Chapter 62, Givu Djarggi

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/ First Person Protagonist POV /

Kijimi... I reflected. The planet was never in my options for a place to go, but it would do. Anywhere that was not Tatooine would be a great escape. Even if Kijimi is in the Mid Rim of the galaxy... It would be a good hideout until someone finds me, hopefully Mando. I told myself as I nodded to the pilot. " Very well. Kijimi will be just fine." I muttered in my attempted changed voice as I handed the pilot the bag of coins I had in my hand. 

" A droid will be waiting to guide you inside." The pilot replied as I passed by him. He then proceeded to start yelling at passerby's about how amazing, cheap, and fast his ship was. Cheap. I wish it was. I joked sarcastically as I neared the opened entrance of the space shuttle. A protocol droid awaited inside, telling instructions to ongoing passengers. I approached with caution and entered the ship, when the protocol droid stepped in front of me. 

" Welcome to the Ando Traveler, ma'am." The protocol droid said in his robotic voice. " If you need guidance to your assigned seat, please wait to the left. If you don't have a seat, I will aid you." The droid mentioned, and I knew it had been programmed to do so. I remained in front of the protocol droid awkwardly, and awaited for it to speak again. " You do not have a seat, ma'am?" The droid asked. I shook my head 'no' and the droid moved to a table and took out an electronic chip.

" Your name ma'am?" He asked in a robotic tone. There was no way I would give my real name, it would give a big advantage to the bounty hunters, and I couldn't let them find me, yet. At least not on Tatooine. " Sola Velt. My name is Sola Velt." I said, trying to change my voice as much as possible. The droid placed the chip inside a machine and typed something on a hologram that had appeared shortly after. " Welcome to the Ando Traveler miss Velt." The protocol droid said as he handed me the chip, that ended up being a little hologram transmitter with a number projected on it.

I ventured inside the space shuttle, trying to find my seat. How in the world am I supposed to find seat 387?! There is no label to the seats. I lamented to myself as I climbed up some stair to find my seat. The ship started to rumble and shake. Taking off already? Has it really been fifteen minutes? I stumbled across the hallways as I finally found the rows of the seats labeled '300'. 

I sat down on the seat labeled 387, and kept low profile, wrapping the long cloak around my body and covering my face with the hood. I looked like a bundle of blackish brown clothing. The space ship started shaking a bit more, and I could tell it wasn't on the ground anymore. A large hologram appeared in front of the seats, it read: 'The Ando Traveler is taking off, please head to your seats'

I looked out a small round window on the wall in front of my seat, and I could see the desert towns of Tatooine becoming smaller and smaller, until I could see was the blackish blue of outer space. Kijimi... Must be cold out there. I joked to myself as I tried to rest on the way there, but I couldn't fall asleep. No matter how much I tried closing my eyes, or forcing myself to sleep, I couldn't. Something inside me was obliging me to stay awake. Oh c'mon! I haven't slept well in weeks! Can't you let me rest?! I grounded my little conscience mentally, not really sure if that was what wasn't letting me sleep. 

The Ando Traveler hadn't gone into light speed, even if Kijimi was a little far from Tatooine, but I didn't mind. The longer I spend in the space ship, the more it seemed the Crimson Hunter was in Tatooine, looking for me. This is giving me such a headache. Looking for myself, disguised as my alter ego, I joked to myself as I leaned my head against my set. What have I put myself into? Bounty hunting? When did I even think that was a good idea? But then again, I remembered that first night I had spent in Nal Hutta, when Mithus Kothari had approached me in The Poison Pit.

After I had accepted his job offer, which I still didn't know what it was, he guided me into his underground palace, and boy was I impressed. Kothari wouldn't stop talking and bragging about his wealth and his criminal empire, and I honestly wanted to run back out into the alleys of Jiguuna, but I preferred being in the warm palace rather than on the cold and dirty streets. 

He had guided me inside a large room, with a desk at the far extremity, and an exaggeratedly tall, leather covered chair. Mithus had sat on it carelessly and placed his feet atop of the desk, and I awkwardly stood next to the door of the room. " Welcome, darlin', to the place of the places. Mithus Kothari's study room!" He had exclaimed with his arms wide open, talking about himself in third person. 

From that day on, I knew I would see Mithus Kothari every day, and he knew he had just opened business with a soon to be very good bounty hunter. Thanks to him, I had become the Crimson Hunter, and even if I hated the scum Mithus was, I had to be grateful to him, because after all, if I hadn't met him, I would've never survived in Nal Hutta alone, and because he turned me into the Crimson Hunter, I was finally reunited with Kylo.

The ship started shaking a little bit, and my eyes shot open. I looked around at the couple people in the room, maybe half the seats were filled with people, I hadn't noticed it had filled with people. Odd. Were there more stops before Kijimi? I wondered. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain at the back of my head, the one I felt when my little conscience felt danger around. 

I covered my face with my cloak and looked around, scanning ever face in the room. My breathing suddenly stopped: I spotted the face I had seen a couple times in the space shuttle that brought us to The Finalizer a couple days ago: The Dathomirian bounty hunter Givu Djarggi. 


Yep. I'm ending that there. 


I hope you enjoyed the chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it!

FYI: I created Givu Djarggi. He's not an original Star Wars character!

 I am really impatient to share what will happen next! ( Hah, I also have to plan out what will happen.)

Thank you for all the support and nice comments! I wish the best to each and every one of you, my amazing readers!

- Camille

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