Chapter 54, The Mandalorian

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/ First Person Protagonist POV /

I tried to act as calm and natural as I could, but I couldn't stop shaking. For weeks, I had been on the run and hiding from the First Order. Working for crime lords like Mithus Kothari to survive, and that ended up being my mistake. Depending on criminals was my mistake, and it led me to the place I had tried to run away from for so long: The Finalizer.

You know your way around there. Finding a possible escape in case everything goes wrong won't be too difficult... right? I tried reassuring myself as the door of the cabin opened, and a stormtrooper appeared.

" Follow me, please." The trooper said, motioning with his blaster for me to follow him.

I didn't say anything and stood up, following close behind the soldier in white. It was so weird to be in the presence of troopers and the familiar coldness of The Finalizer I could feel trespassing the walls of the space shuttle. As I walked out of the cabin I was held in, I could see the other doors in the hallways were also opened, with other storm troopers guiding bounty hunters outside the ship.

The group walked out of the shuttle, and I was hit by an overflow of memories and the frigid air of the star destroyer. It was real: I was actually back to square one, back to the place I had tried to stay away from. " Hey! Keep it moving!" A trooper ordered me, as I noticed I had stopped to look around the all too familiar spaceship hangar. They would've never talked to me in that way if they knew it was me and if I was still... Kylo's apprentice. I commented to myself in annoyance as I walked fastly to my place in the file.

The squad of troopers guided us through the same corridors I had walked so many times. They passed in front of the training lounge, and I felt nostalgic. There were so many memories I had tried to leave on this ship, but now I realized they had followed me all the way to Nal Hutta. 

" Please wait here." A trooper ordered as we arrived in front of a room with large doors. The bounty hunters complied and walked inside the waiting lounge, a couple talking to each other, while others were making sure they had their equipment. I sat in the far corner, trying to make myself as unnoticed as I could, but it was difficult. Every other bounty hunter wore dark colors and armor, while I plainly wore a bright red robe. 

I stared at my boots, noticing someone else's had appeared in front of mine. I looked up towards who was towering over me, to see a man wearing a heavy looking dark colored armor, with a silver helmet. A mandalorian, perhaphs? I thought to myself. I had encountered a couple, and most of them had a similar signature helmet. 

" Can I help you?" I asked through my robotic sounding voice. 

He looked down at me and sat down in the bench beside me. Even if he was wearing a mask, I could feel he was looking straight into my eyes that weren't visible to him, or anyone. " You looked uneasy. I came to see what was wrong." He replied in an emotionless tone. Even if his intetnions seemed to be good, I couldn't help but wonder why this man had asked if I was ok. Why would he care? He's a bounty hunter like everyone here, we only care about the money our bounties get us.

" Yes... I am alright." I said, a little doubtful. " Thank you."

He shifted and sat comfortably on the chair, as if he wanted to start a conversation, " is it your first time hunting for the big shots?" He asked me, so freely. As if we were old time friends. I remained quiet, I didn't know if he was actually interested or if he only wanted to know how expirienced his competion was. " Yes. It is my first time. But don't underestimate me." I muttered.

The man chuckled behind his helmet and shook his head slightly. " I had no intentions to. I'm Mando." He said, extending his gloved hand.

I stared at it before shaking it, still uneasy. " Crimson Hunter. Though it's C.H for short." I replied in the same tone he had addressed to me first. " You're not telling me your name?" He joked. I shook my head humoristically and scoffed. " Why? I have reasons to believe your name is not Mando either." 

The man let out another chuckle and leaned back against his chair, staring at the ceiling. " Smart girl." Mando commented. It felt nice to finally talk to someone who didn't seem to be the cruel and cowardly type I had been in presence of for a month. " Do you know who the bounty is?" I asked him as well, trying to see if anyone knew if it was me or if the First Order wanted someone else, maybe Rey. " No. But the First Order seems to really want whomever they demand us to hunt." Mando replied.

I leaned nervously against my chair as I let out a silent sight. The waiting was killing me. Each second on The Finalizer was longer than the first. Suddenly, a squad of storm troopers appeared as the doors swooshed open one more time. With them, was captain Phasma, and I pleaded she wouldn't recognize the slightest bit of me or my Praetorian Guard robe attire. 

" The Supreme Leader is waiting for you." She said as all the bounty hunters in the room stood up and followed her. It was so bizzare to hear Kylo being mentioned as the Supreme Leader of the First Order, but after all: I assumed many things had changed, and I wouldn't know, I had cut all connection to the First Order.

The storm troopers guided us through many familiar corridors, and I knew exactly where they were going. We are heading towards the command room, I told myself as my breathing accelerated and sweat started falling onto my covered forehead. 

We arrived in front of the doors of the command room, and entered inside. I couldn't believe it. The scent of firewood and ocean breeze that I hadn't breathed in so long filled my lungs. in front of me and the group of bounty hunters stood the back of the tall helmeted figure of the new Supreme Leader: Kylo Ren.



That suspence I'm ending the chapter with is really evil of me. MUAHAHAHHAAH.

I dedicate this chapter to @DepressedMarvel , for wanting a run in with Mando!!! Not to spoil or anything but: This may not be the last time we hear from our favorite Mandalorian bounty hunter!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! If you did, as always, it would help the story if you leave a vote! :) ( Oof. I think I'll stop saying that, it's making me sound desperate :/ )


I wish the best to all of you! I can't wait to share the next chapters with you!

- Camille

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