Chapter 59, The Mass Hunt

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/ First Person POV / 

( Kylo's Point of View ) ( One day earlier )

I walked down the halls of The Finalizer, breathing heavily through my mask, it wasn't like me to do so, but I was almost... nervous?! Get a hold of yourself Kylo! I ordered myself angrily. The bounty hunters will be here any minute now. It had been thirty seven days with four hours since y/n had escaped The Supremacy, and right on time: the bloody ship was destroyed. I looked for her everywhere in the galaxy, assuming she had hid in the Outer Rim territories, but there are so many planets there... also, my troopers apparently aren't smart enough to find a girl... my girl.

I couldn't sleep for days, or weeks? I had no idea, all I knew was that now I had to bring out real professionals to find y/n. I hated that idea: it made the First Order look uncapable to find someone, but I had gone to the last of my options, and I would do anything to get her back. I had sent captains to get the best bounty hunters in the galaxy, but I had also decided to send General Hux to Nal Hutta. I had some... business to do with a scummy crime lord: Mithus Kothari, plus: he had a bounty hunter working for him, and Kothari recommended her. 

I could've sent any captain to Nal Hutta, but I knew Hux hated the humidity and the filthiness of the planet, which is why I sent him. Hux really pissed me off, and I had finally found a way to professionally anger him to no end, and it made my days so much better to tolerate. I walked into the command room, staring out into the galaxy pointlessly. Where are you, y/n?! I thought to myself angrily. I would go across the stars to get to you, if I had any clue to were you are

A captain rushed into the room, her steps resonating in the silent command room, she was frightened, I could feel her fear from a mile away. " Supreme Leader." She tried saying firmly, but her voice was shaking. I didn't want to turn around, but I knew she would remain silent until I allowed her to speak again.  " Where are the bounty hunters?" I demanded to know firmly, but my back remained faced to her. " The shuttle is entering hangar number two, sir." She replied in a firmer tone. Good, she fixed her posture, how embarrassing of her. I rolled my eyes. 

" Get Captain Phasma." I ordered. " Yes, Supreme Leader." The captain replied as she hurried out of the command shuttle. I'll find you, y/n. Seconds later, an odd, yet similar feeling invaded my mind: it was paining it. That's impossible... Kylo. You're going absolutely mad, I lamented. That was y/n's presence, which I would recognize anywhere. There is no way she was here, how?! But my senses didn't deceive me: somehow, she was on the ship. Her presence pained my mind but filled it with relief. I knew I couldn't be wrong, her strong force revolving being became very clear. Y/n is on The Finalizer.

I wanted to rush out of the command room and follow towards the core of the pain in my head, towards y/n, but I knew I couldn't. It would put her in danger, and it would put my reputation as a cold hearted Supreme Leader at risk, and I couldn't let that happen. I am cold hearted. I told myself countless times as I awaited Captain Phasma's arrival. I am a ruthless and emotionless Supreme Leader, a dark side knight, and it will stay like that

I stared out through the glass of the command room, I didn't want to turn around once Captain Phasma would arrive with the bounty hunters, I wasn't sure I wanted to look back and possibly see y/n. I heard the  un synced footsteps of a group approaching, and I could feel the pain at the back of my head becoming stronger: she was coming towards the command room. How could it be? Did she sneak in? I awaited the worse, maybe she had already been captured by one of the bounty hunters, which wouldn't be a bad thing, but I wasn't... ready?

" Supreme Leader." I heard Captain Phasma tell me, and I knew she had kneeled. I ignored her, my mind was drifting somewhere else: there was no doubt, y/n was in the room. I remained silent, preparing myself to turn around and face her. Y/n had changed me, more than I wanted to admit, and I didn't want to face that, but I had to.

What I had never expected was y/n's beautiful e/c eyes not to be looking at my mask. She wasn't there at first glance, but her strong aura was coming from a red cloaked person. A praetorian guard robe... I told myself as I shot a discreet glance at the bounty hunter and then addressed the whole group. Y/n's a smart girl, I thought to myself. Sneaking into The Finalizer dressed as a bounty hunter, but why?

The group of storm troopers had shortly after guided the bounty hunter group out of the command room, but Captain Phasma had stayed. " What is it Captain?" I asked in a serious tone, turning back around and walking towards the glass wall of the room. " Supreme Leader, pardon me interfering, but... it wasn't in the plans to have the hunters stay on The Finalizer. At least I wasn't made aware of that." 

" Captain Phasma..." I said in a threatening voice. " I do not need of your approval for my decisions. Know your place in the First Order Captain, or should I remind you?"

Phasma remained silent, and I knew I had annoyed her with that, but if it saved me from making something up, it was worth it. After all, I am head of the First Order. " Yes, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren." She said firmly but with hate in her tone and left.

Now y/n. I've got to talk to you.



I had a little question for all of you: As you see, I wrote this chapter in Kylo's perspective, but in first person ( I used to write his pov's in third person). What do you guys think? Do you prefer how I wrote them before or now?

 I really wanted to try out a new style for writing, but I like both!

I hope you enjoyed this Kylo perspective chapter! Can't wait to share the next ones soon!

Best wishes to all of you!

- Camille

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