that submissive position silently, and the tension was unbearable. I looked around the large, yet empty room: There was only the Supreme Leader, and seven Praetorian guards. Only seven... With the slight motioning of Snoke's hand, the First Guard, the same one that had killed his confrere in cold blood swiftly moved his melee weapon and jabbed the blade into Kylo's torso. 

I yelled but no sound was heard. Kylo stumbled back and coughed blood. I wanted to run to him and hold him in my arms, to heal his fatal wound and kill the Praetorian Guard that had stabbed him. Hell, I wanted to kill them all on the spot. But I couldn't move. I was stuck in place, unable to move. As Kylo struggled to stay alive, covering the wound with his hands, Snoke had stood up from his throne slowly. " You have failed me Kylo Ren." He exclaimed in his vile voice. " The girl is nowhere to be found. You were in charge of her, Kylo Ren." He continued saying as he walked towards his wounded apprentice and towered over his dying body. 

" You have failed, Kylo Ren. Because you are weak. You will never be like your grand father. Vader, he was strong. He wouldn't let anything slip from his grip. Kylo Ren, you are still that weak and foolish boy you pretend to have executed: Ben Solo. Now, you must pay the price of your error." The Supreme Leader said before taking Kylo's lightsaber from his waist belt, igniting it, and jabbing it right into his heart. I yelled and my vision went dark.

I shot up from the hammock, sweating and panting uncontrollably, with tears flowing down my cheeks non stop. " I- it was a nightmare..." I whispered. But then I remembered: nightmares were not like that. I wasn't stuck in one place, staring at a horrific scenario unravel in front of me and not be able to move or talk. My breathing became heavier as my senses became aware of what had just happened.

A vision... 

Rey had taught me about force visions. How the force sensitive being could in some way, see through the eyes of the force, events that were blurred but were written in the near future. I knew it mas not a bad dream I had just had, but a vision that preconized my biggest nightmare: the one were Kylo was killed, and because of me. 

I silently stood up and got dressed in the clothes I was wearing when Finn and Cyern had taken me from The Finalizer this same morning. I was sneaking out of the room when I remembered I had left the brown leather handbag I had been found with near Mesoriaam, under my hammock. I tiptoed back and took the bag, discreetly running out into the chilly moon- lit night. 

I had to go back, and I knew it. In the vision I had, there had only been seven Praetorian Guards instead of eight, and I knew the one that was missing was the Third Guard, the Praetorian Guard the First Guard had killed. The guard I had been condemned to replace. I knew there was only one way to prevent my vision from coming true: I had to be at The Supremacy, or else Kylo would pay the price... with his life. Now you must pay the price of your error. Those words haunted me, that was the phrase Snoke had told Kylo before ending his life, and I had to prevent it from happening at all cost.

I ran quietly towards the place were I had seen a couple X wing fighters while walking with Leia earlier this day. I hid in the foliage of the trees and tall leaves as patrolling rebels walked around with flashlights. I had successfully sneaked into the open hangar where the X wings were stationed at and sighted in relief: one of those space crafts was my ticket out of D'Qar, and it had been simple enough to reach them, but I was wrong.

" Y/n! Stop right there!" Someone had yelled behind me, and I could hear the sound of a lightsaber being ignited.


Ooooooooh! The drama.... the tea.  

Things are getting more interesting around here, am I right? See, I said I would write more action and spicy chapters, here you have one! 

I had lots of fun writing this one, actually. Except for the part I had to write Kylo's envisioned death, that was heartbreaking because I had to picture everything in my head.

Have a lovely day/night! I hope you enjoy this chapter and the fanfiction in general! Thank you so much for reading!

- Camille

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