Chapter 71, Finding wounds

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/ First Person Protagonist POV / 

My mouth opened slightly and then closed shut, trying to get as much air in, I felt asphyxiated by his soothing voice in my head. 'Hi...' I mentally told him, hoping he would hear me too. There was no reply, and I sighted in disappointment. Dammit. I'll force him to teach me how to do that. I told myself as I looked at my shoes. The room was so silent, as always. Except now I couldn't hear the machinery as loud as I usually could. Mando tightened his gloved hand around my wrist, but not to hurt me. I knew he meant to tell me good luck, and, you'll make it out of this, I know you will. I tried not to smile at my new friend, but a little smile began curving on my lips.

" The Mandalorian." Kylo said in his robotic tone, reminding me I had to keep an act up. " Good work." 

Mando nodded slightly, but it seemed as he had kneeled a little to Kylo's comment. Odd. " You will be rewarded generously for your services to the Final Order." Kylo mentioned. " Captain Phasma, escort the bounty to the private holding cells." He ordered as Phasma grabbed my knuckles and dragged me out the command room. I looked back to see Mando perhaps for the last time, and catch a glimpse at Kylo's mask once more. 

Captain Phasma dragged me around The Finalizer's halls, some which I had never seen before. We arrived in front of a door, which didn't open automatically like the other ones, and it was guarded by two stormtroopers on each side. Captain Phasma entered a code in a hologram that popped up on the wall and the heavy doors slowly began opening. The two stormtroopers moved to the side as me and the captain walked inside.

It was a small room, there was five small cells with an electric shield instead of a cell door. Captain Phasma disactivated the shield and pushed me inside the cell. I winced in pain as my abdomen wound hit the cold floor. " C- captain Phasma..."  I muttered. She had always been so heartless and cold towards me, but Phasma had also been my mentor and trained me every day, even with my constant complaints.

Captain Phasma looked down at me, and I could feel the disappointment in her eyes from behind her helmet. She was actually believing my acting, but part of it was real, and not a façade. " Please..." I whispered as she activated the electric shield and left the room. 

I sat down on the floor, leaning against the cold titanium wall of the cell and closed my eyes, starting to smile once again. Even if my situation wasn't the best at the moment, the plan had been a success. There had been a couple obstacles and misfortunes over the past days, but here I was: in The Finalizer. I had done my part of the plan, and now it was Kylo's turn to get me out of here and somehow make me regain my freedom I had before when I was his apprentice. 

I leaned my hand against my stomach and winced in pain, my wound... I lifted the bottom of my shirt, which was a little stained, and peeked at my abdomen: a couple stitches had come undone, probably when Captain Phasma had thrown me in the cell, and now my deep cut Djarggi had inflicted was bleeding once more. Dammit! I lamented as I ripped part of the shirt and pressured it on the injury, trying to prevent the blood for coming out. This one will definitely get infected. Probably already is. I rolled my eyes as I tried to find a comfortable position to sit and tend to my wound.

I started humming calmly, to a song I hadn't heard ever before, but I knew it somehow. Thankfully there are no stormtroopers to witness my over happiness. I joked as I tilted my head from side to side at the calming beat of the song, trying to focus my attention on something other than the pain in my lower stomach. Tend to your injury, y/n. Do not ignore your pain: face it... The little conscience in my head whispered. I shot my eyes open and looked around, as if anyone was there. " W- what?! Now you talk to me? Who are you?!" I whispered into the air, a little angry. There was a long pause of silence in my mind before I heard it again. 

The wound y/n. That is what matters, not I. It said. I was startled, the little voice had never replied to me, it had never acknowledged any of my questions about it before. " My poor self. I'm going completely out of my mind." I lamented as I listened to what my little voice said, and I took another look at my wound. The piece of clothing I had wrapped around it was soaked with my own blood, and it was beginning to drop out. 'Kylo... Where are you?! Hurry up!' I mentally tried communicating with him again, as I ripped one of the sleeves from the shirt and wrapped it around the wound.

As if the all powers and mysteries of the galaxy had heard my pleading, the doors of the room slowly started opening, and I could feel the presence of my lover entering. He walked towards me, and I tried standing up, but my wound wouldn't allow me to. As the big, heavy doors closed, Kylo took off his mask and deactivated the electric shield, kneeling next to me. 

" Kylo..." I whispered as I smiled at him and placed a hand on his cold cheek.

His expression remained unreadable and cold, but his eyes were full of emotions and watery. " W- who did that to you?.." He asked in a shaky voice as he stared at the small puddle of blood that dripped onto the floor.



Anyways, I'm sorry it took so long to publish this chapter :(

I'm feeling ill, and my social battery got exhausted, so today wasn't really my day... Maybe this will be the only chapter I have for you guys today, maybe not, I still don't know.

THEY'RE TOGETHER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MADE MY DAY!

I wish the best to all of you!

- Camille

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