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Taehyung practically ran into the water with Jungkook on his back, the younger screaming in fits of laughter as the cold water splashed up his body. He still found it strange and disorienting how he couldn't feel it the same on his legs, but he pushed those thoughts aside, clinging tightly onto Taehyung with a huge grin as the brunette ducked down so that their torsos were submerged.

"Fuck! That's cold." Taehyung shouted, only causing Jungkook to laugh more. Taehyung unhooked his arms from around Jungkook's legs, allowing the younger to swivel round so that they were facing, before placing his hands under Jungkook's butt and hoisting him out of the water, catching the ravenette slightly by surprise. Taehyung bit his lip as Jungkook cradled his head, the two of them giggling together.

"Ya, you're getting more buff! Are these abs I see?" Taehyung said with wide eyes as he took in Jungkook's shirtless form, leaning forwards and pressing light kisses into Jungkook's torso that made the younger shiver and chuckle.
"Taeee." He whined, Taehyung just laughing and leaning his head back to lock eyes with Jungkook's doe ones once more.

"My baby has been working hard." Taehyung said with a smirk that soon transferred into a grin, Jungkook holding Taehyung's face between his hands as he mirrored the smile his boyfriend was giving him.
"So has mine." He beamed, leaning down and capturing the older's lips with his own.

The kiss was full of love, full of trust, full of happiness. A pure happiness that told them that this day would be one of their best, with many more to come. The way their lips fit together was perfect, almost like a jigsaw puzzle, as if they were simply made for each other.

And perhaps they were.

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