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Jungkook got so used to living with Taehyung in his house that he couldn't help but feel rather lonely when Taehyung was at work. The older had a lot of patients to see to, and operations to take part in to the point where he was working more hours than he generally would. He was on call for hours on end, overseeing emergencies and taking charge where necessary. This meant that he was really starting to become quite stressed, but being able to come home and cuddle his boyfriend was all that he needed to keep going and be prepared for the next day.

Jungkook found a few things to keep himself busy. He went to the gym every other day for an hour or two, met up with Jimin or Yoongi when they were free, went on a journey around the park, and even started learning guitar when he'd found the old wooden instrument stuffed into one of Taehyung's cupboards. It was alright, but Jungkook honestly wanted nothing more than to stay with Taehyung all the time.
He was clingy as heck, and Taehyung loved it, but it did mean that being left at home alone was nothing but dull as he prepared for Taehyung to return in the evening, waiting for him every day like an excited puppy.

He'd quickly gained a part-time job position at the gym as a receptionist thanks to his colleagues, but he still had his psychotherapy and physiotherapy to focus on for now, so doing more was the least of his worries. Besides, he'd done quite well for himself in the past and had plenty of money saved, so he started helping Taehyung pay for the house and energy bills. For now, he was just watching a movie, waiting for Taehyung to come home.

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