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A few days after Jungkook's heart surgery, his vitals were showing signs that he could wake up soon, and luckily for Jimin it was now the weekend so he rushed to the hospital to stay with his best friend, Yoongi with him. Jimin had been worried sick since their last visit, and after being told that Jungkook had a heart attack, he struggled to sleep with nightmares and worries flooding his mind.

Yoongi had stayed with Jimin in his and Jungkook's apartment for those few days, ensuring that he could be there to cuddle him and reassure him that Jungkook would be alright; he just had to be. Jimin wished that Jungkook would find someone like Yoongi to love and look after him, because truthfully, they didn't know if he'd be alright. He needed someone.

So they didn't waste any time in coming to visit him, awake or not.

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