Chapter 148, Fade

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/ First Person Protagonist POV /

Strong arms wrapped around me tightly, not seeming to give any chance to let go. I was still trying to open my eyes to see for myself, but I knew in whose embrace I was in. It felt right, comfortable, and soothing. 

I eventually found the little strength to open my eyelids slowly with tears following behind, and I weakly lifted my arms to wrap them around Ben's neck. It was him. He was alive. Rey had done it. She had revived him through their force dyad. I dug my face into the crook of his neck and sobbed, while also laughter of relief escaped my lips. 

He moved to the side so I'd be sitting with my legs above his, almost wrapping around his waist in a full koala hug. I wouldn't let go, even if I lost my strength, I wanted to stay next to him for all eternity. I thought I'd lost him forever, and I couldn't seem to want to deal with that fact.

 Now that he was back to life, it would be impossible for me not to want to spend every moment possible with him. I knew I wouldn't have a lot. There wasn't a large chance I would walk out of Exegol alive, not that I could walk, anyways. 

" Y- y/n..." His soothing voice whispered as he tightened his grip around me. 

" Ben!" I exclaimed, feeling as drained as before, but lively, now that I knew he was safe and well. I leaned back to take a look at his face, and at the sight of his warm brown eyes, tears streamed down my cheeks non stop. 

There were no words to describe what and how I was feeling. I felt alive, more than ever, even with the physical pain and the exhaustion of being drained of all my energy, I felt lively, because he was here. The feeling of relief was stronger than the pain, so I was able to ignore it.

" You're injured." Ben frowned as he looked at my leg. 

" Quiet now." I hushed him with a smile. " That's not important. But... This is."

I cupped both his cheeks in my palms and pulled Ben's face towards mine, locking our lips together. He placed his hand behind my head to keep it there, as if he didn't want the moment to stop. It was a sweet and tender kiss. One that expressed true love, and how strong it was between the two of us. 

Our lips eventually parted, and me and Ben leaned our foreheads together, chuckling and smiling like little idiots. In the cold planet of Exegol, I finally felt warm. Ben's arms around me were warm, his smile was warm, the expression in his eyes were as well. 

Rey cleared her throat slightly from behind me, and I swiftly looked over my shoulder, nervous. " Oh- Right. Sorry. You're here." I stuttered. " Uh... You must have some questions? How do I say this? Uh-"

" Don't worry about it, y/n." She shook her head, smiling at me. " I've had my doubts ever since you left D'Qar. I knew you wouldn't leave us because you wanted to be with the First Order, so I deduced it was because of a special someone that you left. Now I know who stole your heart. I must admit it is a little shocking at first, but I guess it makes sense."

" I- yeah." I chuckled, scratching the back of my neck as I slightly coughed, feeling an odd sensation in my lungs, but it wasn't overwhelming, so I ignored it. " I do tend to make things obvious, don't I?"

Rey and Ben laughed at my comment, I only looked at the ground, a little nervous. " I'd like to thank you for saving me, Rey." Ben said as he played with a strand of my hair with his hand. 

" I couldn't have done it without y/n." Rey replied. " Her will to save you is what did."

I looked back at Ben, who cupped my jawline and stroke my cheek with his thumb. " My savior." He sighed, looking right into my eyes with so much love.

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