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"What's his status Jia?" Taehyung asked the paramedic with urgency as a young male casualty was rushed through the hospital on a stretcher, his body horrifyingly unresponsive.
"22 year old male named Jeon Jungkook. He was found having up to five consecutive seizures outside the front of his house, losing consciousness soon after. We have a faint pulse, but his breathing is dangerously shallow. The cause and any living health issues are not yet identified." The female paramedic replied, Taehyung nodding as he devised a plan while running alongside them.

"It may be an aneurism, or even something worse. We need a cranial CT scan immediately! Prepare theatre for an emergency craniotomy to occur directly afterwards." Taehyung announced to the other doctors that were on site, gaining quick nods as they all rushed off to their respective areas.

Taehyung was well aware of what these symptoms could mean. It was definitely a cause of an issue in the young man's brain, but he hoped to God that it wasn't what he thought it was.

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