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Jimin had to leave the next day for work, getting Jungkook to promise that he'll be alright being alone until he can come and visit again. Jungkook gave him the promise that he asked for, but on the inside he knew he was lying. Being alone right now scared him more than it ever had, and he just wanted someone to tell him everything was going to be okay.

But that was the thing.

Things weren't okay. Jungkook didn't feel okay. He threw up the night before because a mixture of anxiety and his pounding headache had unsettled his stomach, causing him to break into a sweat and feel immediately nauseous. The sensation had since passed, but it didn't make him feel any less restless.

Jungkook's neck brace had been taken off the previous night after the incident, which allowed him to move a little more, despite the aches and groans it brought with it. He had also got a nurse to put his bed into a sitting position, finally being able to take in the room around him. A floral mural decorated the far wall of the room, suspended over the one small couch that sat by the door. Not quite as scary as a hospital room could potentially be, but no less lonely.

Jungkook would have walked over and sat down on it if he could. But he couldn't. He really couldn't and he didn't know why. He stared at the unmoving hills that were his legs under the sheets, trying with all of his willpower just to bend his knee, flex his muscles, shift his feet. Anything.


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