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Taehyung had called a couple of nurses to assist him upon Jungkook's waking up, getting them to change his medication and gently check his healing wound on his head so that they could replace the dressing, all while the younger was conscious and confused. Yet he still had this one person beside him. The stranger that had dragged him from his nightmare. Who was he?

He tried to ask, but with a throat that felt like sandpaper and a tongue that didn't want to cooperate, it came out as more of a groan and a mumble than anything decipherable. Taehyung smiled at the attempt but shook his head, leaning over Jungkook so that the younger could see him clearly.
"Your voice hasn't had any activity for a little while and your throat is gonna be sore from the tubes, so give it some time before you try talking. Only when you're ready." The doctor said with a gentle smile, Jungkook blinking and furrowing his eyebrows as he noticed that the person standing above him was indeed a doctor. And a handsome one at that.

Taehyung could see the confusion in Jungkook's eyes, giving the exhausted male another smile before he spoke.
"I know you have many questions you want to ask Mr Jeon, and they will all be answered, but not right now. You must rest. I'll check up on you tomorrow." Taehyung said, making sure that Jungkook had registered his words before nodding to the nurses and leaving the room.

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