Chapter 150, Epilogue

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/  Third Person Ben Solo POV /

( 2 months later ) ( Location: Lake Country, Naboo )

There he was, yet again. On the same marble balcony Ben Solo had stood on for the past sixty seven days, and counting. Like every evening, he would stand on the same spot, with his legs slightly separated in an inverted 'V' shape. Ben's hands were behind his lower back, holding onto a flat and long lightsaber hilt, his fingers stroking the intricate design of the weapon's handle.

For sixty seven days, Ben Solo had stood on this marble balcony, looking at the beautiful sunset every day had to offer. The scenery was truly a sight to behold. Not only did the sun color the sky of Naboo with warm shades of color, but the complexity of Lake Country's body of water, its islands full of trees, and the vines that hung from the marble balcony made the whole place breathtakingly magical.

Ben wished y/n was here with him, like he'd promised her they would be, eventually. He was angry with himself, that he couldn't keep that promise, and the only thing keeping him from drowning in that remorse and feeling of guilt, was the thought that in some way, y/n was with him.

He could feel her aura around him all the time. She'd said it herself right before her body had vanished in the cold planet of Exegol, ' You won't be alone. I'll be with you, always. You might not see me, but I'll be there, in your heart, around you, everywhere. I am with you.'

Those words had been true, as if y/n had been able to predict the future, to choose what would happen. Ben had talked to her. She wasn't there, he couldn't see her, but sometimes, rarely, but sometimes she was able to communicate with him, through the force, they could speak.

Y/n was just a voice echoing in the wind, but Ben knew it was really her. It was real. Those short conversations they'd have weren't a making of his imagination to cope with the loss. Y/n had consciously talked to him a couple times over the past two months. 

Ben closed his eyes slowly and took in a deep breath to smell the delicious aroma of Lake Country. It was a mix of flowers and an ocean breeze, a lighter one than the one of Kef Bir. " I promised you I'd be on an island on Lake Country, looking out a marble balcony towards the sunset like we did, all those months ago..." He sighed to himself. 

" You're a man of your word, Ben." Y/n's voice echoed into Ben's ears.

He opened his eyes quickly, but didn't move. Ben loved to hear y/n's voice, but he couldn't bring himself to turn around, to face the provenience of her voice. Even though it seemed to be everywhere, there was always one spot where y/n's voice would always be focused on, and Ben tried to avoid looking in that direction as much as he could, because he knew she wasn't really there, in this living world.

" Hello, love. You're right on time for a sunset. The one this evening is particularly beautiful." Ben hummed, taking in another deep breath as a tear dripped down his cheek. " It's been a while since I've heard your voice."

" I know, I'm sorry... We can say the Netherworld hasn't been at rest lately." She sighed. " I'm glad we can finally enjoy this sunset together. Like we said we would."

Together... That was a contradicting word for Ben. What did it really mean? He didn't have a clue. Y/n and him could be considered together: they talked, they enjoyed sunsets together, and it felt fulfilling, but they weren't united. A whole realm split them apart. The living world and the Netherworld of the force, even if connected for deceased force users, they were still two separate worlds.

He wasn't ungrateful though. Ben couldn't be more thankful that he still had a way to communicate with his lover. It was times like this since the first time they'd met, back when he was Kylo Ren, serving under Supreme Leader Snoke, that y/n and Ben could talk calmly, without needing to hide their love, or watch out for galactic threats. 

" Me too." Ben nodded. 

" Have you heard from Rey, lately? How is she?" Y/n asked. Ben found that admirable. That even if she wasn't part of this world, y/n would always concern herself about it first. The living world and the people in it were her priority.

" I don't know. She left for Tatooine a little after our last talk." He explained. " I haven't heard from or seen her since then. But I have a feeling she's doing fine. She has BB-8 with her, after all."

" I think you're right, too. BB-8 is a trustworthy droid, after all." She joked.

" I bet he is. That little guy lasted long, that's for sure." Ben hummed, moving his hands from behind his back to his torso, still holding onto the lightsaber hilt.

" It's the first time I've seen you carry the Darksaber." Y/n commented after a few seconds of silence. " You're worthy of it, you know? Vizsla thinks so, too."

" Really? I'm glad I get the approval of its creator." He chuckled under his breath, opening his eyes. " I felt the need to keep it, as a physical anchor of some sort. It sounds selfish when I say it, though..."

" Not at all." She hummed. " I'm glad you kept it, Ben. It belongs with you."

" It's with you it actually belongs." Ben sighed, looking down towards the shiny marble ground. 

There was a short moment of silence, none of them spoke, not like they knew what they could answer to a comment like that, at least Ben didn't. He never wanted to say something like that, afraid it would ruin the short amount of time they had to talk, so he'd mostly kept quiet and enjoyed the sunsets with her.

 " If that's the case..." Y/n broke the silence. Her voice sounded louder, and closer to him this time. " I'd like to hold my lightsaber."

Ben gasped at her answer, his whole body tensing in the process. Something warm slid it's way onto his right shoulder, and rested firmly on top. He slowly drifted his gaze towards it, and when he did, his breathing hitched at his throat.

It was a hand. And not just anyone's hand. It was y/n's delicate yet firm one. It wasn't the semi transparent bluish glow that he'd expected a corporeal force ghost form to have. No- this one was real. It was a hand of flesh and bone, and it released the warmth of life. 

Ben's glance trailed down her hand, towards an arm, and eventually a full silhouette, shorter than his. He had done it, he'd finally turned around and faced the truth, which wasn't remotely close to what he thought it would be.

Y/n stood in front of him, with her arm still outstretched, and her warm hand had made its way to his cheek. Ben had stopped breathing at that point, and yet he'd never felt so alive before. He was completely frozen in place, and it seemed y/n was, too.

They both stared at each other confused, surprised, relieved, lovingly, and any other emotion that could be thought of. " Y- y/n..." Her name escaped his lips. " Y- you... H- how... A... Al- alive..."

" We did say we'd be together in this life or the next." Y/n smiled at him as tears streamed down both their cheeks. " But I prefer this life, Ben."

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