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"Thinking? About what, hm?" Taehyung asked, Jungkook shrugging with a deep sigh that caused Taehyung to feel slightly concerned.
"About... life." He replied in a half mumble, Taehyung frowning and tilting his head as a sign for him to elaborate.

"About... what I'm gonna do. I can't work, I'm gonna have to give up dancing, I can't go to the gym or work as a trainer. And I'll never meet anyone now that I'm gonna be wheelchair bound for the rest of my life." Jungkook said with a non-humorous chuckle, looking up to the person who he considered more of a friend than a doctor. Okay, maybe he had the slightest crush on him, but who wouldn't? Taehyung was truly the kind of handsome doctor that was depicted in movies, maybe even more so. And not only did Jungkook feel like he could trust him, Taehyung somehow managed to be caring and stern at the same time. It was admirable.

"Aigoo, that's not true. I can help you to work out how to go on once you get out of here in the future. And I don't think people love you just for your legs now, do they? You have the looks, Kook." Taehyung said with a playfully raised eyebrow, Jungkook smiling and shrugging a little.
"I hope they don't. Thanks hyung." He replied lightly, Taehyung chuckling quietly and handing Jungkook a notebook.

"Whenever you have a nightmare or have thoughts that you want to say but can't, write them down here. You can show Jimin, myself, or even no one if you don't want to share them, but I've realised that you seem to be keeping a lot to yourself. Hiding away will hinder your recovery, I'm telling you that." Taehyung said with a knowing look, Jungkook slowly taking the notebook and pen from Taehyung's hands, and nodding in thanks.

'Damn, this doctor reads me like a book.'

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