Chapter 130, Forest

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/ First Person Protagonist POV /

When Vizsla's force ghost disappeared, I remained at the bottom of the stairs for a couple seconds, looking around the dimly lit room once more, only now noticing the helmet on the podium must have been his, and some of his past belongings surely where in the two other larger chests. 

The room suddenly became dark again, pitch black as it had been when I had walked in. I stretched my hands in front of me for guidance until I felt the cold stone wall, and followed along it up the stairs, taking each step carefully not to fall back. 

Once I thought I was at the top of the stairs, I looked back, even if I wouldn't be able to see a thing, I wanted to take a last glance at the darkness in which I knew my guardian force ghost's legacy would rest until who knows when.

My hand reached instinctively for the hilt of the Darksaber, and I held it tightly even if it was still attached to my belt. " I can do this." I encouraged myself. " I just somehow have to get to the resistance, and tell general Leia I'm there to bring back her son."

I rolled my eyes. What am I thinking? I can't just show up at Ajan Kloss after I renounced them and lost contact for months! But, am I still going to go? Yes. I took a deep breath and continued walking towards the small entrance of Vizsla's temple. I could already feel the cold breeze blowing through the cracks on the wall or the door. 

" It's going to be so cold out there." I sighed, wrapping my tunic around my torso to trap the heat that this underground lair had. 

Once I reached the bronze- like door, I held my breath for a couple seconds and opened it, letting the frigid wind of Carlac hit my face. The trees around Vizsla's temple helped block the cold a little bit, but the change of temperature had really caught me off guard even if I knew it would happen. 

" Now where the hell is the camp?" I huffed, looking around me mindlessly, but apart from the trees, I couldn't see a thing around the small clearing where the temple was. I took a guess and walked the way I thought me and Pha Stett had arrived from, but stopped before I got to the trees.

There was a person leaning on a tree trunk, looking my way. Since it was night time, it took me some seconds to tell who it was. It was my mentor, Pha Stett. I inmediately ran towards her. She seemed so unafected by the snow and the frigid, strong air current around us. 

" Master! What are you doing here? Aren't you cold?" I bombarded her with questions.

" You get used to the weather when you've lived here for years." She chuckled. " I felt your presence leaving the temple, and I knew you'd get lost."

I rolled my eyes playfully. " Of course I'd get lost, you know me too well." I replied sarcastically. 

Me and Pha Stett walked side to side towards the camp, or at least I hoped it was the direction of the camp, I had to trust my mentor she was bringing me back to the heat of the camp fire, and not to another temple of some sort. 

" I see you carry a new hilt." She mentioned, eyeing the Darksaber's handle. " A very precious one, too."

" Yes, I do. It's his lightsaber. You were right, master." I answered. " Your assumption was correct. About Vizsla."

Pha Stett only hummed and slightly nodded, not looking very surprised about my declaration. " Master, aren't you going to say anything? I mean- I suppose it's a big deal, right?" I cleared my throat. This was not the reaction I was expecting, I sighed mentally.

" No, I am not going to say anything. What is there to say? How would you like me to reply?" She finally said something. 

" I don't know, you're always so philosophical, master." I chuckled under my breath. " I meant wise. You're so very wise." I corrected myself, seeing as Pha Stett's eyebrows had risen and she was giving me the stare.

" Some things never change." She smiled. " You're still that little comic you were as a kid." 

" Really? I don't remember much about that." I returned the gesture, wanting to know more about the memories that were still blurry. " Tell me something I did as a kid. I couldn't have been that bad."

" Yes, yes. A real troublemaker. Once you even messed up Aro's lightsaber on purpose to prevent it from igniting. The poor boy had to change his hilt afterwards." Pha Stett shook her head in reminiscence. 

" I did? How?" I asked, intrigued. First off I had no idea I could do that, or that it was even possible. " I'll never know." She shrugged. 

At a small distance, there was an orange glow, and my face lit up. The camp fire. It took a lot not to start running in the direction of the heat, but I wanted to stay with Pha Stett for some more time. I still had to tell her I would be leaving soon, and I hadn't even been here a full day.

" There's something on your mind." Pha Stett said in a more serious tone. 

I was amazed at how she could tell so easily. I always made sure my thoughts were inaccessible, but Pha Stett always found a way to know when something was bothering me. " I have something important to do, master. And it's not here on Carlac."

She remained silent, so I continued talking. " I don't want to go. I've only just found you and my comrades, I can't just leave. I have memories I want to uncover and friendships I want to remember and get back. But someone I love needs me. I need to help him before it's too late. Kylo needs me, and I need him too."

Pha Stett sighed quite loudly, and stopped walking as we arrived the start of the woods that met the camp. At this point, the cold didn't bother me as much, I was too focused on the conversation about Kylo. 

" Attachments are a dangerous thing for Jedi." She hummed. 

" But I'm not a Jedi. Not anymore. I just happen to be force sensitive, and the side I pick is the one where I help the man I love."

" I understand, young one. And trust me when I say that your companions will too. He's important to you, I know he means more to you than anything in this world." She cupped my cheek sweetly. " And if you must go so soon, then you will, because it is the right thing to do."

A cold tear dripped down my cheek, freezing when it reached my chin. " Master... I just- don't want to go. I don't think I'm able to face the Emperor, or even with the help fo the resistance, that he'll turn back."

" But you won't give up. No matter how impossible the obstacle you're up against seems, you won't back down. The lightsaber you carry, it's a sign of honor and strength. And only someone worthy can rightfully use it, and now it's yours. He knows you're capable." Pha Stett said tenderly. 

" Thank you master." I mumbled, leaning my head on her shoulder. " I'll be gone first thing tomorrow." She nodded at my words. " Let's get you back to the camp. I'll have a hut prepared for you." Pha Stett smiled lovingly, placing her hand on my shoulder the short walk back towards the camp fire. 

Everyone was still gathered around the campfire when me and Pha Stett came back. I went to sit next to Din once more, seeing how my mentor talked to Aro. He discreetly eyed me as Pha Stett spoke and nodded at her, leaving the camp fire. 

" Y/n? Is everything alright?" Din's voice almost echoed in my ears. 

I shot my head his way. The little green alien was still wrapped in a bundle of blankets, sleeping in Din's arms. " I'm fine, Din. Just thinking about what the future has in store."

" And what exactly does the future have planned?"

" I wish I knew." I sighed, leaning against a rock and looking at the stars. You're there, somewhere. I sighed mentally, closing my eyes. In one of those stars. I'll be with you soon... Ben.

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