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That evening, once Jungkook had been sent a new nurse to keep an eye on the feverish boy, Taehyung had been called into his boss' office; the head of the hospital.

This cannot be good.

He knocked thrice on the office door, not having to wait a second before he was called to enter the room.

"Come in."

Taehyung walked into the room, his boss making a nod of acknowledgement and signalling for him to take a seat across the desk that he sat behind.

"Taehyung, it has come to light that you are in somewhat of a relationship with a current patient. Is this true?"

Seems as if Shireen had got round to telling people. Great.

"...yes sir."

"And you're aware of how unethical this relationship between doctor and patient is, and how it goes against the rules that we stand by in this hospital?"

"Yes sir, but-"

"Then why do you insist on becoming attached to this man, when he will be released in the coming weeks?"

"Because I love him, sir. Is that so wrong?"

Hearing the hurt in his employees' voice, Taehyung's boss sighs and brings a hand across his own face.

"Taehyung, I'm not sure what to do here. I obviously can't control who you fall for, or who the patient falls for, but I simply can't have this. I won't fire you, because heck this place needs you more than anyone, and I know you won't do anything stupid. But you need to keep this relationship under wraps, okay?"

"Yes, thankyou sir."

"That means no staying in the patient's room when you should be at work, or at night. And you should not be seen openly together until he is discharged, understood?"


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