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Taehyung was relieved to find Jungkook asleep when he entered the room, taking a moment to register the boy's peaceful face and hoping that it lasted for as long as possible. He took a seat on the sofa by the door, making notes on his phone and looking up every now and again to check on Jungkook. Something deep in his gut told him that something was gonna happen, something bad, and he didn't like it one bit because when Mr Kim has a hunch, it's always true.

And he didn't have long to find out.

Jungkook suddenly say bolt upright from a nightmare, a sharp gasp passing his lips as his body trembled almost feverishly. Taehyung doesn't think he's ever shot up from a chair so fast in his life, making his way quickly over to the younger who was whimpering and trembling.

"Hey, Kook-ah, hey hey it's alright." Taehyung soothed hurriedly, but Jungkook gritted his teeth and shook his head, tears licking at his eyes as he clutched at his chest.
"P-pain." He gritted out, gasping for air as a stabbing pain raged through his ribcage, beads of sweat forming on his forehead.
"In your chest?" Taehyung asked in immediate concern, the other barely managing to nod as he couldn't even cry because the sudden pain was so intense. It wasn't like the constrictive chest pains that would occur during panic attacks, it was a sharp and sudden pain that overwhelmed the younger as he could even cry because it was so much. That's when a distinct beeping could be heard from beside them, piercing though the sound of Jungkook's strained and shallow breaths.

Taehyung quickly turned his head to Jungkook's heart monitor, swearing under his breath and hitting the emergency button as he immediately worked out what Jungkook was suffering from.

A heart attack.

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