Chapter 11, Red weaponry

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/ Firs Person Protagonist POV /

I woke up extra early the next morning, not wanting to be late for my first day at training with Kylo Ren. If me being early annoyed him, I did not want to know what being late could trigger in him. I was tired as I walked into the steamy shower. I hadn't gotten much sleep last night, I was busy thinking about the moment me and Kylo had shared, the moment he had ended abruptly. It was so simple, and yet, it had awakened a feeling that I had never experienced before. I sighted, Kylo Ren had stopped the instant we had shared, which I didn't know would mean so much to me. 

I got out of my deep thoughts shower, and brushed my teeth while drying my hair. I didn't know what type of training Kylo Ren would have in mind, mental, or physical. So I had chosen a sporty attire: Black leggins with a black long sleeved shirt. I looked at the holographic clock on my desk, it was 6:53 in the morning, and I hurried out of the room, to look for OC- 7234, who was unsurprisingly standing at my door. 

" Good morning OC- 7234." I said,  stretching my arm. She seemed taken back by my words, as if no one had ever asked her that. But, she was just another stormtrooper, so maybe no one had. " Good morning ma'am. I am here to escort you to the training lounge. You must be there in five minutes, commander Ren instructed." She said firmly. " Five minutes? Is the training lounge far from here?" I asked the soldier as she started walking down a corridor. " No ma'am. But to get there in time, I recommend we accelerate the walking pace." OC- 7234 replied, walking faster, I tried following beside her. 

It was 6:58 when I arrived in front of the training lounge's massive doors. I decided to wait until it was seven sharp to walk inside, I didn't want to hear Kylo Ren uselessly complain about me being early, again. Once it was time, I closed my eyes and sunk my nails deep into the palms of my hand, trying to control my breathing. 

Kylo was already there, and to my surprise: He wasn't wearing his mask. He looked at his lightsaber's handle, ignoring my presence. I stood inside the room, right in front of the training lounge doors that closed behind me automatically. I looked at him, with a slightness of admiration and contemplation. He was very good looking. No one in Mesoriaam or in my faint memories had made me feel like I did every time I saw him, he took my breath away and made my heart skip a beat. But I also remembered what everyone had told me about him: the frightening stories about him and the First Order, the monster he was. I was torn, because in front of me, there was no monster, there was a beautiful man with a mysterious aura around him. 

He looked up from his handle and gave me a piercing look. " Did you honestly wait behind the door for two minutes so you could be punctual?" He asked. And I thought I heard a deep chuckle. 

I nodded. " Yes. Hadn't you instructed me to be here at seven in the morning punctual? Not earlier or later?" I replied, surprisingly coldly, which reminded me of how he had talked to me yesterday after the moment we shared had ended. " Come closer, y/n. There is something for you." He said, extending his arm even though we were at opposite sides of the big room. By instinct, I walked towards him calmy. He stood in front of a metal table with two chairs, which was odd to have in an empty room. 

" Take a look." He said, pointing at what was on the table. There was an odd looking lightsaber handle, except this one was longer and curved. I turned to look at Kylo, his expression was neutral. " It's a curved hilt saberstaff." He said. I stared at him with my eyes widen.

 " A what?" I asked. 

He chuckled and took the lightsaber handle from me and stepped back. He pressed on a twitch I hadn't noticed, and the lightsaber ignited. It glowed bright red, but the most impressive thing about it was how two blades emmited from each end. I stared in amazement how Kylo disactivated each blade at a time, and separated the handles with such ease. 

" It- it's mezmerizing." I said as Kylo placed the handle back on the table. He meekly smiled in a bragging way, and I slightly raised my eyebrows. " Thats not all." He said. I looked at him, he was surprisingly calm, not like yesterday morning before... Control your thoughts y/n! He can easily read them. You grounded yourself. Kylo slightly looked at me, about to say something, but he remained silent, which I would have never expected. 

" It's yours." He said, almost in a loud whisper. 

" What?!" I said, stepping back.

" Well, my apprentice needs a weapon worthy to be in my knight's arsenals, so its yours." Kylo replied.

I took the handle of the lightsaber and stared at it, emitting only one of the blades, staring profusely at the red color it produced. 


 Why, what is this?! An A/N? NO WAYYYYYY. 

Well, yes way. The thing is, hi. You've made it this far in the fanfiction! Thank you! It means a lot!

I won't bother you more with my A/N, I just wanted to say that this is my first time writing an entire story (well, fanfic) in first person pov. So, this will be a great opportunity to start and improve! If my first person pov, that refers to you, the reader whenever the protagonist talks isn't the best, I apologize, I'm starting a new style of writing and I'm excited to share the outcome in this fanfiction!

Thank you, and best wishes for a great 2020 year!

- Camille

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